How could the Pacifica network, which KPFA listeners and staff fought to make accountable a decade ago, now go to war with local staff and listeners?
Listen to this short audio clip (7 minutes) of SaveKPFA-affiliated board member Matthew Hallinan explaining the big picture on Friday’s KPFA Local Station Board Show. You can find the entire show here (50 minutes), including many interesting listener call-ins and a dramatic performance at the half-hour mark by Pacifica/KPFA board member Tracy Rosenberg.
Meanwhile, twelve members of the local station board have written an open letter to KPFA’s interim general manager Andrew Phillips objecting to what they say is “completely inappropriate” behavior on his part toward the station’s journalists, after they broke the story of a $15,000 donation from Goldman Sachs to Pacifica. The board members’ letter also reiterates questions about management’s sweeping program changes, including moving Flashpoints and Hard Knock Radio to the AM hours while refusing to restore the KPFA Morning Show.