Thank you for all your letters and calls in support of saving KPFA! Below is archived listener mail sent to SaveKPFA. More recent letters are on this listener letters page.
Name: DA
Adopt the [Sustainable Budget] proposal. Play funny, no money honey.
The listeners aren’t interested in their donations being used on law firms to screw the staff. The problem at KPFA does not stem from the staff or those that donate,
it is the clear management has not and can not manage the donating funding available to the station this suggests is not a time for another fund drive or lay offs , it’s time for a serious change in management.
Name: C
I continue to be upset about the end of the Morning Show. This program provided essential coverage of the Bay Area and cannot be replaced. I am withholding my membership renewal money until there is a fair labor mediation, as well as, provision for local programing in the early morning time period. I am not on one side or the other. I am a life long union person and an activist who is unhappy with the current situation.
Name: Janice Cedar
Please bring back the morning show ! My news in the morning is missing ? Where is it now that the staff of the morning show has been laid off ? Trust, where can I get the news feed I can trust ? This is an attack on the whole family at KPFA ! I am a long time listener & supporter living out of the country , I stream KPFA thru my itunes account all day long . Bring Back the staff on the morning show — we cannot ask enough! Power to the Peaceful , Janice Cedar
Name: ellen jennings
Subject: KPFA
To PNB Chair George Reiter:
Your national office has cancelled KPFA’s Morning Show, and also the scheduled November fund drive. These actions are completely irresponsible & unacceptable. You need to reverse these actions now and stop wasting KPFA subscribers’ contributions on attorney’s fees and other inappropriate deeds. KPFA supporters will not stand for this type of top-down management, so be advised to rethink your course.
Ellen Jennings
Name: robert dunn
Subject: reverse course
I’ve been a KPFA listener and supporter for 40 years. I’ve given money to the station. I am outraged that the Pacifica Board is once again playing games with our local station. It is time to end the strong-arm, top-down tactics and to begin acting responsibly. KPFA is the flagship station, it has done an effective job over the years of informing listeners of important issues regarding peace and social justice, and it knows how to use local autonomy and governance to the benefit of both the community and the broader society. It is unfair and unwise to act unilaterally with firings and other actions that infringe on local rights and decision-making. Please keep your hands off our station.
Respectfully yours,
Robert Dunn
Name: Suzanne Ristagno
Subject: Restore The Morning Show
Mr. Reiter,
Cancellation of The Morning Show as well as The November Fund Drive is fiscally irresponsable and very Harmful to KPFA!
It is such an illogical move; and KPFA Listeners are not tolerant of such logic!
We expect real solutions to problems; and Pacifica insults us with this thoughtless, authoritarian action! Reinstate “Our Morning Show,” and “Our
An outraged listener and volunteer of KPFA-
Suzanne Ristagno
Name: Maribeth Halloran
Subject: cancelling the Morning Show
Please re-evaluate the cancellation of the Morning Show. It offers excellent news on the global and local front. We get none of the latter when the LA station is run as a substitute. The Morning Show has cornered the market on good local news coverage — it’s position is corroborated by the fund-raising record the Morning Show has established. Unique local news. Unique fund-raising ability. Where’s the sense in cancelling this program? Without a strong supportive rationale, the cancellation looks retaliatory and political.
From: AG
Subject: Restore Refresh Revive KPFA
I like Uprising but it aint the Morning Show. Give us back our air; you make me feel lost in the morning. I live in Oakland, not L.A. There’s gotta be a better way to do things. And that means listening to the listeners.
From: JB
Subject: Morning Show
This is an outrage and a crime against diversity. There is no justification for this. We will continue to protest and to fight this ill advised decision.
I have donated money to KPFK. If this the Morning Show is not returned, I will not donate any more money!
From: JF
Subject: Morning show
We have been out of state and I just found out about the canceling of the Morning Show. KPFA has become minuscule babble…. The Morning Show was a light of intelligence. This with the 1 hour less of music each morning, has caused me to stop listening. I pick up Amy G locally. There is no more reason for me to listen to KPFA except on Sunday. We will not support a station that has no input. We will not give again.. and that is after 30 years of helping out KPFA. Bring back the Morning SHow and the music… We need intelligence and we need a break from all of the awfulness in the world. PS… I started to listen to KPFA because of the great early morning music and because of World Music, I grew to be an aware person.
Name: Kyle Oakes
Subject: Morning Show
I would like to express my disappointment with your decision to remove The KPFA Morning Show. I am a Fresno resident and a long time KFCF listener, with The Morning Show being one of the main reasons I tune in. Although I do enjoy Up Rising, The Morning Show was a little “closer to home” for me. I have supported KPFA/KFCF in the past with a donation, due to certain circumstances I was unable to do so this year. However, my planned donation for next year will be going elsewhere, unless The Morning Show is brought back on the air. I have also heard that my other two favorite shows, Hard Knock Radio and Flashpoints might also be in jeopardy of facing the same fate as The Morning Show. This troubles me as well. If this happens, not only will I choose not to support this wonderful source of progressive news, music and information, I will most likely turn my ear elsewhere as well.
Thank you,
Kyle Oakes
Name: Karen Kraft
Subject: The Morning Show
I am outraged that Pacifica executive director Arlene Engelhardt decided to fire the entire staff of KPFA’s Morning Show.
When she responded to on-air questions about why she was getting rid of the single largest source of pledges, she responded that the early time-slot is always the largest source of pledges.
The Morning Show is not just a time-slot, it is an historic and much loved Bay Area institution. If she had spent any time in the Bay Area listening to The Morning Show, she would know that.
Also, she expects the staff at KPFA to work for free, while she and other board members draw $80K + a year salaries.
If working for free is such an important part of the Pacifica business model, why aren’t her and the other board members working for free? At the very least they should earn no more than the average income of the staff that actually produces the news, less than $30K a year.
Arlene Engelhardt is doing her best to destroy KPFA, and should step down.
Name: Barbara Rozen
Subject: Morning Show disaster
I am a long term listener and supporter of KPFA. Until the recent demise of the Morning Show I listened to it every weekday morning. I am very angry and disappointed with the way this has been mismanaged. The anchors of the show, especially Aimee Allison were producing good programs even though I didn’t always agree with the choice of topics. The Morning Show was my main source for local news. Without it there is no reason for me to continue my support for KPFA as I can access Democracy Now on Link TV. I ask that you restore the Morning Show as soon as possible for the benefit of Pacifica and for the Bay Area members and listeners of KPFA.
Name: Terry Paris
Subject: Stop Holding KPFA HOSTAGE
To George Reiter, Chair, and the Pacifica National Board:
I ask that you immediately stop trying to destroy KPFA and to prevent this station from raising funds. It seems that you are deliberately trying to get KPFA to fail. Canceling The Morning Show, the station’s biggest money maker, as well as the mini fund drive in November is not the act of a fiscally responsible Chair and National Board. It seems at this moment that there might not even be the 4 day fund drive planned for mid-December.
In addition, spending large funds on expensive corporate lawyers cannot help both KPFA and Pacifica. It certainly seems to me that you have motives which you are not willing to divulge.
I have a question: when Executive Director Arlene Englehardt recently took a trip to Washington, D.C., she mentioned meeting with Lynn Chadwick and the possibility of Ms. Chadwick helping with some grant applications. As you should know, Lynn Chadwick was the Executive Director of Pacifica in 1999 when she and others tried to take over the Foundation, sell the assets, and make a profit. Considering Lynn Chadwick’s untrustfulness, no one at Pacifica or any of its stations should have anything to do with Ms. Chadwick professionally. In 1999 then KPFA manager Nicole Sawaya was questioning the very untransparent financial activities of the head of Pacifica. Although today’s situation may have other factors mixed in, the presence of Arlene working with Lynn and the lack of transparency in today’s fiscal situation, gives rise to suspicion.
You do not want KPFA to survive and I would like to know why.
Not only should Arlene be fired or forced to resign, so should the Chair and the National Board of Pacitica. You cannot be trusted and the outcome of whatever actions you engage in amounts to gross incompetence.
From: WK
Subject: Exec. Director and CFO out of touch
It is clear to me that the Executive Director and the Chief Financial Officer of Pacifica are out of touch with the listener/supporters of KPFA.
From: PL
Subject: Morning Show with Aimee Allison and Brian Edwards-Tiekert
I could not agree more with RMK who wrote he is “outraged that Pacifica’s managment used neoconservative and anti-union tactics under the disguise of a budget crisis.” Stating that Arlene Engelhardt, Executive Director “should step down and work for another more conservative media such as Fox”.
I could not have said it better myself! These actions are unacceptable! Arelene step down.
From: EW
Subject: Morning Show
Restore The Morning Show, it is a big fund raiser and also the reason I listen to KPFA and contribute to the station. Or does some covert government agency pay your bills? What is wrong with you?
From: RT
Subject: Outrage and Anger: Sack Englehardt
My family has been a supported of KPFK in Los Angeles, since the 1980’s WBAI in New York, and KPFA in Berkeley.
Englehardt belongs to the Glen Beck school of right wing journalism.
She is clearly out to destroy the station that is one of the sole sources of progressive journalism for millions of
The Morning Show must be brought, and Englehardt dumped to the tea party where she truly belongs. How she
ever achieved a position of senior management defies the imagination.
May my voice be echoed by thousands of others equally angry as I…..
From: BD
Subject: L.A. Doesn’t Cut it in Berkeley
Berkeley KPFA is the flagship: we deserve better than piped-in L.A. in the morning. No offense intended, but that’s why we live here and not in San Diego. Clearly there is some power politics at play in muzzling Brian Tiegert-Jones — the bean counters from Pacifica can’t stand the heat, and laid-off the Morning Show hosts as an act of revenge. Let’s right the ship and bring back the Morning Show.
From: NJ
I am a long-standing listener-sponser of both KPFA and KPFK (40+ years!). I am outraged that the recent decisions for “layoffs” has so disproportionately impacted people of color. As one of the few remaining voices of the progressive community in the bay area, it is vital that the staffing decisions promote opportunity for those with the least access and maintain the diversity of perspectives so missing in mainstream media. Your “fiscal management” rationale rings false and is highly questionable. The bottom line is that your actions are highly offensive to this progressive listener due to their racist and discriminatory impact.
From: NN
Subject: KPFA Morning Show
As a local elected official (Oakland City Council for 14 years), I need a broad array of news coverage and in depth interviews and analysis. That doesn’t happen many places and the KPFA Morning Show was one of the few places it remained and was popular. For those reasons, I don’t understand the show’s cancellation especially since it brought in more contributions than other shows. Please bring back the Morning Show.
From: MB
Subject: Reinstate KPFA Morning Show & staff
Dear George Reiter,
Pacifica’s actions in dumping The Morning Show and laying off its staff make absolutely no sense in the context of improving the station and its offerings. Eliminating one of the station’s best programs, and its best moneymaker, is an extremely destructive action that can only be interpreted as a political vendetta and seen as contradicting the network’s central purpose to uphold free speech.
The Paciica board needs to act to reverse course, and reinstate the program and its staff at once.
Sincerely, MB, an Oakland listener
From: BV
Subject: Morning show cancellation
At risk of abrading you slightly, How unutterably stupid. Surely this is tantamount to NBC cancelling the Tonight Show. Let’s get real. I’m a frequent listner and perhaps slighlty frequently contributor to KPFA from Freno simply because I like the point of view the station espouses and feel it important that varied views you present be heard, even those i don’t agree with. My subscription is up for renewal, by a good bit. With this pall hanging over the station I don’t know what I’d be donating to. Suggest you reinstate the Morning Show and all it’s people. Then I may consider a donation.
Bob Vogel
PS. My own thoughts I should add, unaided by any form letters or suggestions of others.
From: Diana Mars
Subject: Lack of a morning show
Rehire the morning show. They are one of your best assets.
Name: Kim Collet
Subject: Recent Layoffs
Arlene Englehardt,
I know you have received numerous letters about this and I don’t have anything to say that you haven’t already heard. My parents were charter members of KPFA and I’ve been a lifelong listener and subscriber. We fought 10 years ago to keep KPFA away from people like you and we will do it again. I’ve heard you on the radio several times now and have yet to hear a reasonable thing come out of your mouth. You clearly don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into, and the sooner you apologize and step out of the way, the better.
Kim Collet
Name: Larry Hager
Subject: The Morning Show and Staff
I was shocked by the sudden announcement that the Morning Show would be cancelled and the staff laid off. The only conclusion I could draw was that it was due to political reasons since it happened within a week that Pacifica was criticized. I had the belief that the staff had the freedom of speech to express their viewpoints but this doesn’t seem to be the case. I also had no idea that Pacifica had such power over KPFA and its staff. Can you please explain to me what your relationship to KPFA is, how you can have so much power over the station, and what justification you have to cancel the show and lay off the staff, particularly on such short notice. I agree with one of the previous listeners who stated that the Morning Show is the heart and soul of KPFA. I find it unconscionable that you could take such action would like to know why and how you took such action.
Name: Nancy Rowe
Subject: No Morning Show
I am severed from my community… no news, no connections to my political organizations, no announcements of events, protests, meetings, films, stage shows, music performances… no interviews w/ art curators, no book author talks… no updates on Palestine & Haiti, on crooks & fools… I have no where to go & nothing to hang on to w/o my Morning Show… every morning for 35 years.
How dare you do this to me. And my community. How dare you take my money & withhold my family & friends from me. You are FIRED! You & that smirking, sneering, giggling, distressing excuse for a CFO… you both sound like neurotic, power hungry, over-paid infiltrators to my station. I hope you are not. Either way… Get Out… NOW!
Name: Martin Gross
Subject: Save The Morning Show
Dear Ms. Englehardt,
Please rescind your layoff of the KPFA staff, and return “The Morning Show” to its usual slot. It is an invaluable asset to the Bay Area community.
We, the KPFA loyal listener-base ask for this.
Martin Gross
Name: RMK
Subject: I’m opposed to firing of Morning Staff
1. I’m opposed to the firing of the Morning Show staff. We listeners have invested in Pacifica and should be listened too.
2. As the representative of an progressive radio station, I am outraged that Pacifica’s managment used neoconservative and anti-union tactics under the disguise of a budget crisis.
3. Since you obviously do not understand what the responsibility of a manager of a progressive radio station is and are using antiquated and union busting tactics, you should step down and work for another more conservative media such as Fox.
Greetings, RMK
Name: nancy snedden
Subject: destruction of kpfa and pacifica
The actions of Arlene Englehardt are unbelievable and unacceptable. Her explanations of why she has pulled kpfa’s Morning Show make no sense. Once again, it appears that factions who want to destroy this station and this network are at it full bore. To summarily dismiss, without discussion, explanation or recourse, the most popular and one of the best staffed and highest-income producing programs, is outside the boundaries of democracy or decency–or the precepts of Pacifica and its stations. Ms. Englehardt must go: She gave herself away in her conversation with Larry Bensky when she threw in a statement about too much “spewing” of bias or some such nonsense (has she been listening to MSM for the last x years?) and then refused to acknowledge she’d said it or what it meant.
There are few enough places to get real news in this country any longer; The Morning Show, among two or three others on kpfa, has been for years my main source of keeping on top of what’s really happening in the world. I haven’t donated to the station over the years for it to turn into another NPR or become yet another mouthpiece for the powers that be.
The fight goes on. The loss of kpfa is not an option.
Name: Charlie Wambeke
Subject: KPFA politics
I am a senior citizen photographer who retired from my day four and one half years ago. I have been an avid listener and supporter (within my means) of KPFA since I first learned about Pacifica. I remember over a decade ago when Pacifica shut off all programming and played only music for weeks while trying to sort out plans to sell the network. Besides being a rank and file worker since the mid sixties, I was also an officer in the my local union. As I am more in touch with my own mortality every day, I am grieved to see the corporate institutions squashing the less powerful. At one time, I would have shouted this message from the rooftops, but I will now leave that to a younger generation. Although I want to keep KPFA, Free Speech radio and TV alive, I can only do so with limited fund donations. Now, when a station is in transition – firing dissenters (contrary to KPFA and Pacifica percpetion), your tactics only have the effect of diminishing the willingness of supporters, such as I, to even donate funds, lest they be used to to further managements’ repressive agenda.
A Loving supporter and sometimes volunteer,
Charlie Wambeke – San Francisco
Name: KRH
Are you kidding me? Laying off the only show that offers news of value in the morning? Ending the only program that offers a different point of view than the standard template of morning news? I live in Los Angeles, facing a 1.5 hour commute each morning. The Morning Show gets me to work feeling informed and enthusiastic. Please reconsider this terrible decision that you have made.
Name: MNH, MD
Subject: From a disappointed supporter…
I have supported KPFA to the tune of over $15,000.00 over the last 3-4 years. I was first disappointed by your cancellation of the the “Knight-Report” from “Flashpoints.” Now you have cancelled “The Morning Show.” Why?
The unity of independent media is more important than petty administrative differences. Citizens of all political persuasions need to support all forms of grass-roots media. Doing things like this does not seem like a step in the right direction, especially at a time when our corporate, mainstream media is in bed with the establishment controlling our government.
Name: Amy Marsh
Subject: Strongly Protesting Layoffs of Morning Show
Dear Ms. Englehardt,
I have been a KPFA supporter and member for several years. There are many excellent programs, including Democracy Now, Visionary Activist, Flashpoints, Guns and Butter, and others – but the Morning Show has been a bright and informative part of my day for over ten years. Almost every morning I’ve tuned in to at least a part of it – and when Andrea Lewis passed away, I felt as if I’d lost a friend on the airways. The newer staff, Brian and Aimee, have also become warmly trusted voices in my life.
I am absolutely blown away by the decision to lay off these talented and apparently productively lucrative people and their program. I don’t even turn on KPFA in the mornings now. I am seriously considering withdrawing any future financial support from KPFA. It seems to be pointless. I don’t know what you and others are trying to do to the station, but it’s counterproductive in terms of community goodwill and as well as income.
I have some experience in fundraising and I know you just can’t trash your staff AND your constituents (listener/supporters) and expect to succeed.
Please reinstate the staff and programming of the Morning Show.
Amy Marsh, DHS, ACS, CHt
Name: LN
Subject: Where is my morning show?
I have been a member of KPFA since 1980.
I donate money and can’t believe the morning show was cut.
This is insane.
I can’t believe this show was cut and yet once again Pacifica has become the enemy. We did this before when Mary Francis Berry was so out of touch with the listeners in the SF Bay Area…
We will do it again.
RESTORE the morning show – cut the budget of Pacifica and be transparent.
Name: Michael Allen
Subject: LA is not the Bay Area
I am not an intolerant person. I don’t hate Los Angeles or the people that live there Yet the sheer effrontery of broadcasting their morning show as if it was a valid replacement for our own perfectly good morning show with Brian and Amy makes me so mad at the idiots who did this that it’s hard to write any further without the use of language most vile! Go ahead – let your imagination run wild and when you’re done blushing put the efffing morning show back on with staff intact. Your personal vendetta is punishing all of northern California .You are very small people to do such a thing and if karma truly was instant you’d be hopping around Berkeley as toads. Honestly, leaving useless vitreal aside I should also point out you are inadvertantly destroying the hand that feeds you and houses you because without Brian and Amy and every one of staff of KPFA local bay area radio just might dry up and blow away. Thanks for your time Sincerely Michael Allen
Name: JGM
Subject: Don’t cut local programming
Dear Ms. Engelhardt,
I have listened to KPFA consistently for over nine years. During that time, I have contributed thousands of dollars to help keep the station operating. Why? KPFA has a variety of voices who are willing to challenge corporate assumptions and propaganda that saturate the “mainstream” media. The fact that most of its programming is locally produced means that these voices are attuned to local issues and perspectives, making the programs more relevant to local audiences. From what I understand, the people who bring KPFA alive are people to whom KPFA is a labor of love, volunteers and relatively low paid workers. Despite the recession, local listeners have kept the station afloat.
But now, I understand there is a “budget crisis,” and you have initiated draconian measures to deal with it. These measures, such as ending The Morning Show and cutting some of the most valuable local programs, that operate on a shoestring, replacing them with syndicated programs that lack the local outlook, will knock the life out of KPFA. I hope that is not your aim. The San Francisco Bay Area and the world would be losing a treasure and a vital resource in this time of crisis.
I understand that you also want an all volunteer station, but I think that would be a mistake. The current setup allows programmers, staff, and apprentices to develop a certain level of professionalism, that could be lost with an all volunteer regime.
The Sustainable Budget, proposed by KPFA staff, makes a lot of sense for cost cutting. If anything is cut, it should be the bureaucracy and nonessential activities. If you are making $90,000/year, perhaps you should consider takinga pay cut.
Whatever you do, don’t savage the programming that makes KPFA great!
San Jose
Name: Nedra Moore
Subject: Strengthen KPFA, don’t weaken it!
Ms. Englehardt: I heard you support KPFA in your interview on KQED’s Forum this week, but cancelling the Morning Show is exactly the wrong measure, as it’s contents are so badly needed, and it brings in the highest pledge earnings!
This morning I heard a program from the Los Angeles Pacifica affiliate on Eleanor Roosevelt, which, though interesting and informative, did not have the kind of urgent issue content which the Morning Show has had! Do whatever you can to restore The Morning Show! We’re counting on you!
Name: Joe Kenny
Subject: firing
What a dumb move to fire people on such a popular program. Please bring them back.
Name: Phillip Browne
Subject: KPFA Morning Show
Please re-instate the Morning Show and the staff associated with it. I listen to it every day on my way to work and have for many years. I am also a paid listener, making a sustainable EFT donation of $30. every month as well as additional donations from time to time.
Just what exactly IS going on here, anyway ? Firing the station’s consistently top revenue producing show does not make any sense to me.
Name: John Lionheart
Subject: Reinstate the fund drive
I’m a long time KPFA supporter and volunteer. Pacifica and KPFA are absolutely essential to the health of our democracy. Please rethink your actions, and re-instate the cancelled programs and fund drive which could be a huge success.
Name: Alfredo Chorro
Subject: Bring back the Morning Show.
I demand that you hire back the entire staff of the KPFA Morning Show–Aimee Allison, Brian Edwards-Tiekert, Laura Prives, and Esther Manilla.
Name: Peggy Rogers
Subject: firing the morning show staff
Dear Ms Englehardt,
I am appalled by your action against the KPFA morning show staff on many levels. The first is that Pacifica and KPFA are listener sponsored and are supposed to be run by the input of the listeners. This unilateral decision to fire the morning show staff against the wishes of the KPFA board and in disregard for the vote of confidence from the listeners by their financial support of the morning show during fundraising, is in direct opposition to the stated goals of Pacifica radio.
Second, I understand that their were other proposals for cutting costs that could have been considered and I would expect you to do so.
Third, the morning show is a local show featuring news, local politics, local events, local entertainment and local social issues. You have replaced it with a canned program.
And fourth, if this is a political move, I would hope that you had better skills for dealing with difficult situations that to summarily dismiss a whole show.
Please reconsider your decision and let’s negotiate with staff and local board to come up with a solution to our budget crisis in a way that creates a win, win situation.
Thank you for your time and attention.
Peggy Rogers, long time listener and supporter of KPFA
Name: Constance Hunter
Subject: KPFA Layoffs
Your recent decision to layoff the staff of the morning show is a decision to cutoff the hand that feeds you. Donors to KPFA are voting with their dollars for programming, such as the Morning Show; they are not voting for the maintenance of the bureaucracy and for more of the same old same old that we receive at no cost from other media.
I urge you to save KPFA by restoring the Morning Show staff and taking a hard look at the sustainable budget that was prepared by the union.
Connie Hunter
Name: Marianna Tubman
Subject: Morning show firings.
I listen to the Morning Show, and I am told it is one of the programs that is most popular and that brings in the most donations. This is understandable because it is LOCAL, is INFORMATIONAL and is of GENERAL INTEREST (unlike many programs which are of very specialized interest such as Grateful Dead music or disability awareness). So I was stunned that GM Arlene Engelhart decided to abruptly fire the 4 staff and replace the program with a program from Los Angeles. Which is some 300 miles away, it’s not exactly next door!
This action sounds like it is designed to doom KPFA to extinction. Like many of the budget cuts promoted by Schwarzenegger and Republican leaders and even some Democrats (such as closing state parks) it is penny wise and pound foolish – saving a few dollars but causing far more problems than it solves.
Please reinstate these state and continue with local programming. If you need to cut budgets, drop midnight-6 am programming, and mention local businesses who donate money to KPFA (i.e. running ads for LOCAL small businesses.) Like 1090 KPTK does.
PS I am a monthly donor, and as a monthly donor, I don’t qualify for donation premiums or even recognition during pledge drives. If you need more $ how about recognizing monthly donors during pledge drives and perhaps offering some small gift.
Thank you.
Name: RS
Subject: The Morning Show
I turned on the radio to listen to the KPFA. The program was from LA which replaced the Morning Show. It was so foreign to me. I didn’t know if I was in the Bay Area or LA? Pretty sad… Our area is a most liberal place in the whole nation if you think deeply. You sabotaged the KPFA, and crippled the only liberal station in the bay area. This is almost like a war with libertarian for what you have done. There is no other station can unify all of us like KPFA. It is a very serious issue that something have to be fought for. This is another example that people lost their right or what they pay for. You can certainly blame the ecomony but yourself. We are not blind, and you are no fool, either.
Name: Mal Singer
Subject: I need KPFA’s Morning Show
Dear Ms. Englehardt,
I have been commuting from Oakland to San Francisco every workday since 1975, and every morning I have listened to the Morning Show. It is the one program (other than Democracy Now) which keeps me sane in this insane political climate. The Bay Area will be a much poorer place without this very important news and analysis source.
You have removed our heart and soul. Please restore the Morning Show to give knowledge, power, and strength to the progressive Bay Area community.
Thank you.
Mal Singer
Name: Suzanne
Subject: morning show
How can you come in and destroy the program that is consistently excellent and brings in funding. Are you more interested in opinions, blogging, and Fox news type ranting? What kind of progressive radio are you envisioning? You are the authors of destroying the station.
Name: Saraswathi Devi
Subject: current budget dispute
Dear Ms. Englehardt –
As a KPFA listener-supporter since 1966, I am shocked that the Pacifica Board in general and you in specific cannot see a better way to save this profoundly important resouce. Why would you terminate the staff of the station’s best money maker? And, why do you insist on pulling in an inflated salary for yourself? And, why will you not disclose what that salary is, after many have asked you to?
Have you forgotten the origanal mission of Pacifica and KPFA? It seems that you have and if so, shame on you.
Please reverse your temination of the Morning Show staff and find better ways to preserve our station.
Saraswathi Devi
Berkeley, CA
Name: Julene Weaver
Subject: Reinstate Morning Show
What’s this I hear about canceling the Morning Show!? Can you really afford to make such a decision? It will backfire. Why are you destroying a perfectly good show that is very popular? It makes no sense and I suggest you backtrack and apologize. In addition, I think you should resign from your position and let someone who is in synch with the audience run the station.
Name: Sue Martinez
Subject: Bring back the Morning Show or return my pledge money
Hi, I pledged online last month and said my pledge was contingent on keeping The Morning Show intact. Please return my $60 pledge or return the Morning Show to its five days a week slot with the existing hosts. Thank you.
Sue Martinez
Name: Marian J. Cole
Subject: The Morning Show
Ms. Engelhardt,
I am asking you to reinstate the Staff of the Morning Show. Removing these valuable people and this highly informative show from the air is not in anyone’s interest and is so very detrimental to the needs of all of us, especially at this time in our Country.
Marian J. Cole
Name: Martha Jarocki
Subject: Morning Show
I’m so disappointed that you have chosen to lay off the staff of the Morning Show, it’s a very important locally produced show for the Bay Area. I’m also, as a member who voted in the recent election, very saddened that you have chosen not to adopt the KPFA sustainable budget put forward by the newly elected local board. In this political climate we need KPFA stronger than ever.
Name: Carol Rose
Subject: KPFA: Morning Show
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; My husband and I listen every AM to the morning show. We have been members of KPFA’s subscribing audience for many (since Elsa Knight Thompson days) years. We depend on KPFA and the morning show for information about our Bay area, as we do not watch TV. We also enjoy the intellectually stimulating programing that KPFA broadcasts. NPR la la type conversations does not interest us. KPFA, as exemplified by Morning Show, Against the Grain, Dennis Bernstein, etc. etc. is what we want. I just donated $100.00 at the request for funds from the Morning Show, and that is exactly where I want it to go. We are seniors with a limited income and we depend on superior broadcasting from KPFA for information and entertainment.
I strongly object to Ms. whats her name apologizing several times yesterday to the audience for the discusssion that took place on the airwaves. We are not children here; Ms. whats her name does not need to apologize to us because KPFA personnel are doing what we want, and what we pay for.
Name: Gayle Mills
Subject: Outraged by firing!
I’m outraged that you, Ms. Englehart and Ms. Williams, would fire the hosts of the Morning Show! After hearing you on the November 8th show, I found your reasons shallow and opaque.
As a KPFA listener, subscriber and voter for over 15 years, I find your behavior out of character for this radio station. You clearly had not done your homework and should reverse this unfounded move and apologize to those affected by your actions. After this damage control, you need to adopt the sustainable budget presented by KPFA’s union. Maybe then we will not push for your recall.
Name: Bernie
Subject: “unorthodox” Morning Show broadcast
Hi Arlene
I have been a kpfa subscriber and volunteer since 1990. I now live in Maine. I still subscribe, and listen to the station online.
I wanted to let you know that I listened to the Nov. 9 broadcast of the Morning Show. You repeatedly stated that you considered it bad radio and “unorthodox.” I want to let you know that I enjoyed listening to it. I appreciate you spending time on-air with us. It helps with transparency, which was such a problem with the kpfa administration in power during the last crisis.
I hear that there is a lot of misunderstanding between the sides of this crisis. I also hear that all of you honestly care about the station. I hope that all of you can reach an agreement.
To me, it seems that utilizing some of the proposals from the union will help to save money while maintaining the quality of programs offered. You keep repeating that the station is not attempting to deal with their financial problems, yet you have denied the proposals. That doesn’t make sense to me. It sounds like you only want them to deal with the issues in YOUR way. Perhaps there are other ways to be successful. I encourage you to look again at the sustainable proposal.
KPFA has long been the flagship Pacifica station, filling holes in funding in the other stations. It houses Pacifica offices, saving the organization rent and upkeep costs. It does not seem out of line to ask Pacifica to pay their way.
You ask why, since kpfa programs are broadcast on kpfk, why can’t kpfk programs be broadcast on kpfa. You also state that any program in the Morning Show timeslot on any public radio station will be the top fundraiser. This is why it is important for it to be a program responsive to the local community. I spent almost 20 years in CA. LA is not Berkeley. KPFK cannot meet the demands of northern CA listeners. The two communities are entirely different. People won’t subscribe to a feed. Although you have a background in community radio, perhaps it is not applicable to the Bay Area and kpfa? I am also a subscriber to kwmr in Pt. Reyes, CA. It is a community radio station close in physical proximity to Berkeley and kpfa, yet much different. It does not have the hard-hitting journalism, yet is a valuable commodity in it’s own right, IMHO. Perhaps your station in FL was similar?
I want kpfa to remain a progressive voice, with hard-hitting journalism. With the rise of Fox news, Tea Party ignorance and shows that devolve into shouting matches such as Hannity and Glenn Beck, it is even more important for kpfa to maintain it’s strength and it’s quality journalism. Only kpfa is probing into issues that matter. Please keep hard-hitting journalists employed. Please keep them on the air. We need to counteract the voices of ignorance so prevalent everywhere else in the mainstream media. This cannot be done by someone doing it for free.
It is vital for me to know what is happening at the station. I care deeply about kpfa, even moreso since moving to Maine where there is no such voice.
Thank you for reading my email. I would love to hear a response from you.
Bernie Alie
Name: Sharon Reeves
Subject: KPFA’s Morning Show
To whom it may concern, Every morning I wake up to the morning show. This and Democracy now are the two programs I hardly ever miss. Please reconsider ending the morning show. I think this is a big mistake. Sincerely, Sharon Reeves
Name: Marshall Arnold
Subject: KPFA Morning Show
Arlene Englehardt
Executive Director
Pacifica Radio Network
Dear Arlene,
Please reinstate the Morning Show staff at KPFA, and put the
show back on the air. We need more progressive radio,
not less.
Marshall Arnold
Chicago, IL
Name: Kent W. Marshall
Subject: The Morning Show on KPFA
Ms. Englehardt,
Are you sure you realize what you are doing?
This is not the same question as: Do you have a reason for what you are doing
–and history be damned.
Kent W. Marshall
(Past subscriber and KPFA volunteer)
Name: Ken Saffier
Dear Pacifica Management,
I’ve been a listener to Pacifica for over 40 years. My message is simple:
Ken Saffier
Name: Dr. Eugene P. Coyle
Subject: resignation of Ms. Englehardt
Dear Ms. Englehardt,
I’m writing re KPFA’s financial problems and your willful response which appears intended to cripple the station, even if that is not your goal. The Morning Show is (or was) excellent with the two leads, Allison and Edwards-Tiekert who you have dismissed.
Both are outstanding hosts, and obviously work very hard. Aside from the quality of the show, it was a financial plus, and surely your action is a financial minus. For the viability of KPFA rescind your dismissals of these and other staff at once.
On another subject, why don’t you publically state your own income? You know what the people you are firing get paid — why can’t they (and I) know what you get paid? Hiding behind “it is not public information” regardless of whether that claim is true or not, isn’t good enough. You have a public trust and therefore a public responsibility to report, at once, your income from Pacifica.
I know a number of people have asked for their recent donations back. I will as well if you continue with destructive actions. You seem to be taking my donation and putting it into your own pocket while simultaneously destroying what I gave the money to preserve. Perhaps that will be grounds to sue you personally. Better will be your immediate resignation.
Eugene P. Coyle
Name: Raymond Neutra MD
Subject: Morning Show
As a long time supporter of KPFA I oppose your firing of the Morning Show staff and your refusal to adopt a budget that local staff have devised.
Raymond Richard Neutra MD Dr.PH
Name: Chuck Wilhelm
Subject: KPFA Layoffs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear KPFA, Brian and Amiee,
I am a GREAT SUPPORTER and Contributor of KPFA and the Morning Show with Brian and Amiee. I live in San Jose, CA. KPFA IS THE ONLY RADIO STATION THAT I LISTEN TO, MY SOURCE OF REAL NEWS!!! I am also an AVID Listener to Love Bonnie Faulkner and G & B, Mitch G and Letters, Against The Grain, Dennis Bernstein and Nora B. Friedman and Flashpoints, etc…, etc…!!! I WANT BOTH OF THEM, Brian and Amie BACK, ON THE AIR, NOW!!!! Or, NO MORE CONTRIBUTIONS TO Pacifica, thru KPFA!!!
I have Listened to Arlene Engelhart, Pacifica, explain her actions! When I listen to her talk, there is something inside me, intuition, whatever…, that says something MAJOR is WRONG HERE with her Actions!!! She is complaining that Brian and Amie are not Professional, BUT… ACTUALLY, Arlene is the one who sounds uninformed, NOT-Professional, seemingly nervous and being used by POWERS behind the scene at the Pacifica Board. What’s the REAL Agenda here?
It is INCREDIBLE, TOTALLY IRRESPONSIBLE that Pacifica and Arlene have NOT CONSIDERED the KPFA Union Proposal for $250K in Reductions in Costs at KPFA!!! Please Arlene, explain this rejection, OR YOU ARE THE ONE WHO SHOULD BE FIRED!!!???
It seems CLEAR to me that ARLENE has a HIDDEN AGENDA!!! Who are the Pacifica Board Members who are whispering in her ear, their names PLEASE ARELENE, KPFA…?, Network connections, International, Middle Eastern and Domestic Political Agendas???? Can someone please name them IF Arlene won’t? Where is this Coup Action of hers really coming from, who is she FRONTING FOR? Who is behind this Cabal, and what is their Agenda? First Nora Barrows Friedman, and now Brian and Amie??? Who’s her Next Targets?
What are the Provisions for the Re-Call of the Pacifica Board Exec Dir, Arlene?
BTW — I will only Contribute In The Future IF MY CONTRIBUTION no longer has 20% deducted, and then sent to the Pacifica Foundation. Guidance please??
And, can KPFA Legally Separate from Pacifica and Operate Independently. Let Arlene and Pacifica figure out how to Pay Amy Goodman and DN the $500K she and Pacifica owes Amy. KPFA, please develop a Proposal to CUT Pacifica’s Budget by $500K, to balance their Budget including Arlene’s Salary to bring it in line with Brian’s and Aimee’s.
And, can KPFA enter into a Separate Agreement with Amy G?
It strikes me that BRIAN-E T would be a MUCH BETTER Director of Pacifica than Arlene and her Political Agenda running…
Anyway, comments or guidance welcome…
Chuck Wilhelm
Subject: program destruction
Name: NL
Subject: Your Decisions
Dear Arlene Englehardt:
I am very distressed and disappointed by recent actions on the part of Pacifica management in cutting the Morning Show staff. I am not convinced by your explanation of the reason for the cuts as based on “seniority” among other factors. Furthermore, it seems clear that Pacifica did not fully explore and consider all the alternatives available. I am left to wonder if the cuts were made to advance Pacifica management’s political and financial agenda.
Without the morning show and its staff, and continued investment in programming, KPFA will decline and lose the support of a significant majority of its listeners. I do not intend to support KPFA unless I know my donations are invested in programming rather than supporting Pacifica, and unless Pacifica interactions with KPFA are transparent and democratic. It is extremely important to me that recent decisions be reconsidered. I urge you to think carefully in making future decisions.
Name: Shirley Lin Kinoshita
Subject: Reinstate KPFA Morning staff
I’m appalled that KPFA wants to layoff the entire morning staff which is a popular public forum for us listeners. Please don’t do this.
Name: NO
Subject: KPFK’s am programming SUCKS
Some way, some how, KPFA has to come up with a way that listeners can support the station without a dollar going to Pacifica. I could care less about what happens to the $%^&_)(*&^ Pacifica national board, we need to take care of our own! Even the sister station KPFK doesn’t have our backs by blocking the rebroadcast of their awful am programming, f-u them all.
Name: CKG
Subject: Your Eggregious Move – Cutting the KPFA Morning Show and its Staff
Arlene Engelhardt: You need to reinstate the employees of KPFA whom you have erroneously fired based on your 1) improper investigation of the budget issues and 2) illegal action against the union contracts governing KPFA employees. Furthermore, you cut a money-making, responsibly-managed show. Why didn’t you adopt the same slash and burn action towards programs that were not successful in ratings and money-making abilities? Who set you up for this move? Who decided to put you in the role of CEO to fire local employees? They got you becuase you are good at using draconian measures? You come in from the outside management of Pacifica and disrupt KPFA’s integrity and the lives of employees who are helping Oakland and KPFA without in earnest consulting and conferring with the employee’s union, the employees or even the community? You should give up your own $90,000 salary, donate it to help the financial cause of KPFA, and RESIGN your post. You are unfit to carry out your “position”, you are an incompetent and immoral person guided by corporate-greed. You should be ashamed of yourself and your actions! Shame on you!
Name: Ann Macmillan
Subject: Please resign Arlene Englehardt
Dear Ms. Englehardt,
After hearing your views on KQED Public Radio I’m even more convinced that for must resign ASAP to save the integrity of KPKA.
Your liftime of commitment to Peace and social justice can be served in better ways than in your current position
I want the Morning Show and it’s staff back on the air.
Thank you – Peace and Aloha
Ann Macmillan
KPFA Member
Name: Jean M. Brown
Subject: Morning Show
I have been a member of KPFA since the 1960’s. I want the morning show restored.
Name: Elayne Jones
Subject: KPFA Destroyer
God Help us if KPFA(an eventually Pacifica) is destroyed.
Having been a witness durng the past 2-3 decadesof various events in which there were anti progressive anti-working class factions which wanted to destroy KPFA as well asWBAI! I know what is happening now is no accident!.
I am sure this was planned to be executed in the event that the Republicans regained the House.
If the Morning Show, Against the Grain, and the Evening News are alloweD to fold, (as this would be the beginning if the end) there will be less non-commercial, corporate free network to offset the onslaught of the in coming Republican’ s wrath against the needs of the working and middle clsss citizens of US.
The evidence is this. If there is a financial crisis, why dump a good thing?
They say the Morning Show generated the most income of $500,000 during the fund drive? Then build on it. Repeat them at another time slot during the evening or on the weekends as is done on NPR. Imagine how much more funds could be raised because there would be more people lisening and contributing at a time avaiable to them because they would recognize that these are programs more than worthy of being preserved!!
IT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE! Unless they want to destroy rather than build.
I have no idea who Arlene Engelhardt is. AlllI know is that she is a CEO and their objective is to do the bidding of their corporartion while making $80,000 for them selves and mllins for te corporations ? Thus not answering to or caring for the needs of the people.Therefore,
With Power to the People , Peace and Harmony,
Name: Kim Norts
Subject: Why doesn’t the board pay it’s own expenses and leave KPFA alone?
To all Board Members of the Pacifica Foundation,
So let me get this right. KPFA’s outstanding news programming should be an all volunteer effort? Are you all loony or did you bump your heads getting out of the shower and become agents for the dark side?
KPFA is the flagship station for the Pacifica Foundation. One of the reasons this is so is because of it’s relevant professional news programming, excellent local coverage, well researched interviews and as one host says “in depth analysis”. Sorry to tell you folks this but local news from LALA land is not going to replace local news from the Bay Area. Not even for ten days. Only someone from Tampa, FL could make that decision and think the rest of us were not going to be highly insulted.
Below is a copy of the email I sent to Ms Engelhardt this morning.
Ms. Englehardt,
I am very unhappy to hear of your proposed cuts to KPFA’s journalistic staff, especially the Morning Show and Against The Grain. Summarily gutting many of KPFA’s most important programs and expecting your supporters to stand by is completely arrogant and misguided, it goes against what KPFA is all about. As far as I am concerned it is your salary and the seemingly outrageous Pacifica Foundation expenses that should be cut. You should be volunteering your time not the KPFA newsroom staff.
Your executive decision combined with the apparent dysfunction of the Pacifica Foundation make me think that it is the Board Members of the Foundation that should step aside to allow a more functional governing body to shape the future of KPFA and her sister stations. When you compared the importance of the news programming to the importance of the Board it is clear who we as listeners will stand behind.
I am a monthly supporter of KPFA. I know that my money also goes to support the other stations and the Foundation. I would like you to stop taking money from my credit card until you develop a financial plan with KPFA’s local board, in good faith. An alternative plan to the one that you have shoved down our collective throats. This is my vote of NO CONFIDENCE in you as the Executive Director of Pacifica.
Will someone from the board please contact me? I have left messages on both of Ms Englehardt’s numbers. However, I do not expect a return call from her. She seems quite arrogant and no doubt will try to ignore all of us with opinions contrary to hers.
I will make sure that my sponsorship is revoked. I will accept responsibility for the dysfunction of the National Board as I assumed everything was fine after the fiasco in 99/00. KPFA is too important to let this happen to again. Indeed its programing is one of the reasons the Bay Area is a sane place to live.
I also give the current Pacifica Foundation Board a vote of NO CONFIDENCE and that the bylaws need to be completely revamped if they and you have allowed this outrage to happen.
Lastly Ms Engelhardt is coming off as a Bush like crazy who rode into Berkeley with a chip on her shoulders. She doesn’t seem like a person who is interested in compromise or consensus. Who was on the committee that hired her? She should really be replaced.
Chop from the top!
Kim Norts
Name: SD
Subject: current budget dispute
Dear Ms. Englehardt –
As a KPFA listener-supporter since 1966, I am shocked that the Pacifica Board in general and you in specific cannot see a better way to save this profoundly important resource. Why would you terminate the staff of the station’s best money maker? And, why do you insist on pulling in an inflated salary for yourself? And, why will you not disclose what that salary is, after many have asked you to?
Have you forgotten the origanal mission of Pacifica and KPFA? It seems that you have and if so, shame on you.
Please reverse your temination of the Morning Show staff and find better ways to preserve our station.
Berkeley, CA
Dear Arlene Engelhart
I cannot understand your decision to lay off the Morning Show staff except under the rubric of “pay back”. The ironic thing is, its not even your
“grudge” that led you to take this action. I remember your saying you took this job to contribute to Pacifica. Do you consider it a”contribution” to gut the heart of KPFA and discharge its workers? Is it a contribution to follow the instructions of one faction and ignore the rest of the community and its representatives? I heard you say on the Morning Show yesterday that the prior management did not implement the cuts that the budget required. That is a half truth or to put it another way, a half lie. When the former GM did submit a plan to the then IED/PNB Chair, the IED refused to implement the layoffs for political reasons. I urge you to be accurate in your public comments about what people did or did not do. The Foundation has suffered sufficient legal action without your comments inviting more.
What you have done with this action may very well sound the death of our listener sponsored, free speech station. That’s a “contribution” that will attach to your name forever. Shame on you!
Sherry Gendelman
Former LSB Chair, Former PNB Chair, current LSB member and a subscriber and participant of Pacifica/KPFA for more than 2 decades.
From: MO
Subject: Do not fire anyone!
Dear Ms. Englehardt,
You need to put quality radio as your number one priority. Endorsing the Sustainable Budget that the KPFA union members have put forward is the right thing to do. I urge you not to fire any of the KPFA staff. They are all valuable and do excellent work and should not be let go.
MO – 40 year listener and generous contributor
From: Marianne Mueller
Subject: clearing things up for management
Dear KPFA Management and Pacifica Board,
The one and only thing I want to hear on KPFA this morning is the discussion between you and staff about what is going on at KPFA. Because if the wrong things prevail in the end – and yes, there is a right and a wrong here – there won’t even be a Morning Show for me to listen to at this time.
You win; you get me to turn off the radio and go read Huffington Post and SF Chron and NY Times online. And if you think that is anywhere near as good an information about our world and culture, you show yourself as someone who doesn’t listen to the Morning Show.
There’s a difference between hear and listen.
Marianne Mueller, Palo Alto, member since late 1980s
From: MC-T
The Morning Show is an essential part of KPFA’s diverse programming, and should not be suspended or turned over to volunteers. I’ve heard on the air that the Station Manager plans to eliminate this show and fire the able, wonderful Morning Show staff. Don’t do this, please. The Morning Show and other KPFA news and affairs programs provide vital local, national and international perspectives that you rarely hear anywhere else and that it would be hard to find without KPFA’s programs. These programs succeed because they are created and produced by talented, dedicated journalists and professionals. I can’t imagine any rationale for eliminating this mainstay, this core element of KPFA’s menu of programs. KPFA was created, after all, as alternative radio, and the value of its news programs stems from their consistent quality and originality. In a democracy in peril, like ours, we need programs like the Morning Show more than ever.
To the Administration at KPFA:
I am absolutely outraged to learn that you have decided to discontinue the Morning Show with Aimee Allison and Brian Edwards-Tiekert, two of the most knowledgeable and articulate news journalists on radio today. The Morning Show is a breath of fresh air, the likes of which very few communities in the U.S. have the good fortune to enjoy.
If you insist on dismantling KPFA – for this is clearly what you’re doing – I will certainly no longer support KPFA in any way, including financial donations and benefits (I was very much looking forward to attending Chris Hedges’ presentation on November 30).
As a KPFA member, I expect to have access to a detailed report by the KPFA Administration explaining and justifying its decision to remove Ms. Allison and Mr. Edwards-Tiekert from the air. Incidentally, do Ms. Allison and Mr. Edwards-Tiekert not have contracts?
I am not alone in my dismay. If KPFA morphs into an NPR-like propaganda-laden nonentity, true progressive voices in the Bay Area and beyond will certainly create another Bay Area-based radio station – one of which Lewis Hill would have been proud.
Name: NC
I can’t imagine continuing my $400/year contribution to KPFA without having the Morning Show with Brian Edgar and Amy Allison. After hearing the “professional Pacifica Board Member president who is collecting over $85,000 per year who has been acting completely unprofessionally as a board member while the average salary at KPFA is $25,000, is unconscianably. As the caller is now saying why doesn’t she make a donation? She acts like management continuing to take the billions and laying off the workers.
Let’s impeach the president.
Name: LM
Dear Morning Show,
I tuned in KPFA this morning & heard a very defensive woman in management defending the layoffs (???!!!). I had no idea about the political strife within the station. I am shocked, SHOCKED, at the disrespectful way in which this manager, Arleen Englehardt defended her beliefs while cutting & putting people down on the AIR!!! Unbelievable. KPFA is an institution, an anchor in our community. No, we don’t want KPFK’s newsfeed. Ms. Englehardt should remove herself. She was totally outrageous in her misdirected comments.
Name: DW
Subject: Morning Show
I call for the resignation of Arlene Englehardt immediately and reinstatement of the Morning Show staff. As a listener I pledge money to support programming and staff, not a bloated Pacifica bureaucracy. And adopt the Sustainable Budget which is supported by KPFA’s local elected board.
Name: SS
Just like the City of Bell, and not unlike the city I live in, Fresno, CA, the compensation for the elitist upper crust does not reflect the work performed nor the benefit produced for the greatest number to their benefit. I am appalled by the news of the top heavy executive compensation at KPFA. I have given in excess of $250 to KPFA/KFCF this year – I have an additional $100 pledge pending. I only earned $11,500 last year. Why in the world do I want to contribute to a listener-supported radio broadcast company where the executive director is paid $90K per year? While I listen to the news managed by the Pacifica Company that there is a culture war of rich against poor in this country? Really? I hereby withdraw my pledge since it was based upon the programming and personalities at the time who are now being laid off. It’s high time for the lopsided compensation structure of KPFA and Pacifica to reform it fundamentally unfair distribution of payroll.
Name: CM
I am deeply saddened by the news of Layoffs and the potential demise of the morning show. The management has obviously made their rather dire solution loud and clear. Now, we need to hear some solutions from the Staff and Union.
Either way, I wish you all great strength and vision through all of this and beyond!
From: LH
Subject: Mornig Show
First off I want to say that yesterday’s Morning Show was awesome! It exemplified what KPFA is about to me; bringing truth, transparency and local issues to the listeners. That is why I have been supporting the station financially for over ten years. The Morning Show is the only KPFA show that I listen to.
This is a listener sponsored program and should reflect the wishes of the local audience. The action that the administration took against the Morning Show employees at KPFA is counter to what KPFA stands for. The executive Director, CEO and board have already compromised the station greatly and should be ashamed of themselves. To me it was like tearing the heart out of an athlete’s body so he will run faster.
Our radio is silent this morning for the first time on a Wednesday morning for over ten years. I will not listen to the station any longer and will be giving my $300+ donation to a more worthy non-profit for now on.
From: JN
Listening at 7am today– furious about yesterday’s firing of beloved best show on kpfa. A coup. Have to turn off thus stranger, turn back on for Amy at 9. Criminal. Where are our local, skilled voices. I am a longtime supporter, I don’t support removal of the best local show.
From: J&A LF
Dear Ms. Englehardt,
After listening to you on the air, we feel that you are sincere in your efforts to preserve Pacifica and KPFA. However, we feel you are out of touch with the KPFA community of listeners and supporters. Rather than issue ultimatums about layoffs, we recommend that you negotiate in good faith with the staff and local station board to adopt a budget that minimizes layoffs, and ensures that any layoffs are in accordance with contractual rules. From my (Jack’s) experience for 25 years as a union employee of the City and County of San Francisco, we know that union contracts do not allow targeting of individual employees. Brian Edwards-Tiekert has been an employee of KPFA for many years and cannot lose his seniority just because he moved from producer to on-air host. At the very least he would bump back into his producer job if it is really necessary to lay off an on-air host position. The Pacifica Board should back off on this unnecessary confrontation and allow the station to resolve this. From listening to you, we feel that you have allowed yourself to become personally and emotionally subjective and one-sided in your approach. If you cannot take an objective view of this, we urge you to rersign.
listeners for 40 years and contributors of over $20,000 during that time
From: RHM
What a disappointment to wake up this morning to the KPFA Morning News being gone. This is the most professional program you have and is directly why have sent hundreds of dollars to KPFA… If this professional team/program is not restored… I will no longer subscribe.. I have no reason to..
Name: Constance Hunter
Subject: KPFA Layoffs
Your recent decision to layoff the staff of the morning show is a decision to cutoff the hand that feeds you. Donors to KPFA are voting with their dollars for programming, such as the Morning Show; they are not voting for the maintenance of the bureaucracy and for more of the same old same old that we receive at no cost from other media.
I urge you to save KPFA by restoring the Morning Show staff and taking a hard look at the sustainable budget that was prepared by the union.
Connie Hunter
Name: Marianna Tubman
Subject: Morning show firings.
I listen to the Morning Show, and I am told it is one of the programs that is most popular and that brings in the most donations. This is understandable because it is LOCAL, is INFORMATIONAL and is of GENERAL INTEREST (unlike many programs which are of very specialized interest such as Grateful Dead music or disability awareness). So I was stunned that GM Arlene Engelhart decided to abruptly fire the 4 staff and replace the program with a program from Los Angeles. Which is some 300 miles away, it’s not exactly next door!
This action sounds like it is designed to doom KPFA to extinction. Like many of the budget cuts promoted by Schwarzenegger and Republican leaders and even some Democrats (such as closing state parks) it is penny wise and pound foolish – saving a few dollars but causing far more problems than it solves.
Please reinstate these state and continue with local programming. If you need to cut budgets, drop midnight-6 am programming, and mention local businesses who donate money to KPFA (i.e. running ads for LOCAL small businesses.) Like 1090 KPTK does.
PS I am a monthly donor, and as a monthly donor, I don’t qualify for donation premiums or even recognition during pledge drives. If you need more $ how about recognizing monthly donors during pledge drives and perhaps offering some small gift.
Thank you.
Name: RS
Subject: The Morning Show
I turned on the radio to listen to the KPFA. The program was from LA which replaced the Morning Show. It was so foreign to me. I didn’t know if I was in the Bay Area or LA? Pretty sad… Our area is a most liberal place in the whole nation if you think deeply. You sabotaged the KPFA, and crippled the only liberal station in the bay area. This is almost like a war with libertarian for what you have done. There is no other station can unify all of us like KPFA. It is a very serious issue that something have to be fought for. This is another example that people lost their right or what they pay for. You can certainly blame the ecomony but yourself. We are not blind, and you are no fool, either.
Name: Mal Singer
Subject: I need KPFA’s Morning Show
Dear Ms. Englehardt,
I have been commuting from Oakland to San Francisco every workday since 1975, and every morning I have listened to the Morning Show. It is the one program (other than Democracy Now) which keeps me sane in this insane political climate. The Bay Area will be a much poorer place without this very important news and analysis source.
You have removed our heart and soul. Please restore the Morning Show to give knowledge, power, and strength to the progressive Bay Area community.
Thank you.
Mal Singer
Name: Suzanne Korey
Subject: morning show
How can you come in and destroy the program that is consistently excellent and brings in funding. Are you more interested in opinions, blogging, and Fox news type ranting? What kind of progressive radio are you envisioning? You are the authors of destroying the station.
Name: Saraswathi Devi
Subject: current budget dispute
Dear Ms. Englehardt –
As a KPFA listener-supporter since 1966, I am shocked that the Pacifica Board in general and you in specific cannot see a better way to save this profoundly important resouce. Why would you terminate the staff of the station’s best money maker? And, why do you insist on pulling in an inflated salary for yourself? And, why will you not disclose what that salary is, after many have asked you to?
Have you forgotten the original mission of Pacifica and KPFA? It seems that you have and if so, shame on you.
Please reverse your termination of the Morning Show staff and find better ways to preserve our station.
Saraswathi Devi
Berkeley, CA
Name: Julene Weaver
Subject: Reinstate Morning Show
What’s this I hear about canceling the Morning Show!? Can you really afford to make such a decision? It will backfire. Why are you destroying a perfectly good show that is very popular? It makes no sense and I suggest you backtrack and apologize. In addition, I think you should resign from your position and let someone who is in synch with the audience run the station.
Name: susan witka
Subject: free KPFA
Free KPFA! Could someone answer why a National Board is necessary????????????
Name: Dianne Dryer
Subject: DO NOT CUT The Morning Show
I am utterly SHOCKED that you are trying to cut the most interesting and popular show on KPFA! It is a highly professional and wonderful show. I’ve listened to it every morning for over 20 years…it’s a big reason why I contribute very generously every year to KPFA.
I want mostly LOCAL interest programs and programers. I don’t mind occasional broad interest reports or interviews from other stations, but Northern California is very different than LA, and we need the locally produced Morning Show! For so many years, the show has been professionally done with great on-air hosts….it has consistently been my favorite show on KPFA. It’s crazy to cut it!!!
What does need to be cut is the bureaucratic fat at Pacifica!
Dianne Dryer
Mountain View, CA
Name: AI
Subject: morning program
REinstate the staff of themorning program! Please do not replace with a syndicated program…..KPFA is our local station!!
Name: Dave Hart
Subject: Pacifica National Board
Dear Ms. Englehardt, the more I hear and read and listen, the less secure I am in feeling or understanding that you or the Pacifica National Board are adding any value to local broadcasting. Your actions are inept. I think it is necessary that you resign your position and let the staff and management of KPFA do what they need to do to operate the station. I certainly have more faith and confidence in their ability to survive a financial crisis. Your leadership offers nothing but what appear to be blind stabs with no long term or strategic plan for KPFA’s future. If you are serious about providing positive leadership, you most certainly need to consider the staff plan for addressing the budget problems offered by staff. Surely, there are elements that could be used. Your attitude of digging in your heals is dong none any good. If you can’t be a bridge to a solution, please resign and limit the damage you are doing.
Name: Jeffrey A. Bell
Subject: Pacifica’s Heavy-Handed Mis-Management
Ms. Arlene Englehardt,
I am appalled by the recent layoffs that you and the Pacifica Board have unilaterally imposed on KPFA radio station. I’m quite sure that the cuts you have dictated are illegal and they are certainly both unethical and contrary to the true and original mission of both Pacifica and KPFA. (Poor Lewis Hill must be spinning in his grave!) What you are doing is all too reminiscent of what Mary Frances Berry tried to do not that many years ago. Before you proceed I suggest you consult with her and find out if she felt her attempt to run roughshod over KPFA enhanced her career.
I have been supporting KPFA and KPFK since 1959, often sending in money that I really could not afford. I am not alone in my long, consistent and heartfelt dedication and support to this crucial resource for attempting to promote true democracy. I want to put you on notice that I have launched a recall petition to have you and your dictatorial colleagues removed from the Pacifica Board. I will not sit idly by and allow you and your ignorant and heartless colleagues to destroy what many of us have spent more than 5 decades building as a crucial community and political resource. It is not going to happen, not while I’m alive.
Jeffrey Alan Bell
Name: KT
Subject: Morning Show
It makes no sense to me that The Morning Show would be targeted for cuts in this way. Please reconsider your decision and work with the staff and board of KPFA to find a better solution to the financial situation.
Name: Linda Ray
Subject: priorities at Pacifica/Kpfa
I was outraged this morning to hear that the morning show staff were fired yesterday. I am a member listener since 1999 and we listeners had to deal with an out of control national board and leadership then and it looks like we do again. It is absurd in these dangerous times that the national leadership is not cutting its own bloated budget and accepting the proposals put forward by KPFA staff to keep the stations going. Reverse the layoffs immediately and work with the staff to come up with a just solution to the budget problems. When I give money to the station it is to support the programs and staff who create these programs. We need independent media more than ever and KPFA has played a vital role and I would hate to see that end due to current decisions of the national board that has overruled the local staff and leadership.
Name: Bob Foster
Subject: KPFA Morning Show cut
To: Arlene Englehardt
Gutting KPFA of its biggest money maker,”The Morning Show”, contradicts the very claim that this is somehow going to help their budget. As a listener to KPFA for many years, I believe I speak for the great majority who want KPFA to maintain the current standard of excellence that few others can match. In very many eyes, your choice is clearly going to degrade that standard. Please reconsider!
Bob Foster
Mountain View, CA.
Name: Claudia Tomaso
Subject: reinstate the morning show personnel
This move seems very political and reactive. It will hopefully raise the issue of compentence, integrity and business savvy of Arlene Engelhardt. From what is reported, she should be the one to go.
Name: Judith Ward
Subject: Return the Morning Show
The Morning Show is an excellent morning news show that should not be cut from KPFA’s programing. The staff are of the highest quality and provide the public with important information that is needed to function in a democratic society. Please reconsider your decision to cut the program.
Thank You.
Name: Mary Bess
Subject: Morning Show at KPFA
Although I no longer live in the San Francisco area, I am a regular listener to KPFA’s Morning Show via the Internet. Many days after listening in succession to Democracy Now! and The Morning Show, I have thought that The Morning Show was at least the equal and even superior to DN! on a given day when it comes to monitoring the issues of greatest importance to Pacifica’s listeners and conducting revealing in-depth interviews that convey the information listeners need to know.
The Morning Show generates more revenue than any other program broadcast on KPFA, a measure of the value it provides to listeners. It’s difficult to understand why Pacifica would kill the goose that’s laying the golden egg!
Mary Bess
former reporter at KPFK
Name: BF
Subject: Don’t deprive us of the Morning Show. No cuts.
I strongly support KPFA’s programming. Don’t cut the staff.
Name: KM
Subject: The Morning Show
I listened to this EVERY weekday morning. Your cancelling the show means that I will not listen to KPFA any more, nor donate any more.
What a waste!
Name: MargeryPrickett
Subject: I love Pacifica Radio
Dear Ms. Englehardt,
I have been a subscriber of Pacifica Radio since I was in my 20’s. I am now 65.
I owe my awareness and education to the journalists and guest educators who have broadcast on her airwaves. Every morning I awaken to ‘Democracy Now’ and ‘The Morning Show’.
Hearing that the staff of ‘The Morning Show’ will no longer be paid to do their job angers and saddens me. That they were fired in such an abrupt manner is shocking and disturbing; an act contrary to the values for which Pacifica stands.
Journalism is a profession, like medicine or law, and journalists need to be compensated in order to do their job. Volunteers cannot do the job of broadcast journalists. We are fortunate to have the caliber of professionals that Pacifica attracts and should they be dismissed I believe most of the subscribers will, like me, need to rescind our memberships.
We need independent radio. What will this country become without it? I know there are financial problems and these problems need to be discussed and addressed in such a way that doesn’t destroy the station and the people who have been it’s mainstay.
I request you bring these problems to the listeners and allow our collective wisdom to address them. The current ‘solution’ will only cause devoted listeners to go elsewhere. I await a response from you, praying it is in alignment with the values for which Pacifica stands.
I await your reply. In the meanwhile, please register my support for the exceptional staff of ‘The Morning Show’.
Thank you,
Margery Prickett
Name: Elaine Miller
Subject: I miss the morning show.
Dear Ms. Englehardt
I miss the morning show and plan to do what I can to bring it back.
Elaine Miller
Name: Susan Bradford
Subject: The morning show cut
Wed 11/10/10 – 7am – Get this non-local, non -community, non interactive crap off my station!!!!!!! How dare you and the Pacifica Board do this to KPFA ! I have listen to The Morning Show everyday for years, I love it and count on it. And my donations that I have paid go to KPFA( not to support you and the board at $90,000 a year or more). The first cut should be that the board is paid exactly what the paid staff at KPFA is paid…. they work much harder than you, I am quite sure of that! Put Aimee and Brian back on the air with The Morning Show NOW!
Lew Hill is shaking his fists at you from his grave… and so am I!!!
Name: Lynn Hamilton
Subject: Morning Show and Sustainable Budget
Ms. Englehardt and Pacifica Board,
We are long time listeners and financial supporters of KPFA. We support KPFA and pledge our money to support programming staff such as The Morning Show, Letters From Washington, Against the Grain, Terra Verde the nightly news, etc. Our money must go to support professional program staff. We are not interested in an all volunteer radio station where unprofessional and unaccountable people broadcast unverifiable gossip, conspiracy theories, and slander. We demand that you reinstate the staff of the Morning Show immediately! We also direct you to adopt the sustainable budget provided to you by the KPFA staff. We will not tolerate any attempt on your part or the part of Pacifica to fund the Pacifica bureaucracy and destroy the professional programming at KPFA. We will not allow you to destroy the reputation and culture of professional programming at KPFA that we have all worked so hard to develop over the past few years. We demand that you cut staff, travel and meetings at Pacifica , reinstate the Morning Show staff, and pay any money owed to Amy Goodman and Democracy Now! immediately. We are united and we will do everything possible to protect this valuable community resource.
Lynn Hamilton
Chair, Progressive Democrats Sonoma County
Former Mayor City of Sebastopol, CA
Name: Robert Litwiller
Subject: KPFA programming and funding
Dear Ms. Englehardt,
“The Morning Show” is just one of many outstanding programs (Flashpoints being another) on KPFA. It’s apparent that there are alternative ways to resolve the Pacifica budget problems without eliminating such programming.
Along with many other KPFA supporters I strongly urge you to adopt such an alternative solution, thereby preserving these outstanding programs.
Name: DH
Subject: Pardon My Tone. I’ve had it.
Open Letter to Arlene Engelhardt, the Pacifica Board and others concerned. Nov. 10 2010. David H, Walnut Creek CA
Re: the recent firings and programs changes at KPFA
My history: when I moved to New York city in 1965, to attend Cooper Union, I was a Republican. If drafted, I would have gladly served in the U.S. military. I believed in the Domino Theory and could not believe my government could make such a large mistake. WBAI educated me on the history of VietNam and quite probably saved my life. Since that time I have been an avid supporter of Pacifica stations. When I arrived on the west coast in 1972 I was thrilled to be in the KPFA broadcast zone. While I have not been a member every year, I have joined more often than not. I am now a tenured professor in a bay area college and have been teaching Media Literacy among other courses. I have recommended KPFA to THOUSANDS of students over the years and know I am responsible for motivating many to become dedicated members….Arlene Engelhardt needs to get fired. Her voice betrays a shallow intellect, a narrow vision, a personal vindictiveness and a sad longing for personal power that her personality obviously lacks. She echoes the obsolete mindset occupied by Mary Francis Berry and the other saboteurs of 1999. Anyone at Pacifica who is making above $70,000. per year needs to look closely at where their scruples, loyalty and passion (if any) lie. They smell to me like members of the Military Industrial Media Complex. Brian Edwards Tieckert (SP?) and the staff and on-air persons who represent the Morning Show, the News Department, Eileen Alfendary in particular, Philip Muldary as well, are among the most perceptive and persuasive news hounds and interviewers ANYWHERE IN PUBLIC MEDIA. Any executives who stand by and allow this debacle need to walk out the door right behind Englehardt. Pacifica needs to pay its rent in Berkeley and voluntarily take a subservient position to, and prioritize the needs and vision of KPFA. Nothing less will bring me back.
I have no personal friends at KPFA and have no emotional or political investment other than what is stated here.
Name: James Bock
Subject: Return Amiee Allison and Brian Edwards-Tiekert
Please replace the Morning Show and Amiee Allison and Brian Edwards-Teikert. I am a long time listener and contributor ($20 to 40 a month. I look at paying this like most people see paying their Cable Bill). The Lay offs seem to me to be ill handled and I am sure there is room for negotiations on both sides.
Name: Suzanne Ristagno
Subject: Save “Our Shows/”Our Hosts/Our Station”
It’s unconscionable what you have done to KPFA’s listener supported Morning
Show and it’s Staff! I am shocked and appalled ! You sound so out of touch with
all that the station stands for as well as it’s devoted listeners and supporters!!!
You sounded very corporate and very hostile on the air yesterday and you do not seem to get that KPFA is Our Station(listener supported) also your reasoning for taking our Morning show and it’s Staff off the air when it brings in the most dollars during fund drives is just insane! As a member and volunteer
of KPFA I am calling for your immediate resignation! The reinstatement of the Morning Show and all it’s Staff!!! I am Demanding the adoption of the Sustainable Budget put for by the Station!!!
Name: Sereg Morel
Subject: The Morning Show.
Dear Arlene.
You must put The morning Show back on the air immediately and reinstate the staff associated with this program. After listening to your rational for making this move it is evident that this is a political move against Brian Edwards-Tiekert in particular. Your tortured reinterpretation of the staff union’s contract’s “seniority” clause would be laughable if the consequences were not so dire. The concept of seniority in union contracts where positions are eliminated and not named individuals is a universal principle, especially in teacher union contracts, here in California. An individual as educated as yourself knows this and I can only conclude that you are exercising intellectual dishonesty. Naturally, you have to fire the whole staff of the Morning Show to continue the narrative of this being purely economic and not a targeted firing. Of course you understand the Union contract but it obviously stands in your way of reducing the paid staff at KPFA so that the station can return to “volunteerism”. Your statement that it would not be a revenue loser because anything aired at that time slot would raise the same revenue seems further evidence that you have limited understanding of a radio station in this market. But then again, reducing revenue would be the perfect pretext to fire more paid staff later on. This decision also seems to be tied to the LSB election results. Why else would you rush through this decision and then not have a replacement plan ready while shows are piped in from LA for maybe “10” days, the period directly before the new board members are seated. LaVern surely let the cat out of the bag when, on the air, she laid out the reasons dating back to 2002 why Brian needs to go. Your arguments are disingenuous and your actions contradictory to your statements. It is obvious that you are out of your depth in the role of Executive Director at Pacifica. You are not only placing KPFA at risk of total collapse but Pacifica as well. Respectfully, it seems that the only honorable thing you have left to do is reinstate the staff of the Morning Show and resign as Executive Director of Pacifica.
Sincerely yours, Serge morel
Name: Gail Pacifica
Subject: Arlene Englehardt & KPFA Management
Your actions show clearly a lack of understanding of the mission of the Pacifica Network, and are a threat to it’s continued viability. Transparency and accountability, as well as concern for the common good, are the underpinnings of the healthy sustainbility of our continued success.
I support the workers and the staff of KPFA, and have been a listener and contributer since the sixties.
Name: Donald Jacot
Subject: Keep the Morning Show on the Air! Reverse the Layoffs!
To the Pacifica board: I urge you in the strongest terms possible to reverse the layoffs of those who produce the KPFA Morning Show and keep the Morning Show on the air. If you want to save money and make the Pacifica network function better, you should instead start by firing the overpaid Arlene Engleheart. I have been a regular and consistent KPFA donor for twenty years, and I am a regular listener to the Morning Show. It is an excellent show, of high journalistic quality. If you persist in these unfair layoffs of KPFA workers, I will refuse to donate further, I will cut off any donations I make. I don’t know how to make you understand in any other way. The decision to layoff these workers is purely political, and is unnecessary. The Morning Show is the main fundraiser for KPFA during fund drives. Pacifica should stop its meddling in the local operations of KPFA. You are out to destroy our flagship station. Shame, shame on you Pacifica, and shame on you, Arlene Engleheart.
Name: Viviane Isabeau
Subject: Morning Show
Although I love KPFA and have been a member for years, I will donate another penny to KPFA until the Morning Show is returned with Amy, Brian, Max and the rest of the staff.
Name: Jeanine Maland
Subject: Save KPFA& Sustainable Budget
Save a local, community-based KPFA. Re-install the entire Morning Show staff immediately. Engelhardt should be fired. The amazing local, community-based KPFA is VITAL to our daily lives, health, sanity, and general well-being. The cuts should be made to the bloated salaries at the top. That action would swiftly solve the budget problem.
Name: Robin Roth
Subject: Morning Show
Please reinstate the “Morning Show” and all the dedicated staff who work on it. This show is so important to the SF Bay Area, a progressive, united force that keeps us informed and stimulated. We need our local programming. The Morning Show has proven its worth and needs to continue. Please engage and find a way to continue.
Name: Dr Steven Hobbs
Subject: Restore KPFA Morning Show
Dear Ms Englehardt,
I do not envy you your job. It must be very difficult to implement hard choices that cost some loyal workers their livelihood. This is probably the least appreciated aspect of your duties. The exact reasons for the dismissal of the staff at KPFA Morning Show are not apparent. I would prefer to believe that it is not a result of retaliation. It seems a unwise choice for numerous reasons two for example are 1) it remains the largest money maker for the station, 2) it violates the rules that govern dismissal of employees. Frankly, I’m shocked by this as are those I’ve spoken to about it. Please reverse this decision and take the logical step to review the proposal put forward by KPFA to reduce expenditures and balance the budget. Going forward, remember to include the station manager and the staff in negotiations of necessary changes to KPFA schedule and employee relations.
Thank you,
Name: BT
Subject: where is decency?
KPFA is a community with aspirations toward decency and sanity. It is a forum for progressive views of human interaction. The layoffs fall far outside of the model the station should have and has sometimes had.
Letters often state the relationship (standing to comment) of the writer to KPFA. I have been listening since the very early years (and I am still around!) I have donated thousands of dollars, put KPFA in my will, and this year was able to restart contributions. So much for that.
Name: Stanley Poss
Subject: Morning Show Wipeout
Ms. Englehardt, It’s incomprehensible to me that not only you dismiss the biggest fundraiser show on KPFA but dismiss the alternative proposal the staff offered to reduce the deficit.
Name: Eric Boehm
Subject: KPFA Morning Show – Remains on Air / Staff Reinstated
Dear Ms. Engelhardt,
I find your actions regarding dismissal of “Morning Show” KPFA hosts and staff to warrant disciplinary actions against you up to and perhaps including termination. Your actions are “straight up” union busting and other names I will not mention, out of some respect for your position and reasons for this deplorable action. Note: You have taken actions without due process aprior. You dictate! That’s illegal and reprehensible. You are engaged in unfair labor practices. You are breaking a union contract.
You have no authority to enact these unilateral decisions and actions. Rescind these actions and engage in negotiations immediately – while “Morning Show” remains ON THE AIR with all STAFF RE-INSTATED during the interim of negotiations; or, better yet, choose another representative of PNB who has not already discredited their legitimacy and authority to bargain in good faith.
My father would turn over in his grave and give you the evil eye for what you have done. He was a grave digger in Colma in the early fifties, led a successful and SF Labor Council supported strike for a fair contract in ’52-’53, and faced the CA Tenney Committee for his union activities. He was labor newspaper editor for CLCs throughout Santa Clara County and San Mateo County from the ’50s through the early ’80s when he retired. Finally, he was an early and stayed late supporter of UFWA.
But most importantly, he was a proud listener and KPFA member from the early fifties to his death at 93 years old in 2000. And I am too, unless you carry on like you have with your totally unacceptable and anti-union conduct. Shame!
Eric Boehm
KPFA – listener – supporter / member 2010.
Name: Neta O’Leary
Subject: Pasifica Foundation
Please re establish The Morning show!
Why would you cut off the hand that feed you, and say you need to save for the survival of KPFA? Does not make sense.
The Morning show is a very popular feature and a great contributer to raising funds for the station. Why do you not agree to the alternative budget proposal from the staff of KPFA.
What are the politics behind the firings?
Come out and expose the truth!
There are many better ways of saving, then firing the staff of great programming and wonderful, talented journalists.
Do the smart and right thing, rehire them now?!
Subscriber/KPFA member
Neta O’Leary
Name: louis prisco
Subject: lay-offs
I do not want canned programs from Los Angeles.
I want the Morning Show back.
If there have to be cuts, let everyone be cut equally. Do not single out the station’s biggest fund-raiser.
Name: Harriet Neves
Subject: Reinstate the morning show
Name: Gail Cheeseman
Subject: Save KPFA Morning Show!
We would be willing to contribute!
Name: JP
Subject: Morning Show
I’ve supported KPFA for longer than I can remember with very generous contributions beyond the subscription level. I pledge money to support programming and staff not the Pacifica bureaucracy.
I believe the $90,000 salary of Arlene Englehardt is out of balance and way too high compared to what the salaried competent staff get. The morning show staff gets under $40,000 a year; is that true?
Name: John Vincent
Subject: KPFA Morning Show
As a subscriber I ask you to please reinstate the KPFA Morning Show staff. The local program is important to me and many Bay Area listeners and the reason I and others pledge our donations.
Name: Thomas Daniell
Subject: Keep the Morning Show
Please restore KPFA’s Morning Show immediately.
Name: Joseph Sklar
Subject: Morning Show
The Morning Show is one of the few programs I listen to on KPFA. Please reconsider your action. The program is a breath of fresh air.
Name: Jeremy Shaw
Subject: Don’t Shut Down Our Station!
The decision to kill KPFA’s Morning Show in its present form is clearly designed to result in the closure of the entire station. By removing the single biggest fund-raising program, at a time when the station needs all the money it can get, can only have one result – subsequent closure of the station.
10 years ago I marched in the streets of Berkeley to support the station in it’s hour of crisis. Now it is clear that the crisis was not averted, only postponed. It seems that the same dark forces which were bent on destroying the station back then are taking the opportunity of the current economic environment to push their agenda again.
We the listeners will not let this happen again. We will take what we learned last time, and redouble our efforts. It’s obvious that the current Pacifica management once again want to shut down KPFA, and once again, KPFA will emerge triumphant. This station means too much to too many people for you to get away with this.
Name: Carol and Larry Rivers
Subject: Morning staff dismissal
My husband and I are long time listener/supporters of KPFA. We listen to the morning programs every weekday, beginning at 6 am and clear through the repeat of Amy Goodman.. The morning staff have become our morning friends and we responded to their recent appeals for more funding. We will not be listening or contributing if the proposed cut in morning staff goes into effect.
We are saddened to hear the management has made this unfortunate decision and hope they will rethink it! Why did you not give listeners a chance to voice their opinion? Why did you not extend the pledge period if more $ was needed?
Sincerely and with great angst,
Larry and Carol Rivers
Name: tim brand
Subject: do NOT cancel the morning show
I have been giving KPFA $100/month for years because of programs like the morning show. Canceling this show and discarding these talented employees is irresponsible and arbitrary.
Name: Barbara Miles
Subject: The morning show
DO NOT LAY OFF ANY STAFF OF THE MORNING SHOW! This shows incompetence to KPFA supporters and listeners. It just makes no sense to lay off the station’s largest revenue program. I just don’t get it.
If the Board truly represents a station that is free speech and for the people, get the politics out. Be prudent and be happy that you have a successful program like The Morning Show that KPFA can count on.
If you want to save KPFA, then save The Morning Show with it’s staff – Amy, Brian and Phil
Name: Jennifer Basiji
Subject: Elimination of Staff, and Proposed Budget
Why, I respectfully ask, would you eliminate the show and people we enjoy listening to the most? KPFA needs the Morning Show, because listeners like me will go elsewhere if it disappears.
Think very seriously about adopting a budget that will enable keeping the staff and show that bring your radio station a dedicated audience.
Name: Shari Ser
Subject: resign now Ms. Englehardt
I have been listening to your answers regarding why you believe it is necessary to downsize KPFA staff and you are avoiding answering the questions regarding Pacifica’s mismanagement of funds obtained from KPFA listeners. In the future my support will only be designated for KPFA and not Pacifica. Try supporting yourselfs instead of on the Bay area’s backs.!
Name: Dr. Joyce Johnson
Subject: KPFA Firings
Outrageous! is my response to your peremptory layoffs. I listened to the whole Morning Show this AM. The Bay Area community will not let this stand. This is our longterm local progressive resource. You seem to be tone-deaf to who we are, our history, our base, and what we stand for. We will not accept this.
Name: DG
Subject: Reverse Layoff Plan
You MUST reverse the layoff of MORNING SHOW personnel.
This two-hour block with incredibly intelligent and informed personnel
must be maintained as it was prior to the layoff.
I have told hundreds of people about KPFA, passing out materials supplied
by KPFA and those of my own duplication, with the morning show being the
major one I emphasize. I’ve bought dozens of books which I read and
recommend to others as a result of listening to this show. It’s the multiplier
effect, as some of these people who had no idea that KPFA exists have tried it
and have recommended it to others.
To solve the financial problem, KPFA must blanket the Bay Area and beyond
with a flyer about KPFA. In my experience only about 1 in 200 to 300 people
have even heard that the station exists. A well-prepared handout should be
made available to all listeners and supporters of the station for their handing
out in their neighborhoods, special events (the one recently at San Jose State
where Michael Moore was honored and where all seats were filled in the large auditorium would have gotten many listeners and probably subscribers), placed in libraries and hospitals and other public places, and otherwise distributed. Forget the bumper stickers which are probably useless–poorly prepared and certainly not giving people any idea of the kind of great programming on KPFA from which they would benefit greatly.
Name: Ken Miles
Subject: Save KPFA radio
Dear Ms Arlene Englehardt,
Please reconsider your decision to close down KPFA’s Morning Show which will lead to customer dissatification and eventually to the closure of KPFA, and eventually to KPFA’s sister stations around the country. We hope KPFA not only survives, but thrives and continue to grow….not die out as one o the few remaining flames of truth and honest news reporting. My wife and I have supported KPFA for 10 years or so and will continue to do so, even during these times of fiancial problems for everyone.
Name: Carol Cross
Subject: The Axing of KPFA’s Morning Show
Since this cannot in any sense be considered a reasonable approach to “belt-tightening,” one can only surmise it’s a political act of revenge or manipulation with an ulterior motive in mind. I remember well the attempted takeover of the Pacifica stations in July of 1999. I’d rather not have to fight the same battle, but by god, we didn’t fight it then to have it slip away eleven years later!
Please restore the Morning Show and allow the local board to govern.
Name: Vi P. Huynh
Subject: Reinstate the KPFA staff
KPFA’s listeners pledged their money to support programming and staff, not a bloated Pacifica bureaucracy. I, along with other KPFA listeners won’t allow the destruction of the station’s programming. Please reinstate the staff that you recently laid off.
-Vi P. Huynh
Name: robert atkins
Subject: the layoffs
I am outraged at the action taken against the KPFA Morning Show. I suggest that you resign your post immediately, since you do not appear to have the best interests of the original Pacifica station or the Community it serves at heart.
Name: Marcia Laris
Subject: Morning Show
Please reinstate the morning show. What could you possibly have been thinking by laying these wonderful folks off. I’ve been an avid listener for about 25 years. The show is a source of information you cannot get anywhere else, brought to us by gracious, intelligent and most capable hosts and other workers. It is a travesty to lay off these dedicated, earnest, hard working folks who enrich the Bay Area so much, who speak truth to power and who stand up for those who have been treated unjustly. Where else can you find this information? Where else can you find the caliber of people who staff the Morning show? What are you thinking?
Name: veronika fukson
Subject: actions at KPFA
Surely there must be a way for everyone involved to act like adults and sit down to find a mutually satisfactory solution. Union employees have certain rights which must not be abrogated AND the station programmers are an important of our Berkeley community. Let’s get past all this “back and forth” insanity and offer the listeners clear and accurate information about the workings of the Pacifica Foundation. You all owe us no less!!
Name: Margaret Weimer
Subject: Re-hire KPFA workers
KPFA workers who were fired must be re-hired. This is essential to the local
community. KPFA gives investigative news reporting that is not heard on other
stations. It’s in-depth reporting is heavily relied on in the Bay area for truthful
assessments of current events.
Name: Maribeth Halloran
Subject: Arlene Englehardt
The rationalization Ms. Englehart gave this morning for firing the staff of the Morning Show, left me with the conclusion that she is not acting in the best interest of KPFA or its listeners. She launched a personal attack on Brian Edwards Tiekert, but failed to address the extent of the harm resulting from cutting off a very popular news show which has won loyalty with its excellent news coverage of local issues. If Pacifica honestly believes that substituting in news coverage from LA will satisfy the Bay Area listener base, its Board and CFO seriously misjudges the radio market. Please rethink the merits of this, fire Ms. Englehart, and adopt the Sustainable Budget that has been submitted.
Name: John Erhart
Subject: Keep KPFA Morning Show
Please look carefully before you move to eliminate KPFA’s Morning Show. The locally produced show has a major influence in the Bay Area, if that matters to you, and brings in revenue for Pacifica. Pacifica is not about making money for national executives; this program is an important local function. Restore the Morning Show at KPFA.
Name: Kenneth Beckman
Subject: KPFA Morning Show cuts
As a long time Pacifica donor, as a volunteer during fund drives, and as a media professional, I strongly object to the recent KPFA Morning Show cuts. Although I am keenly aware of the current economic issues within Pacifica, this choice is extremely myopic and quite unacceptable.
Please immediately reverse this untoward action, and restore all of the Morning Show staff.
Name: Shiree B
Subject: Firing of morning show
I will not longer support this radio station financially until the morning crew is hired back. Why are you paying such an absorbent salaries to the executives when everyone else working at the station is barely making a salary. This is an independent radio station, not a corporate monster who is money hungry. You need new executives that work for the people not for themselves. This decision to fire the morning show is ridiculous and asinine. The morning show brings in the most money from contributions, even a 3rd grader can figure it out that if you fire them, you are going to be worse off than when you started. I am utterly upset about this decision.
Name: Karen Skold
Subject: KPFA Morning Show layoffs
Message: Please revoke your decision to fire the staff of the Morning Show. It makes no sense to cut the most popular show on the station.
Name: Lynne Streeter
Subject: the recent fiasco
I am a long-time supporter and admirer of KPFA. I am shocked, appalled, and angered by this new development. We love the Morning Show! We need the Morning Show! We PAID for the Morning Show! What the HELL do we in the SF Bay Area want/need to hear the local stuff of KPFK in the early hours of our working days? This is obviously another attempt a decade later to take over KPFA AGAIN and make profit for unnamed individuals. We will not allow the destruction of OUR station’s programming, content, integrity, and quality! Why don’t YOU “big guys” take a VOLUNTARY pay cut of around 80 o/o AND volunteer to do the Morning Show (more than a full-time job, only paid part-time). $90,000/year salary? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? You ain’t worth SHIT, Sherlock! A very non-admirer, Lynne Streeter
Name: Jim Forsyth
Subject: personnel changes
I am a long time supporter who has responded to every fund appeal and I am appalled by these firings. Act immediately to revoke these insane terminations of the heart and soul of our beloved KPFA.
Name: Robin Clauson
Subject: Morning Show
Message: Ms. Englehardt,
May I remind you that KPFA is a listener-sponsored radio station. My family’s dollars will go to KALW this year as a result of your arrogant decision. How much do you make per year, by the way? I know it’s more than I or my friends make.
Robin Clauson
San Francisco
Name: Donna Miro
Subject: Save KPFA
I feel that Pacifica is beginning the silencing of KPFA’s tradition of thorough, intellegent, stimulating news programming which continues to raise my consciousness as well as my hope for the future. The silencing of speech is sad beyond words.
Name: PL
Name: Sean O’Connell
Subject: Don’t throw out the Morning Show
I listen to the Morning Show every morning. I want to hear local commentary, not bs from LA.
This is one listener you will lose.
Name: Lawrence Dorfman
Subject: Morning Show Layoffs
Pacifica, I marched before to save KPFA and protest poor management and I will march again. I am a 20 year listener and contributer to KPFA. The Morning show has been my friend on my way to work from way back with Kris Welch. I abhor the layoffs of a very popular, able staff that produce a fine local program. I will not threaten to not donate to KPFA, but I will let you know how angry I am over your betrayal of your listeners. Reinstate, Reinstate, Reinstate.
Lawrence Dorfman
Menlo Park, Ca
Name: Anitra Grisales
Subject: Terrible Mistake
As a volunteer and fill-in co-host on the KPFA Evening News and Free Speech Radio News, I have worked first-hand with Brian Edwards-Tiekert. As a listener and KPFA supporter, I have benefited greatly from the talent of Aimee Allison, Esther Manilla, and Laura Prives. Their political dismissal is outrageous and extremely detrimental to Pacifica as a whole, not to mention KPFA. Brian Edwards-Tiekert, in particular, is one of the most competent, professional, and diligent journalists/hosts/producers at KPFA. His journalistic integrity, interviewing skills, live presence, and dedication to training aspiring journalists are unmatched. To fire him, along with the excellent staff of the most lucrative program on KPFA, is just poor, political, spiteful management. I echo the voices of many others outraged by this ridiculous decision in urging you to reconsider and immediately reinstate the Morning Show and it’s entire staff.
Name: Carol Maddox
Subject: cancellation of morning show on KPFA
I have been a consistent financial supporter of KPFA for more years than I can remember, the kind of supporter that KPFA and Pacifica should be looking for (ie., I donate through EFT rather than randomly throwing down money in exchange for some stupid “gift” during fund drives). I was also one of the thousands of supporters who came out in force to “save” KPFA the last time the Pacifica management tried to decimate the station. Now I am seriously considering whether I should continue donating in light of the latest shenanigans. You and the rest of the Pacifica board should look into the history of the station and put a little more thought into what you are doing.
Name: cecile leneman
Subject: firing morning show staff
have been a long time KPFA supporter. to fire the highest earning fund raising show seems to me to be slashing the golden goose’s throat. is this a wise decision?
i don’t think so. i will withdraw my support from kpfa if it cannot reconsider its budgetary priorities
Name: Phyllis Willett
Subject: axing the Morning Show staff
I don’t generally advertise how I allocate my financial donations, but I expect that I am considered a major donor to KPFA — having given at least $1,000 per year to the station for quite a long time. With the advent of online giving, that is generally my preference. For years I called in — always during the Morning Show or Democracy Now.
The decision to terminate the Morning Show staff strikes me as a strong statement that lunacy reigns. Who in her right mind would take such a step against the people and programming that raise more funds for KPFA than any other/s?
In addition to being a substantial donor to KPFA, I have spent my entire adult life in financial operations in the nonprofit world. Can you possibly offer me a rational explanation of what you are doing before you lose a major donor?
I am enraged and profoundly disappointed.
Name: Susanne Dyckman
Subject: KPFA Morning Show
Ms. Englehardt,
I heard you this morning, Nov 9th, on KPFA, and noted your previous tenure at a station Florida. It is not clear to me how long you have been affiliated with Pacifica (I would think not long) but clearly you do not understand the importance of The Morning Show to Bay Area listeners. While I can appreciate (guardedly) the need to trim budgets in these difficult financial times, this move on your part makes little sense. The Morning Show is a local institution, and substituting a program from a Southern California station is a decision that clearly reveals a lack of understanding of the Bay Area alternative radio market. And that will, in the end, only serve to decrease listener contributions, which will in turn reduce what you claim is an already difficult budget. I believe you have made a serious miscalculation.
Susanne Dyckman
Name: Joe Mc Curdy
Subject: Morning Show
Living back here in north of Ireland for 13 years after 20 yr’s in the bay area I am saddened to hear I am going to lose real news there is/was nothing to compare the in depth factual reporting that comes/came from Berkley in the English speaking world , besides Democracy now, Flashpoints, Against the grain, Free Speech Radio news, Living Room. The loss of any of these programs will be a travesty not only to the Bay Area but to the English speaking world. What a sad world nothing left but the BBC SKY CNN FOX. Al Jezeara And Press TV will be the only progressive news outlets left. Please America don’t let it happen how else will we know that there is still sanity somewhere in the USA
Name: Alice Martineau
Subject: Calling for Ms. Englehardt’s Resignation
Dear Ms. Englehardt:
As a many years supporter of KPFA and Pacifica I am floored that you would destroy KPFA’s Morning Show which is one of the biggest revenue boosters for the station (and hence the entire Pacifica network). This shows a tremendous lack of concern for KPFA and Pacifica as a whole. I am writing to ask for your immediate acceptance of the “Sustainable Budget,” immediate reinstatement of the Morning Show staff, along with your immediate resignation. If you do not care about KPFA funds, listeners and programming; you do not belong in your current position.
I wish you well in your soul’s journey, so I ask you to find work elsewhere that enhances your life and the lives of others, rather than detracts from them.
Name: Laura Duke
Subject: this morning
First and foremost we want KPFA to keep living and thriving as is with the morning show.
Ms Englehardt said a couple times this morning on the Morning Show that this was bad radio but the truth is that it was really GREAT RADIO, beyond good and bad and that’s what KPFA is, a National Treasure!
From what I gathered from this morning’s conversation’s this feels like sabotage, like a systematic undermining of independent media. Let’s see to it that it doesn’t happen.
We need the independent and professional, local, democratic voice now more than ever!
Name: Don Thomas
Subject: Morning Show
Message: As a long-time listener and member of KPFA, I was shocked to hear about the abrupt layoff of the morning show staff. I think that the heartless manner that management staff carried this out is in conflict with KPFA’s core principles. I urge KPFA to re-consider this action.
Don Thomas
Name: Max Bollock
Subject: Morning Show Firings
Dear Ms. Englehardt:
What an ironical coincidence! I was just sitting down to fulfill my pledge with a check when I got wind of the fact that you had fired the entire “Morning Show” personnel.
Is that possible? – – – Hey I depend on this show for some real news! What gets into you folks???
Pretty obviously, that check is not going out – until I’m convinced the entire crew is reinstated and with some assurances that there won’t be a repeat of this knuckleheaded move.
Name: Sarah Wilson
Subject: stop it
Ms. Englehardt,
KPFA is a community radio station. I thought that someone who was brought in to run the Pacifica Foundation would understand what that means. But you have exhibited that you do not.
Resign now. Before you do that, reinstate the staff of the KPFA morning show, and make sure that the Sustainable Budget is adopted. You need to respect the workers and listeners of KPFA, and keep your hands off our station’s programming. I don’t pledge my money so that bureaucrats in Pacifica’s offices can hijack my radio station.
Sarah Wilson
Name: Augusto Cardoso
Subject: Your are killing KPFA!
It’s very simple, please go away and stop destroying KPFA and Pacifica. You are clearly incompetent to stand on you own and you’re part of the problem.
You show no skill to negotiate with labor or to listen or even to understand the issues.
Why is the Pacifica Executive Director making programing decisions at the local station? It doesn’t make any sense.
The changes to the Morning Show at KPFA is clearly political.
Reinstate dismisses employees and adopt the Sustainable Budget.
You should also leave after that.
Name: Amy Trachtenberg
Subject: Save Morning Show/KPFA-don’t dismantle
Hello Ms Englehardt,
Do not allow budget constraints to alter the meat and bones of why we support and actively listen, $support, need and participate in KPFA.
Crisis needs support not dismantling.
Trim elsewhere.
Look at upper salaries!
We won’t stand for this.
Amy Trachtenberg
Name: Dr. EL
Subject: Fire / Resign Arlene !
As a loyal KPFA listener, I want you to know that you CANNOT (repeat CANNOT) fire The Morning Show. I give my money to KPFA and I expect to hear the programs that I enjoy every day. The Morning Show is a BIG (repeat BIG) part of my day. I ask my students to listen to KPFA and this show is one of the sources they need to listen to for their college writing classes. They learn what’s going on in the world by listening. This is your number one show!
To be very clear, once again, you CANNOT fire The Morning Show. But I have a much better idea that will save a lot of money immediately: FIRE ARLENE Engelhardt (or ask for resignation immediately). Second, you MUST reinstatement The Morning Show staff, too. And to meet the needs of your financial problems, simply ADOPT THE SUSTAINABLE BUDGET, which has been drafted for you. The work on the budget is finished and ready to adopt. So, to conclude and to be very clear, FIRE ARLENE ENGELHARDT and you will save a lot of money.
Remember, if you fire The Morning Show and its staff, bad things will happen — a big loss of listeners, relentless letters and phone calls from listeners, court proceedings, bad publicity for KPFA, and on and on and on. Listeners will not give up, and you will soon find this out. You are not doing the right thing by firing The Morning Show, Arlene. I think you know this is true, so be smart and resign immediately.
PLEASE RESIGN ARLENE. You have not listened to the listeners of KPFA ! We need a Pacifica Executive Director who knows how to listen. You have not done this, so you need to go, not The Morning Show.
Name: Barbara Gray
Subject: Saving KPFA
I am calling for the resignation of Arlene Engelhardt immediately and the reinstatement of the “Morning Show” staff. What’s being done to KPFA is unconscionable.
Pacifica’s national board has no right to overrule KPFA’s local elected board. A Sustainable Budget is necessary to keep KPFA alive. We listeners support programming and staff, not a bloated Pacifica bureaucracy.
KPFA has been part of my environment since the 1940’s. We can’t let it be destroyed now by greed, politics, and incompetence. KPFA has always been a major resource in Berkeley and beyond.
I support the union and all the staff.
Name: justin
Subject: re hire! morning show staff
I’m writing having heard of the goings-on w/the morning show staff & call for their reinstatement & the resignation of Engelhardbt!
: ]
Name: Rachel Monte
Subject: morning show
It was great to hear the discussion on this morning’s show about what is happening there at KPFA. Ms. Englehardt kept saying it wasn’t good radio, but she clearly doesn’t know what good radio is.
I am a supporter of KPFA and the morning show, and not just financially. Brian and Aimee do a phenomenal job, and without them on the air I will not be tuning in. The people brought in to defend the decision to cut the show did not repond to direct questions, they brought up personal or unrelated issues, and they failed to answer even the simplest questions (one caller asked Ms. Englehardt how well she knows KPFA and she began spouting off her resume, which did not answer the question, and which indicated the caller was right).
I am hopeful the union will be able to resolve this, the morning show will be brought back with the appropriate staff, and that the people responsible for this poor and unprofessional decision will be held accountable.
Name: Eliot Kenin
Subject: KPFA Morning Show
The KPFA Morning Show raises way more money than it costs in staff salaries. Can the top Pacifica people make the same claim? Get your priorities straight.
I was a WBAI supporter when I lived in New York in the early ’60’s and have been a KPFA and Pacifica supporter since the middle ’70’s in the Bay Area. How does what you are trying to do support Pacifica and its stations? Show me the numbers.
Name: Diane L. Hill
Subject: Chop from the top!
Dear Ms. Englehardt,
I listened to The Morning Show this morning, and was saddened to hear that the largest revenue-making, as well as one of the best-loved programs has been cut. I do not have confidence in whatever you are planning to replace it. As long as the Pacifica management is making what looks like unreasonable and fiscally unintelligent decisions, I will be making any donations directly to the workers and not to the KPFA network.
I suggest that you resign and let the station managers do their jobs.
Diane L. Hill
Name: Arlene Englehart
Subject: Save Morning Show & KPFA
Ms Englehart:
The action you took yesterday should be carefully re-considered.
There is no doubt that a financial problem exists that must be addressed — but holistically, not in the manner presently being implemented.
The ultimate effect of the action now taken will lead inexorably to loss of local listenership and financial support, thus contributing to the unavoidable destruction of KPFA, and concommitant impacts on the network and Pacifica itself.
If you are unable or unwilling to foresee the repercussion of your short-sighted decision, perhaps you should step down, and make way for a leadership that is more imaginative, inclusive, and responsive to a more appropriate resolution of present problems.
Name: Deer Simmons
Subject: Morning Show
We, the people, want to keep the Morning Show as is!!!
The board is SUPPOSED to listen to the people and should resign if they will not!
Name: Karl Kramer
Subject: firing of Aimee Allison
The firing of Aimee Allison is the biggest mistake that could be made at KPFA. She has a long history of activism in the Bay Area going back to being a resister in the first Gulf war. She ran a spirited campaign for the Oakland City Council as a Green Party candidate with the backing of the Alameda Central Labor Council. She is a highly skilled journalist and the station is lucky to have her. We need and demand a morning news show with local reporters who know the community.
Name: Bill Simpich
Subject: Return the Morning Show
The Morning Show is essential to our community. It’s been doing the work day in and day out. Cut back on the bureaucracy, not the programming.
Name: LB
Subject: morning show reinstatement
How absurd to cancel the morning show. I don’t listen to KPFA full time, but I do regularly tune into this show. Very newsworthy and informative. It grabs my attention with its personal style. They bring in money and listeners to KPFA. The old guys at the cafe were even talking about the insane idea of canceling this show. What is up with this? Is this a personal/political move? You must understand, you can’t pull the wool over the eyes of Berkeley citizens. Just not worth the effort. Please reinstate the show immediately. Thank you Leslie Buck
Name: Avis Worthington
Subject: Firings
What is this, a fascist takeover? Of all US media? We got Progressive Keith Olbermann back, now we have to get the only program I watch regularly back. And get you fired. I’ve been watching for 40 years and this is the limit.
Name: M Moore
Subject: Reinstate the Morning Show!!!!
We depend on the Morning Show and our family donates to KPFA accordingly!!
Name: ruth minka
Subject: Engelhardt’s bad decisions
I am a long-term supporter of KPFA. I support the firing of Engelhardt for her poor judgement , for giving low priority to what is most important to bay area listeners. I call for the reinstatement of the morning show and for the adoption of the sustainable budget.
thank you, ruth minka
Name: Barbara
To destroy the entire morning show is a devastating blow! Perhaps you don’t
find this such a surprise, but it is very hard to find out what goes on at the station. I only recently found the site. The recent election was
also difficult, and if few participated, I certainly understand why. How many
of us can really know for whom we vote?
Some who know where to look have not been able to find out where the funds have gone. This should not be a mystery! Fantastic people are working at the station for very low salaries, and we would gladly give up you, Arlene Engelhardt, for the continuing work of the Morning Show group.
How can we donate funds when we learn they are being squandered on useless meetings, etc by the Pacifica board.
Sincerely, Barbara Lilley
Name: Melanie Lawrence
Subject: Firing of “Morning Show” staff
Dear Ms. Englehardt:
We know the KPFA crew can be hard to deal with, but your dismissal of the
“Morning Show,” the most popular and profitable, so to speak, of KPFA’s programming, is ridiculous. (And its replacement is beyond ridiculous.)
We urge you to reinstate the “Morning Show” staff and to seriously consider the proposed sustainable budget before this conflict escalates any further–which history demonstrates that it is bound to do. (During the 1999 crisis, we were picketing the station almost every day with our 10-year-old daughter, and we are quite prepared to drag her 21-year-old self down there again in 2010.)
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Yours truly,
Melanie Lawrence
John Smail
(KPFA listeners for the last 30 and 40 years, respectively)
Name: Jeannie Lella
Subject: Dismissal of Morning show staff
Ms Englehardt,
It is important to me to be well informed and for much of my adult life KPFA has been the media outlet I go to hear discussion and get information on the important issues. I have always listened to The Morning show for accurate local news and information pertinent to me as a northern California resident. So important because of the lack of information as well as the disinformation delivered by mainstream media.
With the local programing of the Morning Show staff gone, KPFA holds little relevance for me as a member and longtime listener, therefore my yearly donation as a member will most likely discontinue as a result.
If the revenue from my donations is important please heed this letter and reconsider you decision the discontinue the Morning Show.
Jeannie Lella
Name: Seth Sandronsky
Subject: Stop staff layoffs
Name: Jean Caiani
Dear Ms. Englehardt,
KPFA listeners won’t allow the destruction of the station’s programming. We pledge our money to support programming and staff not a bloated Pacific bureaucracy. You do not represent our interests!
Name: Meredith Melville
Subject: Boot out Arlene & give me back the Morning Show
I’m writing this email to request the immediate resignation of Arlene Englehardt! I also want the immediate reinstatement of the “Morning Show ” and its staff! How dare she eliminate one of KPFA’s most popular shows!?
Adopt the Sustainable Budget now!
Name: TJ
Subject: bring back our morning show
Dear Ms. Englehardt and Pacifica,
KPFA is our local station. The morning show is one of the ways in which it addresses our local concerns and events and best represents our community and its activities. Cutting the show harms our ability to speak to the different segments of our community, to mobilize for events, to hold a conversation. And to have the decision taken by a distant administrator, without local input, is against everything that community radio is supposed to be.
Name: Jeff Chang
Subject: Protesting Layoffs Of The Morning Show Staff
I am writing to express my outrage at the layoffs of the Morning Show staff. I have been a committed listener, supporter, and yes, also a sometime guest of the Morning Show and Hard Knock Radio.
For years I had tuned out the Morning Show and most of KPFA’s shows because I felt that they did not speak to me, or to a multigenerational multiracial audience, for that matter. It’s been no secret that Pacifica, like too much of the progressive left media, has been poor at reaching beyond aging white audiences.
But I came back to the show with the arrival of the late, great Andrea Lewis and have very much enjoyed Aimee and Brian’s work on the show. Their layoffs, I fear, break the trust that has been built between these new audiences and the station.
The layoffs are also at odds with Pacifica’s historic goals. Aimee and Brian have been powerful icons of independent media in the community. I have had the opportunity to work closely with Aimee in the Asian American community and around her work to represent Oakland and the East Bay. She is recognized and received widely as a committed community voice.
Mainstream radio has moved toward a delocalized voice, outsourcing its content to the equivalent of digital sweatshops, the better to rep globalized capital. At its best, Pacifica has been rooted in building movements and audiences through deep and diverse local knowledge. But firing the Morning Show staff and outsourcing the time slot content to KPFK is another way in which the layoffs break the trust built with its audience.
Everyone understands the need to tighten belts in this economic environment. All of us live this in our everyday decisions. But does it make sense to implement changes that hurt the institution’s ability to sustain itself in its near- and long-term future?
Chasing away younger multiracial audiences and delocalizing the station’s content will not stop the bleeding. These actions are more likely to turn a financial crisis into an audience crisis, one that undermines the very foundations of Pacifica radio.
Jeff Chang
Name: Peter Ingram Hill
Subject: MorningShow
This high handed behaviour action by the Pacifica management axing the Morning Show & dismissing the staff without regard & against the wishes of the listeners is high handed & unacceptible. The proposals put forward by KPFA for budget adjustments should be accepted, the show & staff should be reinstated & Arlene Engelhardt should resign. This is a democratic station for & of the people. Her authoritarian, autocratic behaviour has no place here but more in the boardroom of Newscorp.
Name: Kevin Rath
Subject: Rehire KPFA morning show
I am a member, and I say rehire the morning staff! Your decision is incredible, and you sounded like an ignorant corporate hack this morning. You are destroying your own source of revenue as you try to exert control over issues local management and listeners should decide. We vote with our pocketbooks for the morning show staff–they are major fundraisers–so listen to the members.
Name: Simone Odom
Subject: save the Morning Show!
Please return of the Morning Show!
Name: Bridgid McGrath
Subject: Save the morning show!
I love the morning show! Don’t ax them!
Name: Lee Block
Subject: Laying off Morning Show staff is unacceptable.
This is my second e-mail that I’ve sent — I have been listening to this morning’s last show before the staff is laid off (11/9/2010). I want to express my 100% support of the staff; and feel that Pacifica’s executive director, Ms. Englehardt, provided little reasoning and seemed to obfuscate the real reason for laying off the staff.
I listen to the Morning Show everyday for my local and regional news. Additionally, I find the specialized daily pieces as Ask the Economist, to be highly informative and a valuable resource to the community.
As a long time listener who has given the station over $3000 in the last five years (and was able to volunteer once), I am completely distressed by this action. And unless, the Morning Show are immediately re-instated, I will be hard pressed to donate anything more to the station.
In closing as usual, the Left is doing what it does best– eats itself. I hope KPFA can survive this latest controversy.
But I do appreciate the on-air discussion of this issue — unlike the attempted coup of 1999.
Lee Block
Name: Corey Wade
I insist that you bring the KPFA morning staff back in their entirety. You will be held accountable.
Name: Peter Leinau
Subject: Action against KPFA morning show unacceptable
The method employed and the action itself are unacceptable, and the evident underlying premise of eliminating paid union staff is in complete opposition to the founding philosophies of Pacifica. Your actions are making a strong case for an emergency response to suspend the upper management of the national organization before irreperable damage is done to the network. Restore the morning show staff and programming. I look forward to a sustainable budget developed with listner-member involvement and management transparancy as a core process. Thank you!
Peter Leinau, CA
Name: RS
Subject: Big Fan of the morning show
I don’t understand the logic behind the layoffs. This seems to be a typical case of the upper echelons cutting the root of the organization. Please reinstate them and let us enjoy our show.
Name: David Dodd
Subject: Please be sane–restore KPFA’s Morning Show staff
I simply have a hard time grasping why in the world you would dismiss the staff of such an excellent show. Please listen to the front-line folks at KPFA and implement their sustainable budget, rather than gutting our beloved station.
I am a long-time pledging member of KPFA, and I am sure that, along with many others, my support will be at risk if you continue your policies.
–David Dodd
Petaluma, California
Name: Jetta Martin
Subject: KPFA Morning Show
Dear Ms. Englehardt,
As a KPFA listener, lover of music, and former lover of the radio, I am appalled to hear that you would cut a show that is one of the most original, interesting and engaging things left on our local radio. Please reconsider your attempt to homogenize us. You have targeted something that many people value, love and look forward to. Many people in the community appreciate a show like the KPFA Morning Show. Additionally, we understand what dismissing the morning show will mean for the entirety of KPFA. I would appreciate hearing the reasons for the dismissal of the morning staff because as it stands it seems nonsensical to me. KPFA’s Morning Show is too important to go down because of shortsightedness. I implore you to reconsider. Local programming is what this community enjoys, tunes in for, and, dare I say, requires. Piped in programming from LA is not. I hope that you do not allow the personal to become political. A large community of people are requesting that you reinstate the Morning Show staff. That would be the easiest, smoothest route to reconciliation.
Jetta Martin
Name: Naomi Schiff
Subject: Oh no! Not the morning show!
Why are you cutting the KPFA show I regularly listen to? It makes me wonder about the administration of the Pacifica network. This seems to be a remarkably counterproductive move.
Name: Javier Nunez
Subject: Reinstate the morning show
I’ve been a kpfa listner for 6 years since my return home from the Marines and I’ve since learned a lot of valueable information I would of rather not gotten through the main streem madia or any other media. I’ve as well contributed in the past to Pacifica radio and know how dificult it must be to keep funding for all your programing. But What I cant believe is that you would axe your highest revenue producing programming and I thought the bureaucracy was only on the main streem media. I would like for you to reinstate the morning show as I bet you can readjust budgets to do so. My only problem here is if Pacifica Radio is not going to listen to its listeners then why should we countinue to support or monetarily contribute Pacifica Radio.
Please Dont Be Like The Rest of Our Nations Media
Name: Nancy Rowe
Subject: KPFA coup
The apparent coup underfoot is a reflection of the rightwing shift in American politics. Any institution can bankrupt itself by intentionally overspending, esp. for a desired outcome. This is a McCarthy purge of very effective journalists that can counter the rise of dangerous reactionary thinking today.
Therefore… where are the motives, the understory, of this action, takeover & purposeful manipulation of the political power & potential fundraising at KPFA coming from? Who are these ‘administrators’? The CFO got on air 11-9 and smirked, giggled & fingerpointed in the best imitation of HUAC I’ve heard in 50 years. Who is funding this takeover? Are there infiltrators… provocateurs… wormed into Pacifica? Larry Bensky is right! This is a coup to defund the station & silence what remains of the informed Left… our only Hope!
Nancy Rowe (daughter of blacklisted professor Frank Rowe… 20 yrs. ousted from teaching during the McCarthy Era)
Name: rose marie kuhn
Subject: I’m opposed to firing of Morning Staff
1. Ms. Engelhardt does not respect any contract. This is especially shocking since this is a viewer supported radio network.
2. I’m more than calling for her resignation: I’m demanding her immediately resignation and the full and immediate reinstatement of the Morning Show staff.
3. I demand the adoption of the Sustainable Budget which is a workable solution Ms. Engelhardt totally ignored and should have use before making unilateral and drastic cuts affecting people’s livelihood.
Name: Karen Musalo
Subject: termination of Morning Show staff
I am a long-term supporter of KPFA – I have listened to the station for more than 30 years, and am a regular contributor. The Morning Show is one of the programs I most value, and I find it hard to understand how the decision made to terminate the current staff, reflects the best interest of either the station or its listeners. I do hope that the Morning Show, with its current staffing, is returned to the air.
Name: Paul Henry Abram
Subject: No morning show cuts!
No cuts to the morning shows!
Name: Andrew Jamieson
Subject: Firing the Morning Show
I strongly protest the firing of the Morning Show staff and the elimination of the Morning Show program. During the last fund drive, I pledged my support to Aimee Allison’s show. If you take her off the air, you are guilty of “bait-and-switch”. I demand the return of my pledge money.
Name: Mariette Olsen
Subject: dismissal of The Morning Show staff
As a listener member of KFCF, I am deeply disturbed by Pacifica’s decision to eliminate The Morning Show from KPFA in order to save money. The Morning Show is a program to which I listen regularly, and I consider it to be one of the best shows on KPFA and is one of the reasons I donate money every fund drive. The move by Pacifica is very short sighted considering the revenue generated by the program during the fund drives.
The top down approach of staff and program reduction to manage the budget is very undemocratic and runs counter to everything I see KPFA and Pacifica standing for. Why wasn’t the Alternative Budget, proposed by KPFA staff, considered? Why is Pacifica spending so much money on things that don’t generate revenue for stations like KPFA? Why weren’t the listener members polled regarding how best to use funds? I am certain that listener members WOULD NOT have opted for staff and program cuts as a way to save money.
It is not too late to consider alternatives. Please find other ways to cut spending that will not effect KPFA’s valuable assets, like staff & programming.
Name: Gene Roza
Subject: Morning Show?!?!?!
In terms that some of the younger generation would use in texting a message regarding canceling the Morning Show on KPFA………” W T F ?”. We in the valley who listen to KFCF and have fought to keep Pacifica a listener sponsored media source are absolutely in shock that any thoughts of canceling the Morning Show were even considered besides doing it. You can NOT be serious about this decision. Bring The Morning Show Back, Now!!!
A decade plus listener and member of KFCF.
Name: Bruce Eriksen
Subject: The Morning Show
To Arlene Englehardt,
I am outraged that for some obscure reason the Morning Show and it’s staff has been dropped. What kind of convoluted logic would lead to the loss of one of the most compelling reasons to support KPFA – a local very popular program followed by dedicated KPFA listeners, especially when it is being replaced by canned programming from another city! The whole point of KPFA is to have well balanced uncensored thoughtful program that represents it’s listenership, especially the local community.
This is a mistake – please do all you can to reverse this ill conceived action and reinstate the show. Acknowledge the mistake and take action to correct it.
Most Sincerely,
Bruce Eriksen
Petaluma, CA
Name: Tania Levy
Subject: Morning show and management style
Dear Ms. Englehardt and KPFA staff –
I was shocked to hear on the morning show today that you are laying these people off and cutting the show. I have been an active supporter (monthly support) for nearly 20 years, and it is the program that is the most important to me, and that I listen to the most. If I had heard that this was at stake in the recent fundraiser I would have contributed more —
But more disturbing is the way in which this is being done. I heard you say that KPFA refuses to make cuts so pacifica central must take unilateral action . But when a staff member responded on air that they’d reduced staff costs 20% in the past year you responded that it happened before you arrived last Devcember so you don’t know about it. If you are making such accusations, you should ask questions first and learn the history! You also said that the fund raising next week would still work, but had no plan yet. So what if prime time is the biggest fundraising time for all stations and it is not about Phillip — decimating staff means that that prime time will be much less lucrative. , It seems this has not been a team effort but a unilateral one. I for one will not contribute under these circumstances.
It seems to me that Pacifica Central is not focusing on serving the public and meeting the goals of the station’s mission, but to make a point. If you were truly supporting the mission it would be done differently.
The sustainable budget proposed by KPFA staff seems to have many sensible items. To include a full payment in one year of the relatively small amount that KPFA owes Pacifica in the statement of immense impossible debt is ingenuous at best.
I would also ask you all to consider other revenue raising formats. Advertise – in buses, BART stations, potential listeners’ newsletters – to expand the listener base. Most new residents don’t know about Pavifica. Get Move-On to fundraise. Go to social media. Advertise on local retail sites. “The only in depth non-commercial news reporting”. “We knew about x a year before the rest of the country – listen to KPFA”. KPFA – the voice of the bay area — Etc. Bay Area people are likely to be interested in this. . Surely there are skilled graphic artists and advertising professionals who would do pro-bono work for KPFA.
And to decimate the station just before a fundraising week shows the lack of interest in real station survival. This is similar to the closing of the station the week before its 50th anniversary celebration and fundraiser ten years ago!Some email sent in 2005 by Phillip Maudrey (spelling?) and a $2300 lawyer bill that your colleague complained about at length this morning when she got the floor is not relevant to the issues at hand.
KPFA and its sister independent voices are CRITICAL for our country and planet’s survival. Get it? Let’s make it happen. Or get out of the way….
Thank you
Tania Levy
Name: Ceanna Stephens
Subject: KPFA Morning Show Concerns
As a long time listener and supporter, I was extremely saddened by the program and contention on the Morning Show today, November 9 2010. I understand there are budgetary issues that will require drastic and difficult decisions, however I urge management at Pacifica to reconsider the action it has taken to lay off the staff of the Morning Show.
It sounds like the major discrepancy that was not really answered on todays debate was the issue between cutting a position versus cutting staff. My understanding from what was said about the union contract at Kpfa, was that only positions could be cut, not staff people in those positions. What I am unclear about is how Pacifica plans to replace a Morning Show program or staff without cutting those positions entirely, and still be in compliance with the existing union contract. Will KPFA have a locally run Morning Show?
If the answer is yes, which Arlene Engelhardt implied, would Brian and Aimee be replaced with more senior staff from other programs?
I am mostly saddened as a listener because I deeply rely on Kpfa and pacifica as my source of news and feel proud to be a supporter of independent community run radio. For years I have woken up to the voices of Phillip, Andrea (RIP), Brian, Ilene and Aimee. It makes me feel a part of our Bay Area progressive community and I dont want to see that type of integrity disappear in the wake of larger economic crises. There has to be other options and solutions. If we are all committed to maintaining the independence of our station, and the staff that serves our community so well, which I am, I ask that Pacifica reconsider and involve the staff and community in a dialogue about what other solutions we can create for the economic shortfalls.
Thank you for your time,
Ceanna Stephens
Name: Sheila Goldmacher
Subject: the mess you have created at my KPFA
As a financial supporter and voter in the recent local board elections of KPFA, I feel totally unheard and disenfranchised, another stolen election syndrome to live through. Do you folks at national not understand what we were saying when we voted in a new local board who stand for our values and hopes for KPFA!
How dare you fire the staff of the best program on our local station? Let alone the brightest interviewer, Bryan Edwards Tikert, we have had in a long time???
And not give credence to the alternative budget proposed by the local board and supported by the staff? If you really gave a damn about the survival of our station, you would heed the election results.
I demand the resignation of Arlene Engleheardt and the immediate adoption of the proposed alternative budget and reinstatment of the MORNING SHOW.
As I am ill and in bed today, I will not be at the demonstration this 11 a.m. but know that I am there heart and mind, against your outrageous moves against what we the people want and need!
Name: RB
Subject: Stop destroying KPFA!
I am outraged about the news about management havoc at KPFA. The presumably highly paid Arlene Englehardt unilaterally fires the entire staff of the most popular show on KPFA, Morning Show. This show is not only the most listened to, it’s also the most effective fundraising tool the station has. It does not make any sense to eliminate that show! Unless, of course, there’s something else going on, something more sinister, like attempts at union busting.
I demand that you reinstate the fired staff and save money by letting go of Ms. Englehardt. Decisions like firing the staff of the most popular show on the station indicate that she has little management qualification!
Name: Arla S. Ertz
Subject: Bring Back the Morning Show Staff!!
Dear Arlene Englehardt:
I am a KPFA sustainer–meaning I donate to KPFA automatically each month via electronic funds transfer to support the station and programming I love. When you summarily take away the staff of my Morning Show, then you are stealing from me! Stop stealing from me and from other KPFA listeners. KPFA is the listeners’ station, not yours. Dont’ take away my programs or the staff of those programs. Your autocratic handling of this is an outrage! Please act only in keeping with the democratic principles that KPFA was founded on and stands for–restore the Morning Show staff and don’t lay anyone else off! Please instead adopt the Sustainable Budget that was proposed. It makes more sense and is infinitely more fair!!
Arla S. Ertz
KPFA Listener-Sponsor/Sustainer
Name: Martha Boesing
Subject: Arlene Englehardf’s BAD decision!
I am protesting the management of Pacifica’s decision to let go of KPFA’s morning staff. I am an avid supporter of KPFA and pledge my monet to support programming and staff, not Pacifica’s bloated bureaucracy. I would miss this morning show deeply. PLEASE do not let Arlene Englehardf do this terrible thing!
Martha Boesing
Name: Michael Eisenscher
Subject: Termination of the Morning Show
I was shocked to learn that Arlene Engelhardt had summarily terminated the Morning Show and laid off its entire staff. Is she deranged or possibly an agent provocateur sent by Fox News to destroy KPFA as the Bay Area’s premier independent community-controlled radio station?
This action is outrageous beyond words! It demonstrates utter contempt for the workers, paid and unpaid, who produce the programming, for the listeners who fund the station, for the union that represents the staff, and for the very concept of “free speech radio.”
KPFA has not struggled to survive all these years only to be dismembered by Pacifica’s corporate-minded fools. The listeners will not stand for it. This action must not stand. It will not stand!
Name: James M Bergstrom
Subject: KPFA Morning Show Cancellation
I am writing to protest thes wrong-headed move by Arlene Engelhardt to cancel the KPFA Morning Show.
First, the Morning Show is financially supported by the listeners, as is a matter of record. It is a major source of station revenue.
Second, The San Francisco Bay Area isn’t Los Angeles and we don’t want their programming. If we do, we can get it on the internet.
Third, the sustainable budget proposal is a much better solution to the problems at hand than taking the station in a generic Pacifica way by eliminating locally produced programming.
Fourth, informed KPFA supporters are not happy to be paying Pacifica’s rent (hosting their offices without compensation), and it’s time Pacifica paid up.
What is the motivation for depriving KPFA listeners of a much wanted and much supported show? Reinstate the Morning Show now, adopt the sustainable budget, and just for kicks, comply with the law and stop the unfair labor practices and omissions of legally required salary information in federal filings. If you act like you’ve something to hide, you are going to look like you’ve something to hide.
To sum up, your recent actions look both stupid and sleazy. A change of direction on your part is warranted.
J. Michael Bergstrom
Name: Lisa Rothman
Subject: Firing Morning Show staff
Dear Ms. Engelhardt,
I imagine that you consider yourself a person who supports workers’ rights locally and throughout the world. And that you want to be a good steward of Pacifica’s finances. If you don’t reverse your decision, you will be remembered throughout the Bay Area as somebody who did not respect a union contract and who did not contribute to Pacifica’s well-being. Even in the short-term, you have made a decision that will cause great financial harm because listeners will not give to KPFA now. KPFA listeners are like elephants–they don’t forget an injustice. Please learn from the lessons of Lynn Chadwick. Is this really what you want your legacy to be?
Name: Clymela Box
Subject: Englehardt’s resignation
I feel that this is somehow pointless however here goes: Since the time years ago when Pacifica moved to Washington requiring all kind of funds to stay open and then the monsters out of Texas tried to take over I have suspected that there was a government movement afoot to take over and kill KPFA much more than to kill Pacifica itself.
Only KPFA has remained true to the leftist ideal bringing us news not available anywhere else on the radio.
I encourage Englehardt to resign but even more I move that all Pacifica property be sold immediately and Pacifica be returned to Berkeley and that the board be elected locally every two years.
I imagine that one of the main reasons for firing Amy Alison who is so wonderful is that she is ex-military and she knows what really goes on. Her special on the soldiers in the winter moved me so much that I actually listened most of the weekend even though I wept from time to time. I believe that Amy has healed a split between the Lefties and the young ones who felt compelled to sign up and then had their hearts broken.
Englehardt resign. Pacifica move back to Berkeley.
Can anyone do a project to find out just who is behind all of this?
Name: Marie Lambe
Subject: KPFA Morning Show
To quote Dr. Phil – WHAT WERE YOU THINKING??????? Bring back the Morning Show! I have donated $250 to KPFA this year and I will not donate another dollar as long as Arlene Englehardt is in charge. I DEMAND HER RESIGNATION IMMEDIATELY!! She is an incompetent boob and I want her gone!! No more money to Pacifica until her ass is out of there!!!
Name: Kevin Woodson
Subject: Please resign and reinstate the Morning Show staff
To Arlene Englehardt:
Your action canceling local programming in Berkeley is financially unsound and irresponsible, robs this community of a program we have supported and nurtured for years, and demonstrates a complete disregard for the values of Pacifica, and the trust that goes along with your position.
This is a community that takes ownership of our flagship Pacifica station, and takes action to reject and rebuke blatant attacks such as this. You may think you have simply fired three people, but please know: I am Aimee Allison, Brian Edwards-Tiekert, Laura Prives and Esther Manilla. That’s me — along with tens of thousands of people across the Bay Area, now in Los Angeles, in every Pacifica station across the United States, and around the world. We know your name, the unfairness, stupidity and injustice of your action is apparent, and we won’t stop until this humiliation and aggression is repaid and our local programming is back in our hands.
– Kevin Woodson
Name: Raymond Barglow
Subject: dismissal of morning show staff
As a subscriber and listener, I find appalling the actions taken on a national level to dismiss KPFA staff. This is a political maneuver, in my view, and not worthy of the station and its long tradition.
Name: Richard Levitt
Subject: Shame on you!
As a long time listener and previous newsroom volunteer reporter and news writing instructor and paid associate producer, I am dismayed and shocked — but oddly not surprised — that Pacifica would cancel the KPFA Morning Show.
It’s exactly the kind of action that is spiraling our country and our culture into an abyss of greedy, self-serving corporate milquetoast. Pacifica, of all institutions, should be actively, noisily, selflessly promoting local free speech. And, holding KPFA above all as a beacon of that free speech. But instead you are destroying the voice you were created to elevate.
Well then don’t hide behind a progressive facade anymore. Why not just broadcast Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck?
Lewis Hill is rolling over.
Name: Larry Kelp
Subject: morning show on kpfa
Dear Pacifica staff,
I have been informed that the Morning Show on KPFA is being cancelled. I hope this is just a rumor, because it is why I originally began listening to KPFA. I want to support the station, but not if there’s nothing left to support. You may be thinking in terms of network, but this is my community you are cutting me off from. And I am concerned that by doing so, you will also lose support for the network and the station and Pacifica’s mission.
Larry Kelp
Name: Lari Mussatti
Subject: morning show
Dear ms. Englehardt,
As a 40 year listener /subscriber I know that I don’t stand alone in saying that your unauthorized draconian action to slash the most popular and lucrative program , while turning a blind eye to the unions sustainable solution to budget woes will not be tolerated. You will go before this station sees its demise at your manipulations. Sincerely, Lari Mussatti
Name: Blair Sandler
Subject: Englehardt: Resign! Reinstate the Morning Show!
Arlene Englehardt must resign immediately for incompetence and political bias. Reinstate the Morning Show and its staff. Adopt the Sustainable Budget proposed by KPFA’s staff.
Name: Nancy Jackson
Subject: KRFA Morning Show
I am shocked at the firings of the Morning Show hosts! I was highly offended by the attitude and imperious tone of Ms Englehardt’s recent interview on the Morning Show. She did not demonstrate any understanding of or commitment to KPFA’s mission to speak truth to power. Rather, she came off as POWER itself; not listening and unwilling to engage in mutually beneficial, collaborative problem solving. She justified cuts to paid KPFA staff , and as well as the lack of cuts to her own pay , by claiming “she had to work on the weekends.” She does not appear to be working for the good and longevity of the station. Her actions appear to be politically motivated, highly personal “hits”. They are certainly very anti-labor.
I have been a KPFA supporter for over thirty years, and a regular listener to the Morning Show for most of this time. Further, I contribute during every fundraising, usually during the Morning Show, the KPFA news, or Flash Points. I am mad-as-hell at the non-democratic, anti-labor actions. I am infuriated that so much of my hard earned money goes to pay the board at Pacifica foundation and not to my community station.
Nancy Jackson
Santa Cruz, CA.
Name: Barbara Stebbins
Subject: reinstate KPFA’s morning show
I am writing to urge the Pacifica board to reverse its catastrophic decision to fire the entire Morning Show staff at KPFA. I am one of those faithful KPFA listeners and supporters, who for well over 25 years has put my money where my beliefs are. I make substantial contributions to KPFA during the fund drives because the quality of programming in shows such as the Morning Show are worth more than any coverage I could get in corporate media. We are so fortunate that the flagship station of Pacifica continues to draw such talented people as Aimee Allison, Brian Edwards-Tiekert, Laura Prives and Esther Manilla because they believe in the importance of listener-supported radio. This decision reveals the incompetence as well as the self-serving motivation of the Pacifica management. Though it would break my heart to see KPFA go down, I will not continue my finanacial support if it is clear that it is only going to support the current Pacifica board and the destruction of the programming I value. I am calling for the immediate reinstatement of the Morning Show staff and for the resignation of Arlene Engelhardt.
Subject: Morning show on KPFA
Reinstate the staff now! I’m outraged. This is my favorite KPFA program.
Name: julie
Subject: Engelhardt resign, reinstate AM staff
Resign immediately Engelhardt. What are you paid? Reinstate the Morning Show staff. They produce the most popular and station’s highest revenue-producing program. I demand a Sustainable Budget from your successor.
Name: Dwayne Eutsey
Subject: Bring Back the Morning Show Staff
Message: I will no longer contribute to KPFA or Pacifica if the Morning Show staff is not re-instated.
Name: Adam Gold
Subject: Save kpfa
We will not stand for a bloated bureaucracy and bad programming. Bring back the morning show! Adopt the sustainable budget!
Name: ES
Subject: KPFA Morning Show
I catch the KPFA morning show about once or twice per week on my drive to my good job for a large multi-national corporation. I strongly disagree without about 1/3 of the content they produce, I find about 1/3 of it boring, and 1/3 very stimulating. That last 1/3 is the reason the morning show deserves to continue. KPFA is much more engaging than the stupid formulaic NPR. Frankly Philip Maldari is a better critical thinker and a better host than the current leftist pansies, but so be it, the point is this show is an authentic independent voice that often interviews important figures on important topics.
I cannot follow all of the twists and turns of KPFA and Pacifica financing. But please be aware that if you destroy local stations like KPFA you are on the path to destroying the whole Pacifica enterprise. As a rule of thumb, I will support the SaveKPFA position on this.
Name: JR
Subject: save KPFA
If you kill KPFA, I guarantee you that you will lose a large part of your listeners and the respect of a large community.
Name: Ernest Goitein
Subject: Pacifica Board
The Pacifica Management (PM) must be held accountable. There is no doubt that there is a financial problem that needs to be dealt with. The inability of the Pacifica Management to have a transparent financial record of their operations as well as that of all the stations of the Pacifica network shows that they are not capable of being managers.
Specifically the refusal to address the reasonable solutions proposed to overcome the deficit is not acceptable. There must be a dialogue that is open to all parties including the listeners, before any programs are cut and people are fired.
If this cannot be achieved the management team must be recalled under the procedures outlined in the bylaws.
Cutting the Morning Show????!!! REALLY? I hope a lot of folks contact you to let you know that they want this show reinstated.
Name: MAM
Subject: morning show
I have long contributed to KPFA and the Morning Show is my main stay. Local is most important to me. I do not like for those out of this area to dictate to us what we can have on the air.
I am glad you had this show this morning, Ms Englehardt you do not seem to know how important this show is to this area and country and especially in these tea party time.
This morning show raises the most money. Not because of the time but because of the content.
It will certainly make a difference if the MS becomes a canned show piped in from somewhere. My contribution in the future is questionable.
Todays programing is important.
Name: SM
Subject: layoffs and cancellation of the morning show
As a very long term listener/subscriber I am very concerned about this situation. I recognize that there is a big problem with money and that there needs to be some resolution to keep the station going, but I don’t understand why the show that raises 3 times the amount it uses and is the largest money maker for the station is the one that is cut out.
I recognize the importance of the journalism done in the morning show segment as I spend quite a bit of time in Honolulu, Hawaii where this kind of journalistic programming is nowhere on the dial. One can see the difference in having a station like our KPFA here and not having any voices but NPR which has moved quite far to the right over the last decade.
The morning show has been going for a very long time. As seniority is an issue how about taking off a show with less? Perhaps the hosts are relatively new and they do a terrific job, btw, but perhaps new hosts who have more seniority can be moved into their slot and they can go elsewhere within the station. But to take the morning show off and substitute it with KPFK programming makes no sense. We need to know what’s going on right here in our area.
KPFA is our lifeline and it is like a breath of fresh air. We deeply appreciate that there is a Morning Show with in depth journalism. We listen every day unless we’re out of town. Do not take this show off the air. Please work with the community of the staff and volunteers and the listener/subscriber community so this is not a top down done deal. Please work with the Union as well.
Discussing this on the air is definitely in the listener’s best interest. We are a political, involved community. We are in the loop. Keep us there. Actually, we can help. We do help. Many of us go back a long way. My parents were original subscribers. You used my called in comment about that on the air. My husband and I were subscribers as college students. We’re over 70 now. I was in Texas at the founding of KPFT working in the peace and civil rights movements. We go back a long way.
Name: Hollace
Subject: Your Attack on KPFA
Shame on you, shame shame attacking a real local radio station. Shame on you for dismissing the Morning Show staff. If the local community supports the KPFA’s Morning Show you should keep your hands off. I do not live in the area but I do support this type of radio.
Name: Leslie
Subject: Don’t Cut KPFA Programming
Dear Ms. Englehardt,
Since KPFA is able to pay for its own programming, why should programs be cut? Shouldn’t Pacifica be keenly interested in maintaining locally produced programs and gettting the word out on progressive politics and messages?
I would like you and all board members to disclose their salaries. It’s only fair for me to want to know, as a KPFA supporter, how much of the money I contribute goes to bureacratic salaries instead of the programs I carry about.
Leslie Absher
Name: Bonnie Lockhart
Subject: Reinstate the Morning Show
I’m astonished by Pacifica’s decision to eliminate The Morning Show. This program not only embodies the mission of KPFA, it brings in a substantial percentage of listener sponsorships. Whatever their intentions, Arlene Englehardt and her supporters on Pacifica’s board have made a reckless decision, and do not belong in the leadership of Pacifica Radio.
Name: Ron Schryer
Subject: Dupe Meddling
Why do you distant dupes of the establishment insist on meddling with the mother station out here in Berkeley? This was tried some while back, complete with efforts to privatize public radio. For whom do you work? Back the hell off.
Name: Bonnie Hughes
Subject: Preempting Morning Show
As a long time listener and supporter of KPFA and a Monday through Friday devotee of the Morning Show I hereby notify you that unless you reinstate the Morning Show as your last act before you resign I will notify my bank to stop my monthly payments to KPFA and will contact the 500 people on my email list and ask them to take the same action and contact their friends with the same request.
I am busy in the cultural and political life of Berkeley. I rely on The Morning Show for the latest news and discussions of issues and as a way to reach the people of the Bay Area.
Name: MC
Subject: Cutting the Morning Show? Are you kidding?
I can’t believe that news that you are proposing to cut the Morning Show, one of the most beloved and important KPFA-produced shows that this station has! It is one of the real bedrocks of our programming and a significant generator of revenue for the station. This is insane, and smacks of politically-motivated retaliation, not smart decision-making.
Michelle Chan
Name: Phoebe Ackley
Subject: Morning Show firings
This is an outrage! Are you the program director? Are you the station manager? What gives you the right to fire the entire Morning Show!!! We the listeners do not subscribe to KPFA to listen to your choices. We give to the programs that are produced locally and are about issues that we care about. The Morning Show staff and producers are CWA union members and are protected by the union. Why don’t you write a nice big rent check for the Pacifica offices from your nice big salary.
Name: Ken Jenkins
Subject: Reinstate the Morning Show staff
Please honor listeners wishes by keeping local programming that is both popular and successful at fund raising, including the Morning Show.
Name: LDP
Subject: Pacifica Management
Your foolhardy decisions indicates that is not the budget that you have in mind. It will be interesting to eventually find out what your motives are. At this point, it seems you are interested in the destruction of KPFA and/or Pacifica.
If it were budget concerns, you would not fire the entire staff of a popular show that is also a major funding source. No competent leader would do this, and no competent leader would alienate the professional staff of an organization. No competent leader would risk alienating the listener/sponsors of an organization–not unless they are willing to destroy the organization.
We have seen this before and we are not going to allow you to do this. At this point, please save yourself some grief and resign.
Name: charlotte davis
Subject: KPFA
Ms Englehardt,
I will try to be polite, but just what is wrong with you? At a time when the airwaves have been completely co-opted and to get any information that is not “piped in” is almost impossible, you have made the rather suspicious decision to end KPFA’s morning show.
I hope you have the chance to reconsider, because we will not stand for this.
Charlotte Davis
Name: William J. McLaughlin
Subject: Firing
Hello Ms. Englehardt,
Your actions show extreme disregard for the staff and listeners of KPFA. The staff of the Morning Show work hard to produce a high quality, informative show that is not only extremely popular, but also raises much of the funds that sustain the Pacifica network.
Your actions do nothing to contribute to the sustainability of the beloved KPFA radio station , rather they tear apart a great program that has developed and grown a large audience. You choose to ignore the budget proposal from the local board. You need to step back and undo this injustice or step down. You are certainly not helping.
Name: GA
Subject: Stop destroying Pacifica
What has been happening with Pacifica in recent months flies in the face of the organization’s half-century-old mission. The latest travesty is the dismissal of KPFA Morning Show staff. The only way to save Pacifica is with your immediate resignation.
Name: Joseph Maurer
Subject: kpfa
It was a bad idea to fire the morning show folks. Please reinstate them and tender your resignation.
Name: EG
Subject: Bad Business Decisions
As a listener, I’m not sure why something called a SUSTAINABLE BUDGET is being ignored.
As a listerner, I can’t understand why the most popular show in the Pacifica universe is being cancelled
As a listener, I don’t understand how Ms. Englehardt still has a job. Good Management demands skills that Ms. Englehardt does not seem to have.
Name: BS
Subject: Morning Show
The Morning Show is one of my favorite programs.
It is totally beyond comprehension that the whole staff would be dismissed
without cause or some explanation.
I have been a central valley listener and supporter of KPFA for over thirty years, and before that a supporter in the Bay Area for years.
It is this type of action that incenses faithful supporters and shakes one’s
trust in the executive director’s judgement. What is going on here?
I call for an immediate return of the Morning Show.
Betty Sempadian
Fresno, CA
Name: Cindy Shamban
Subject: Bring Back the Morning Show
Dear Ms. Englehardt:
This is the second letter which I have written to you asking you not to lay off any KPFA staff members without due consideration of other options including the alternative budget proposed by staff and local board members.
I am outraged to learn that you have laid off the Morning Show staff and are to replace our local programming with shows from other stations.
I regularly listen to the Morning Show and enjoy the mix of local, National and International reports and interviews along with cultural content.
Please reconsider your decision. I believe this action by you may result in the loss of community support for KPFA which is something none of us can afford.
Cindy Shamban
Berkeley, CA
Name: Al Justeco
Subject: What is going on?
I am a very long time supporter of KPFA AND Pacifica. I’ve sent money to both organizations for decades. I do not understand why i, and other supporters, have not been kept informed about what is going on. I heard there was a crisis, but assumed that things were back on track, a decade after we took to the streets. Yes there’s an economic crisis in this country and i am sure it is affecting the station too. But, out of the blue, today, i heard that the Morning Show is cut. What’s next? Please tell us. We can’t help if we don’t know what is going on.
KPFA and Pacifica are worth fighting for. We did it before and we’ll do it again. I know there are a lot of people like me, who will not let our investment in free speech radio be lost, without a fight.
Name: Laura Zweig
Subject: morning show
Axing the Morning Show makes no sense whatsoever. It is a very popular program that certainly brings in more than its share of pledges from its faithful listeners. Part of the Morning Show’s appeal is its enormous range of subject matter and the fact that it includes segments on international, national, and local issues. Replacing it with programs from KPFK, which may be wonderful programs but would not include issues of local interest, is not acceptable.
Name: AF
Subject: Save kpfa
I’m writing this message in solidarity with KPFA’s morning show. If you are all concerned about your financial struggles, why don’t you start with the top, with senior management, with your own salaries, instead of cutting much needed programming, especially in these times.
In solidarity with the morning show,
Name: Jack Radey
Subject: The Morning Show
Dear Pacifica,
Believe it or not, we actually donate money to support the programs on KPFA, not your inflated sense of your own importance. Get your pig’s snouts out of our garden or it is going to be too bad for you.
Name: Jane White
Subject: The Morning Show
PLEASE, please, please immediately reinstate “The Morning Show” Remember the communities’ need for intelligent, robust programs and how truly difficult they are to produce. Don’t start the downward cycle of: destroying quality which leads to listener dissatisfaction which leads to fewer dollars which leads to more cutbacks which leads to more dissatisfaction and so on…. A program like “The Morning Show” is a jewel and deserves to be cherished and celebrated not crushed. It takes a talented team to create this caliber of programing don’t destroy it. This programs may not respond to your needs but it does ours, remember we are the listeners and ultimately we will prevail.
Name: SS
Subject: elimination of The Morning Show
To peremptorily eliminate the Morning Show and lay off the staff is in complete opposition to everything public radio, KPFA and Pacifica stand for. This is listener-sponsored radio, and the listeners support the Morning Show and having our radio station managed by local staff and the advisory board. We listener-sponsors will not continue to financially support our local station if it is taken over by Pacifica Management to finance the beaurocracy spawned by greedy management types.
The sad part is that there is no need for you to do this. The sustainable budget proposal would maintain the program, allow staff to be retained, provide sufficient revenue, and keep the programs that listeners and contributors support.
Name: Ronald J. Martin, Ph.D.
Subject: sustainable budget
In times of economic slowdown it is wisest to reign in budgets, which may mean cuts. The best policy is to be supportive throughout the process, doing your best to maintain what is valuable, such as the Morning Show.
Name: Ellen Augustine
Subject: Adopt the Sustainable Budget
Dear Ms. Englehardt:
I and tens of thousands of others in northern CA and across the nation depend on the leading-edge programming the Morning Show gives us. We will NOT stand for your axing the program which brings in the most revenues to KPFA and the Pacifica network. If you do not reinstate the Morning Show staff and adopt the Sustainable Budget, I will actively work for your immediate dismissal. KPFA is the crown jewel of Pacifica. As my 87-year old friend says, “Shame on you.”
Ellen Augustine
Name: Evo Bluestein
Subject: morning show firing
Outrageous! I most protest with the most strongest sentiments. You don’t know what you are doing, clearly.
Name: Carol Draizen
Subject: the Morning Show
I am a long-time subscriber of KPFA, and have just sent money within the last several weeks. With the implementation of this decision to get rid of the Morning Show, to which I have awakened for over a decade, I will stop supporting this station with my money. I have depended upon this program for information about what is happening locally, statewide, nationally, and internationally. It is unconscionable to make this kind of decision on your own without the input of listeners. How dare you!! I am so outraged I can scarcely write this. You need to go, not the Morning Show.
Name: john dugan
Subject: Reinstate Morning show staff now!
Ms. Engelhardt,
Reinstate the Morning Show staff immediately. Adopt the sustainable budget and while your at it, resign your position.
Name: Hank Mooney
Subject: Morning show
Come on, Ms. E, get real and re-instate the Morning Show. Axing it is overstepping your legal power, and shows a total disconnect with reality. The Morning Show brings in huge amounts of money, and is one of the best shows available anywhere in the Bay Area.
Name: Todd Kolze
Subject: KPFA Staff
You are going to financially ruin KPFA and pacifica if you continue down this road. Don’t do it….
Name: Patrice P.-Martle
Subject: Resign now!!!
Name: DV
Subject: Reinstate Morning Show/Time for your resignation
As a long-time KPFA supporter and listener, I am completely outraged by the top-down decisions that have been made by Pacifica and Ms Englehardt and the mis-management that continues to occur in the organization. The latest attack on KPFA, with the firing of the staff of the Morning Show is totally unacceptable. I question the motives of the organization in cutting such a popular and money-making show in that they seem to be self-destructive at worst, and undemocratic in the least.
If this show is not reinstated and Pacifica does not take steps to lower costs through cuts to top management salaries instead of making programming cuts, then I will be forced to reconsider whether I want to continue to support such a dysfunctional institution.
Name: Patricia Wolk
Subject: Firing of Morning Show staff
Dear Ms Englehardt–What you have done is unconscionable. Fresno depends on getting honest news from our sister station in Berkeley. I know the Morning Show is a favorite of Fresno folks as I wake up to it every morning and my husband and I discuss over breakfast the news of the day. We donate to the station because it is light in the darkness. In this antagonistic climate created by FOX news, KPFA’s Morning Show, Against the Grain and Letters to WAshington are some of the most thoughtful programs on the air.
Give us back our programs.
Name: Rebecca Solnit
Subject: The Morning Show
Dear Pacifica Board,
Firing Aimee Alison on her birthday was as meanspirited as it was wrongheaded. The Morning Show has been for decades one of KPFA’s strong suits, as well as one of its financial powerhouses, and you’ve killed it, or at least eliminated it. That’s crazy. I was trained as a journalist at UCB, and I know there is no substitute for people who have experience and skills in investigating, interviewing, sifting through the barrage of data we all face. Amateurs and volunteers are not going to do the job for you. And the kind of polarized, partisan forces now tearing Pacifica apart come at a time when progressives need good information and stable institutions. I fear for KPFA’s future…. I will certainly not support the station in any way while these kinds of clearcuts and sabotages are taking place.
Rebecca Solnit
Name: Chris Sullivan
Subject: Programming Cuts – the Morning Show, Against the Grain
I can’t believe these programs are under consideration for elimination.
Its bizarre and malign and destructive. I have lapsed in my support for
KPFA in the last year, which I feel poorly about, given how much programs
like these have enriched and informed me, and how there isn’t anything
remotely like them being broadcast elsewhere. No way I can now support the station given these threats from its own management. Please resign immediately and leave this irreplaceable radio station alone and its programming alone.
Chris Sullivan
Name: Barbara F Barbour
Subject: morning show, etc.
To whom It May Concern: I am deeply concerned by tonight’s news that The Morning show has been canceled by Pacifica’s executive director, Arlene Englehardt. (Who is she?-I wonder if she is a 2nd Ms. Berry of yore?) As a listener of 55 yrs. I find this act reprehensible and can only question that she has something to gain in doing this-what it is- is the question. And by whom or what is Ms. Englehardt supported? The far right? the T…?
I am appalled that she and the other person (with whom I have worked in the ‘phone room) interviewed by Brian WE. T. would not say their salaries. I have contributed to this station for 1/2 a century and I am entitled to know where and how my money is spent. Or must I go to the Freedom of Information Act in a station that is supposedly “transparent” and supported by the/my community? Is it because Brian challenged Englehardt’s et al autocratic decisions that the Morning Show was canceled? Or because we in Northern Calif. are learning too much about our local scene -KPFA, Berkeley, Oakland? “,,,Something smells in the state of…”
I hate to think that we have to repeat the year of the shut down, but maybe that’s a coming. And I be here or there.
Best to all and let’s stay strong and sensible,
Barbara Barbour
Name: Marie Switkes
Subject: KPFA and the Morning Show
Dear Pacifica Board – Since I heard the terrible news that the Morning Show has been suddenly erased from the airwaves as of Monday, Nov. 8th, I have been sending messages of support to everyone I can possibly think of. Now, I must ask of the board, please rescind the destruction of KPFA’s vital programming and demand the resignation of Angela E., Board President, as she is detrimental to the mission of KPFA and the entire Pacifica network. She is acting like a tyrant with a petty dispute against people she simply doesn’t like. KPFA listeners and supporters will take this to the streets until the programing is restored!
Name: Sherri Maurin
Subject: Reinstate the Morning SHOW
I am absolutely STUNNED at the decision to terminate the entire Morning Show staff. They are probably the most successful of KPFA’s fundraisers because the content of this show is valued by so many who appreciate their important programming. Adoption of the sustainable budget would position KPFA for viable longevity and the ability to retain these important staff members! I call on you to reverse this totally shortsighted decision!
S. Maurin
Name: OCH
Subject: KPFA
Immediately reinstate the morning show staff, get rid of Engelhardt and adopt a sustainable budget
You actions are not what we listeners want on our public radio station
Name: NS
Subject: canceling of morning show on KPFA
Dear Pacifica staff,
I am shocked and extremely disappointed that the Morning Show on KPFA, my favorite show and the one that brings in the most local fundraising dollars (including mine), has been canceled.
Perhaps Ms. Englehardt should be laid off instead of the Morning Show staff? Is Pacifica intending to destroy KPFA as a station or is this an example of extremely poor management?
I urge you to implement the alternative budget, and reinstate the Morning Show. Sincerely, NS
Name: elaine smith dunlap
Subject: bad management
You should ALL really be ashamed of yourselves. Your resignations would solve all of KPFA’s problems!
Name: Allan Fisher
Subject: morning show
Please continue my favorite show. (I am a sustainer, too.
Name: Gary Meyer
Subject: Morning Show
I am shocked to learn that the Morning Show has been cut. It is without question the most important local programming in the bay area. I can’t count how many years it has been an essential part of my day and gets dozens I know thinking and stimulated as we launch our daily lives.
I hope you will give your decision serious reconsideration. If I want to listen to network shows I can do it online or go to NPR.
Name: Jaklyn Brookman
Subject: Resignation
Dear Ms. Engleheart,
My monthly donation to KPFA helps to pay your salary. Since you are not doing your job effectively, I urge you to resign. I am so heartsick about your most recent action–firing the morning show staff, I am contacting my bank on Tuesday morning in order to withdraw payments to the station. I will ONLY resume payment when the staff is rehired and you resign.
How dare you destroy KPFA. Shame on you!
Name: Betsy Rose
Subject: KPFA MOrning Show
Dear Ms. Englehart,
I’m a long term listener and supporter of KPFA. The morning show is an invaluable community resource, delivering high quality, local, national and international in- depth reporting that is irreplaceable. As our media become more and more corporate and centralized, quality local, grassroots programming is a rare and dying species. As I know you know, our country, our democracy, is in near-ruins because of corporate media consolidation, the FOX news phenomenon, and the lack of an informed public able to make informed decisions.
The Pacifica stations are one of the few outlets left where insightful, thoughtful, nuanced reporting is the norm. I am immensely grateful to Pacifical for supporting the local stations, providing the fortunate listeners with REAL news, REAL analysis, a bigger picture.
I trust you to do all you can to preserve KPFA’s remarkable community offerings, and most especially, at this time, the Morning Show. It is a priceless gift to our community and beyond.
Thank you for your service to quality alternative media-
Betsy Rose
Berkeley CA
Name: Stephen Sacks
Subject: Morning Show on KPFA
I just heard that you axed the Morning Show on KPFA. Big mistake. This is one of the best shows on KPFA and my understanding is they bring in a lot of money during the pledge drives. We need that show more than the Pacifica bureaucracy. Please correct your error and support the alternative budget that the staff suggested.
Name: KK
Subject: Morning Show
Huh? What gives with the unexpected and unexplained cancellation of the Morning Show? And what is the problem with the proposed Sustainable Budget? What are you afraid of, Arlene Engelhardt? If you cannot have a dialogue with the people that work with you, what are you doing being the Executive Director of anything?
Name: Jane Ariel
Subject: the morning show
This is my favorite program – besides that it brings in a lot of revenue. Why wold you ever cut it. Please collaborate with KPFA itself and its listeners. What you are doing is highly irrational and unfair.
Name: Peter van der Ven, DMD
Subject: KPFA’s morning program
Dear Ms. Englehardt,
I am writing over deep concern with what appears to have been a precipitous and unwarranted action on the part of you and the Pacifica board. I live in Seattle (where I often listen to Democracy Now on KBCS) and so am not a KPFA listener. However, I AM a longtime supporter of Pacifica, dating back to the 1970’s when I first discovered WBAI growing up in New York. I view Pacific as a jewel and a beacon shining against the forces of corporate media and warmongering. The principles I thought it stood for included a enlightened concern for community, workers’ rights and peace.
Thus you may understand my alarm and why I would take the time to write to you about a program I’ve never actually heard. I care about Pacifica and how it is run. I’ve contributed to Pacifica in the past and plan to do so in the future. The health and vitality of all Pacifica stations is vitally important to us all. Pacifica is stands as a unique model for non-corporate progressive media, established at a time in history when such things were still possible. Can you imagine petitioning the federal government for these same five licenses today? I can’t.
Therefore I urge you and the board to reconsider your move and reinstate the morning program and its staff at KPFA. I will be following this story closely.
Respectfully, Peter van der Ven, DMD, Seattle, WA
Name: suzanne fox
Subject: Morning show
How could you do it? I just gave $200.00 to keep that show from going off the air! I demand as a longtime subscriber that you put that show back on the air. You guys are kicking yourselves in the foot. How can the world get along if you can’t. Please accept the sustainable budget and put the Morning Show back on the air!
Name: JG in Oakland
Subject: Firing the morning show? Are you serious?
Even I, who only tune into KPFA sometimes understand the position that the Morning Show holds in this community. What the heck are you thinking? Do you just want this to be a clone station? Whatever you have against the hosts of this show you are petty to make such a move.
A pledging listener
Name: meaveen o’connor
Subject: reinstate the Morning Show staff
Dear Ms. Englehart,
It’s crucial that you reinstate the Morning Show staff and begin to work with the KPFA Union and local Board who have encouraged you to go with the Sustainable Budget proposal. Why you are not listening to them and trying to eliminate the show that brings in the most revenue is beyond me. It makes no sense. You either need to work with the KPFA community or resign from your job.
Meave O’Connor
Name: June Brumer
Subject: Morning Show
I am astonished at your arrogance! How do you have the nerve to take away a show which has been of such service to our community? I have been a subscriber and contributer for every year since 1952, and do not wish to contribute to your bureaucracy, nor your salary. KPFA was a wonderful station before you came, and can do very well without you. And since I, and others like me, are paying your salary, will you kindly let us know what we are gracious and generous enough to pay you? June Brumer, Oakland, CA
Name: Bill Shields
Subject: Morning Show
As the Chair of the Labor and Community Studies Department at City College of San Francisco, I have a special appreciation for the Morning Show staff’s creativity and effectiveness. The David Bacon segment is especially helpful to us in the labor movement. I urge you to restore this fine show; what could you have been thinking?
Name: Michelle Squitieri
Subject: KPFA crisis
Ms. Englehardt should resign immediately, and Pacifica should restore the programming and staff immediately. Without KPFA, Pacifica cannot survive long. Without community support, KPFA cannot survive, and there will be no community support if these retaliatory cuts are allowed to stand.
Name: Ellen Augustine
Subject: Adopt the Sustainable Budget
Dear Ms. Englehardt:
I and tens of thousands of others in northern CA and across the nation depend on the leading-edge programming the Morning Show gives us. We will NOT stand for your axing the program which brings in the most revenues to KPFA and the Pacifica network. If you do not reinstate the Morning Show staff and adopt the Sustainable Budget, I will actively work for your immediate dismissal. KPFA is the crown jewel of Pacifica. As my 87-year old friend says, “Shame on you.”
Ellen Augustine
From: Eda Godel
Subject: Good Radio & KPFA
While understandable that you are running a business and trying to keep all Pacifica stations afloat, not consulting with listeners and staff before making drastic changes at individual stations who have a loyal listening audience smacks of bad management.
If the Union has a plan. it doesn’t hurt to listen … and listen hard before you undermine the fund raising abilities of the flagship station by making it something no one wants to listen to.
Subject: Where’s our money and our control?
Dear Pacifica,
I live and work in Oakland, and am a KPFA member. To me, it is obvious what Pacifica is doing. You have the ownership of the KPFA broadcasting rights, and control the budget. Taking advantage of the current membership structure , you have staged a coup, but you don’t know how to run the stations. So, like most inefficient bureaucracies, you are losing money and want to extract KPFA’s surplus labor to support your incompetency. We stopped the takeover of KPFA last time, and don’t think we can’t do it again. Pacifica is mired in process, losing sight of the product. KPFA cannot support your ridiculous overhead, and KPFA will not support it. There are a lot of people who are going to prevent you from doing this.
Adopt the KPFA recommendations, or face the same fate that the previous board encountered when they thought they could steal the value KPFA has built up over decades: expulsion, ridicule and the end of your reign.
Kevin Rath
KPFA member
Oakland, CA
From: Suzanne Fox
Subject: Save KPFA
Hello, I have been a long time supporter of KPFA and kindly but firmly ask that you do not cut KPFA staff. I have heard that you rejected the budget that KPFA sent as a counter measure to yours. Please don’t take some of my favorite shows (The Morning Show) and certain newscasters off the air. KPFA and Pacifica need to work together. If you can’t, how can we expect the world to get along?
Suzanne Fox
From: NM
Subject: expenses
The failure to provide salary and expenses information is an indication to me that the staff complaints have at least a modicum of quality.
From: BO
Subject: Saving KPFA
Everywhere there are budget problems, households and managers trying to make do with the income they have and trying to figure what items to cut back on. I face these issues too. In your situation with KPFA, a judicious, Sustainable Budget may help preserve the integrity of the institution, save jobs, and save face. I hope you choose wisely.
From: Peter Ingram Hill
Subject: cutting KPFA
I’m an avid listener to KPFA these past 19 years living in Mill Valley. It is the only source of good alternative radio in this area. It is of inestimable value particularly in its current affairs reporting & analysis giving a perspective & depth hard to find anywhere & I travel frequently to Europe. We need this station & the programmes it presents. I ask you to work with its staff & pay attention to their alternative ways of solving their financial difficulties.
From: Tanya Russell
Subject: kpfa budget
Please don’t take any action until the new democratically elected board has been seated.
I appreciate your attention to this request.
From: Marie Switkes
Subject: Save OUR KPFA
I rely on KPFA to keep me informed of issues NOT covered by the corporate news media. It is invaluable. It belongs to the people who subscribe to it and to countless other listeners. It does NOT belong to a corporate board. Please allow KPFA to play a major role in solving its budget problems. I will not stand idly by and see it destroyed and become another NPR which is corporatist. Thank you.
From: Steven Jenner
Subject: KPFA Budget
Do not turn KPFA into a generic, non-news gathering shell. I have supported KPFA with $$ for 30 years because they have provided an essential source of news facts and views outside mainstream media.
From: Doug Thompson
Subject: A sustainable budget
I feel strongly that you should consider and accept the budget that KPFA station staff propose. It seems quite reasonable under the current circumstances and would not damage the programming at KPFA, the very thing that makes the station its money. It makes very little sense to do otherwise from a purely practical position—like killing the goose that laid the golden egg.
From: Maribeth Halloran
Subject: KPFA sustainable budge
Please support KPFA’s local programming and the hard-working staff who make that happen. The local and national news coverage is excellent and unique in the market. Please do not damage KPFA’s staff ability to continue to deliver it.
From: Carol Thornton
Subject: KPFA budget
Please do not cut any staff positions at KPFA. This radio station is the best in the area, covering issues that no other stations do. I rely on it to get the in-depth coverage of current events that I can get nowhere else, as well as programs of historic, artistic and cultural nature that enrich immeasurably my understanding of our human condition. The staff that provide this service are wonderful and I can’t imagine KPFA without them. Thank you.
From: Rasa Gustaitis Moss
Subject: kpfa
We need independent KPFA and its excellent local news staff now more than ever. Journalism is a profession and volunteers can’t do the job we need done. KPFA has come up with a sustainable budget, which Pacifica needs to adopt.
From: Louis Segal
Subject: Impending layoffs and programming changes
Dear Ms. Engelhardt,
I write to express my concern about recently announced layoffs and program changes. I was born in 1949 and have listened to KPFA programming since the mid-50s. My family subscribes. It fills me with sorrow and anger that such programming as the invaluable news is now threatened. I hope that you will reconsider such drastic changes.
Louis Segal
From: Mariette Olsen
Subject: proposed cuts to KPFA staff
Please support the alternative budget proposed by the staff as an alternative to staffing cuts. KPFA is one of very few democratic media institutions that I rely on for my news & information. I am a regular listener to the station & enjoy the programs and staff who are involved with the targeted cuts. I am also a listener supporter who contributes funds during every drive. Why has the listenership not been consulted about this?? As a listener member, I feel these cuts would greatly reduce the quality of programming I depend on and value so much. Cut the admin spending, not the staff and programs who help draw my funding every drive. Thank you for your time & consideration.
From: Debra Wilensky
Subject: Save KPFA union jobs
Please support local programming and the hard-working staff who make it happen. Do not lay off union workers.
From: Meaveen O’Connor
Subject: possible KPFA layoffs
Dear Ms. Englehart,
I support the Sustainable Budget approach for KPFA. I don’t believe there needs to be the layoffs that you propose. I have been a faithful listener and contributor since 1971. KPFA is our station and we the listeners need to be respected and listened to. Please cut some of the bureaucracy and jobs from the Pacifica Foundation instead of cutting much needed and valuable programmers at KPFA. All other possibilities need to be looked at before cutting the on air programmers’ jobs.
Meaveen O’Connor
From: Lani Mulholland
Subject: Save KPFA
We want local programming. We want local staff. Don’t gut our favorite Bay Area station.
From: Frances Taylor
Subject: Integrity of KPFA
As a longtime listener and donor to KPFA, I am horrified to learn that the Pacifica board is considering gutting the news and other essential programs. If this happens, I will no longer contribute and will look for my listening elsewhere.
From: Serge Morel
Subject: KPFA Budget.
I strongly encourage you to go back to the drawing board and genuinely deliberate with the union about alternative ways of dealing with the budget at KPFA. Your unwillingness to discuss alternatives to mass layoffs is not an economic necessity but an ideological one. Your explanation that KPFA needs to return to volunteerism is disingenuous. You would try starting at the Pacifica National Office if this was the case.
Sincerely, Serge Morel
Long-time listener, news room volunteer and former Unpaid Staff Organization rep
From: David Eifler
Subject: Don’t cut KPFA Staff!
Please listen to staff’s recommendations for budget savings and don’t cut KPFA staff. We need professional and dedicated journalists at this time more than ever. Cut administration (board) not staff.
From: Saraswathi Devi
Subject: saving KPFA
KPFA is needed now more than ever, as you know. Please redraw the budget, so current programs can be preserved. One way would be to reduce the large salaries of Pacifica executives. Thank you.
From: David Kessler
Subject: Support current paid staff and programming on KPFA
The “SAVEKPFA” board members speak for me when they support retaining and supporting current staff and programming. KPFA risks losing the support of long-time contributors like me if it devolves from a fountain of quality information to a shouting voice of slogans and opinion. I read the Matthew Lasar piece and found myself in agreement. Please keep things as they are; there is money enough if properly budgeted.
From: Roberta Llewellyn
Subject: Keep programs and paid staff…
My contribution will be in the mail next week…keep local KPFA Radio station strong without distributing local listener’s contributions to other Pacifica and non-Pacifica stations. The Bay Area leads the nation in progressive politics – please do not water-down our base.
From: Anne Sussman
Subject: staff cuts
Please do not make staff cuts at our station. I’m a long-time listener and subscriber and I will certainly not consider donating the amount of money I donate every year if you go ahead with those cuts. At best I would only pay the very basic low-income sub, if that. (See my name on one of the entry area bricks.)
Anne Sussman
From: Sue Sattel
Subject: KPFA
Keep your paid staff and collect any money owed from other sources to pay for it. We need quality radio and excellent programming. Thank you. Sue Sattel
From: M. Moore
Subject: I RELY on KPFA PRogramming for special reasons
As a woman with a disability, I rely on the radio media heavily. The station of choice for me is KPFA, and that’s been the case for about thirty years! My family supports the station in fund raising drives – and with serious generosity. This support is for continuation of the excellent programming you provide. Thank you for decades of great radio. Please keep it coming. M. Moore, Kensington, CA
From: M.E. Lawrence
Subject: KPFA’s budget
Dear Ms. Englehardt:
Over the last several years, I’ve come to dislike the in-fighting at KPFA, but I dislike Pacifica’s bullying even more.
If Pacifica can’t come up with sound and DETAILED (i.e., financially transparent, including salaries and benefits) reasons for cutting KPFA’s budget, then my family, grandchildren included, will have no choice but to join our neighbors on the picket line.
Yours truly,
M.E. Lawrence
Berkeley, California
From: James M. Bergstrom
Subject: Sustainable Budget
I am writing, as a long time KPFA supporter, to urge the adoption of the sustainable budget offered by the staff of the KPFA radio station.
I further wish to convey that I find it reprehensible that Pacifica would seek to make cuts deleterious to programming quality rather than reduce administrative costs.
I also find it disgusting that Pacifica would engage in union busting.
Please get your head straight, adopt the sustainable budget, support quality programming, and if you can’t bring yourself to do that, resign.
From: Joan Lichterman
Subject: Adopt the Sustainable KPFA Budget, Save Jobs
Dear Arlene Englehardt and the Pacifica Board:
I am deeply troubled by your apparent willingness to cut jobs at KPFA. That should be the very last alternative, if everything else fails. The proposed “sustainable budget” should be a starting point. Cutting jobs at KPFA will be like killing the proverbial goose. The staff and the communities the station serves are the golden eggs. Cutting the jobs of KPFA staff will shatter the gold. It will immediately diminish the quality of the station’s programming and service to the community. Community support will disappear. (I’m only one of countless others who won’t continue making a monthly contribution to a station devoid of my favorite programming, including high-quality news that I can’t get elsewhere.)
There are plenty of volunteers at KPFA now, many of them professionals who put in long hours and do great work. However, to think that an all volunteer staff is sufficient is totally unrealistic. I don’t think you’ll find enough volunteers who are willing to work the hours needed to produce the consistently high-quality programming that listeners expect. Without that, fundraising won’t be sufficient and the Pacifica network will find itself in a death spiral from which it may not be able to pull out.
It would be tragic to lose KPFA and Pacifica. The network’s health depends on the health of its stations. Save KPFA!
Joan Lichterman
Oakland CA
From: David M. Dobkin
Subject: Pacifica Management Salaries
Dear Ms. Englehardt and members of the National Pacifica Board:
As a 40-year subscriber to KPFA and a “brick donor” in the “new” station facilities, I am astonished to learn that management salaries are not made public, in violation of non-profit regulations. If I were a wealthy man I would immediately hire an attorney to investigate this clear malfeasance of duty. I do hope that someone else does so that the National Board can squander more funds on attorneys frees.
There seems to be something about the arrogance of those in power, especially on the left, that is a prime factor in the continuing dysfunction of the Left in America. Let us see the salaries.
David M. Dobkin
From: Summer Brenner
Subject: KPFA paid staff
Berkeley and KPFA subscribers ask Pacifica management to respect the fact that we pledge money to support programming and staff — not a bloated Pacifica bureaucracy. The listeners won’t allow the destruction of the station’s programming. The programs are WHY we care so much about KPFA. The best programs are produced mostly by salaried union staff who are paid to develop thoughtful, insightful, and profound programs.
Thank you. Summer Brenner
From: Sharon Wilensky
Subject: KPFA budget
I am a KPFA listener and supporter since 1976. I urge you to support the staff of KPFA that brings us the news, the Morning Show, and other popular programs. We need professional, experienced staff at KPFA and they need to be paid suitably. Without them, the station would be weak and not worth listening to. We need more information at this critical time for our country, not less. If anything, Pacifica management should be cut or should volunteer to take cuts in pay.
From: MB
Subject: Please Save KPFA’s programming!
I depend on it!
From: AM
Subject: Do not destroy KPFA’s programming and staff
Dear Pacifica Board,
The money I send in to KPFA every year is to maintain the programming and the hardworking staff I love at KPFA, not to take money away from this station to support bloated salaries at Pacifica. There is a way to retain what listeners pledge their money for at KPFA without destroying the programming and the staff we care about. Please take a good look at the alternative budget put forth by KPFA workers and be willing to abide by your own bylaws. KPFA listeners have given a lot to Pacifica over the years because we love our station. We will not allow it to be destroyed.
From: Jean Hays
Subject: Save KPFA
You are proposing staff lay-offs and budget cuts. If you do this you will be digging the grave of free speech radio. I think you know this. Pacifica is the last beacon of truth in a morally and ethically corrupt media market. If you must, make program changes, not staff cuts. Against the Grain could be replaced by programs that provide inspiration to move forward and help save not only KPFA, but a failing country. Tweak the programs, don’t cut staff. That sort of cut will drain the life-blood from KPFA. You know the result of that!
From: Elaine Dunlap
Subject: radio
Isn’t the point of KPFA that it is an independent broadcasting station? If you take that away all that’s left is bureaucracy and, in all conscience, is that really what you want to support? Frankly, if it’s you or them, all the listeners would obviously prefer that it be you who is cut.
From: MC
Dear Ms. Englehardt — I am terribly disappointed you did not have the interest – or simple courtesy – to respond to my previous emails. But I want to reiterate: the course you are steering will kill KPFA as a meaningful alternative to NPR. Is that your goal? If not, do you so lack insight that you can’t have a dialogue with those who oppose you? I have been involved with community radio since I was on the board of WMNF back in the early 1980’s. But I assure you, I will cancel my KFPA membership immediately if you continue on this course to gut the programming that makes the station unique. DON’T DO IT.
From: JA
Subject: KPFA budget
I did not know my financial support to KPFA was going to support Pacifica at the expense of the KPFA professional staff. Your priorities must be to your line radio program staff, not Pacifica administrative staff, even though this may not be your personal self interest.
From: Patrick Marks
Subject: KPFA
Please remember that just like the way California voted in the recent national election–we are different, and we will not back down, nor forget. Think about what local means. Start with the staff. Executive director is far, far from that.
A listener.
From: Victoria Hartman
Subject: save KPFA
Ms Engelhardt:
Time for you to start listening and working with the KPFA staff & listeners the local station board, and KPFA management., and reconsider the rejected alternative budget proposals. Those proposals, called the Sustainable Budget, would reduce bureaucratic overhead rather than cut on-air programming.
You have an incredible opportunity to work this through rather than demonstrate the discredited top-down management style.
I look forward seeing you act on this critical manner, in a progressive, positive way.
From: RC
I have been a KPFA listener/member for over 30 years. What on Earth are you doing fiscally abusing our local station?? It would seem that the LOCAL listeners of the Bay Area are doing their job very well in providing the needed funds for our LOCAL station and what is LACKING is accountability from Pacifica’s own budget.
We pay for and count on KPFA for the being the reliable wonderful station it is. Why are you ignoring the common sense ‘KPFA sustainable budget’ proposal? Don’t we have enough utterly dismissive behavior in our governmental institutions & mainstream media? I adamantly protest Pacifica’s irresponsible and aggressive behavior toward our beloved KPFA. Even if you care nothing for KPFA and our local community — you are cutting your nose off to spite your face by crippling KPFA’s ability to fundraise and increase listenership . . .
From: EM
Subject: Do the right thing
As a strong supporter of KPFA for many years, I implore you to work with the Sustainable KPFA Budget and avoid staff layoffs. The programs you are contemplating cutting are critical to maintaining a strong listener base. Please do not allow KPFA to become marginalized.
From: Marla and Bill Decker
Subject: protest to Pacifica
We appreciate very much the Morning Show, Against the Grain, and the Evening News and ask Pacifica to do some serious cutting of its administrative costs before even considering cuts to local stations like KPFA/KFCF. Sincerely, Marla and Bill Decker
From: Charlie Wambeke
Subject: Save KPFA
Every time I hear music on KPFA, I think back to over a decade ago when Pacifica network was under threat of going commercial. What a shame that would be. We don’t need another “make believe” news network. We need to keep “you know who” out of the hen house. I love KPFA. I believe in the union movement. I am not against volunteers, but only as auxiliary staff – not to replace it.
From: MR
Subject: Do not cut paid staff
The paid staff at KPFA like Sasha Lilley and Brian Edwards-Tiekert are essential. Please accept the sustainable staff budget.
Thank you.
From: DP
Subject: No more cuts
KPFA is a critical resource for the Bay Area. I support the staff in their efforts to conserve funds without cutting programming.
From: NS
Subject: please save Morning Show, news and engage in true dialogue with staff and listeners
Dear Ms. Englehardt,
I am a longtime KPFA listener and subscriber – while I am not a large contributor, I donate more to KPFA each year than to any other single organization – and these donations are always made during either the news hour at 6 or the morning show, my favorite shows. If you cut these shows, you cut the heart of what I hold most dear about this station. I can see that other listeners feel the same way – which leads me to question why you would cut the shows that consistently bring in the most donations? I listened to you on the radio last week, and was not impressed with your willingness to engage in truly open dialogue. Please reconsider you stand.
subject Re: URGENT: Pacifica poised to slash KPFA staff, protest Thursday noon
I can’t leave my students this Thursday, but I sure support the picket! Don’t lose the professionals that guide the volunteers and make such a wonderful radio station! We need these programs! Don’t cut them out! Jazz music or whatever you fill with is not going to get the support you need like “Against the Grain”! How can KPFA pretend to be an improtant station without its evening news? This is terrible!
From: Denis Mosgofian
Subject: I oppose the proposed cuts & layoffs
I am a long time listener. I am a native San Franciscan. I am a retired union member, still active with the SF Labor Council.
To Pacifica, this is our station, paid for with our money over decades, and not yours to undermine on behalf of some unaccountable ideology. Managers in general do not listen well to their employees and to their larger constituency. You need to listen to us, do not shut down our programming and do not layoff our staff.
From: EP
Subject: Save KPFA!
More than ever we need KPFA in these scary times where we don’t have hardly any resources like this community.
Long time listener, supporter, activist
From: EV
Subject: we need KPFA
I am a Bay Area Educator and rely on KPFA’s programs and news to keep a balanced view of what is happening nation wide and in our own town. KPFA is a needed life line; please keep this rare jewel available.
From: Daphne Muse
Progressive voices have to keep on coming strong, stronger and principledly. We didn’t come this far to turn back now.
From: BR
Subject: sustaining KPFA
Dear Arlene Englehardt,
I strongly ask you to think about reasons KPFA is different. The programming: The Morning Show, Against the Grain, the Evening News. The programs must not be cut. Take another look at a Union budget that will enable KPFA to keep these programs. These programs offer us news, discussions and community participation. Keep democracy alive.
From: DS
Subject: Save KPFA and Against the Grain
I strongly urge you to support the programming on KPFA. As I have moved from San Francisco to New Haven to Philadelphia to Los Angeles the one constant in my headphones has been “Against the Grain.” It is one of the best public radio shows around.
From: MM
Subject: My support to save KPFA
I endorse SaveKPFA for their incredible work and their importance as a source of democratic and alternative information, in order to save KPFA and this valuable community resource. I identify as a listener-sponsor, activist, and academic.
From: JB
Subject: I called Arlene Englehardt.
I asked her to do everything she could to save KPFA; told her that the staff has a plan she should listen to; said KPFA is willing to make sacrifices and she should too. I stream KPFA from Chicago. Thanks.
From: JR
Subject: cuts in programming and staffing
I am writing to implore you to think about how valuable the Morning Show and Against the Grain are and the importance they serve in my life to keep me informed about issues that never appear anywhere else in the media. Please think of some other solutions like, perhaps everyone at the administrative level taking a pay cut or surveying the listeners to come up with some creative ideas. Schools do bake sales, why not KPFA, I’ll bake a lot of brownies and macaroons. Thanks, J
From: MC
Subject: KPFA budget
Dear Ms. Englehardt — I want you to know how much I, as a KPFA/KFCF subscriber, value local non-music programming from the station. (The music is good, but I could get some similar shows from my local college station.) Against the Grain is, I believe, the most consistently interesting and thoughtful show on all of radio. But I also have to tell you that I will immediately cancel my monthly pledge if there are significant cut-backs at the station. It is critical to involve the local stations and their personnel in determining where any necessary budget cuts will come from; and it is critical that Pacific Foundation itself be prepared to make reductions to its own budget as well.
Kind regards,
From: Linda Sartor
Subject: KPFA
Please stop the destruction of KPFA. Please minimize layoffs and consult with listeners and staff before making drastic changes. In this time when the media is so powerful, maintaining KPFA programming is essential.
Linda Sartor
From: WM
Subject: KPFA cutbacks
I think the news and morning show are about the best shows on so please don’t cut there-it seems the national board meetings could be phone meetings to save lot, and maybe change the bylaws to have expensive elections way less often.
-Thanks, WM
From: Laura Enriquez
Subject: My support for KPFA
Dear Ms. Englehardt,
I have been listening to, and been a contributing member of, KPFA for the better part of 32 years. It strikes me as a real tragedy that KPFA’s staff may be drastically cut in size, and, therefore, its programing changed/affected. I would urge you, as Director of Pacifica, to do your utmost to minimize layoffs at KPFA and and to fully consult with listeners and staff before making serious changes at the station.
Thank you in advance for considering this opinion.
Laura Enriquez, Ph.D.
From: Lori Berlin
Subject: Budget Cuts
Stop the destruction of KPFA, minimize layoffs, fully consult with listeners and staff before making drastic changes.
From: Denise D’Anne
Subject: FUNDING
I have given very generously to KPFA because I believe in its programming. Please discuss any financial problems with the listeners before making any cuts to programming. Thanks.
From: Eva Pettersson
Subject: We need KPFA
We need KPFA more than ever! There’s hardly anyplace anymore to get all that KPFA does give. These are scary times and the voice of KPFA is crucial!!
With Gratitude for saving this precious community,
Eva Pettersson
From: Linda Currie
Subject: Proposed Cuts to KPFA
KPFA is my favorite radio station. I listen to it every day and learn so much about what is going on in the world from it.
Linda Currie
This morning while listening to the morning show, I was horrified to hear the 7:30 segment – when budget cuts were discussed, and specifically cutting Brian and Amy’s show. There were two guests from the Pacifica Foundation (?) who were talking about the needed cuts.
I was heartened that Brian was asking the two women hard questions. And in response to one of their comments that a lack of volunteerism is the problem, may I suggest that they both volunteer their services! (Just in case they’re not already doing that….)
I’ve increased my donations this year (not earth-shattering amounts, but fairly significant from the responses I get when I call in to pledge). If Brian and Amy are taken off the air, I might as well not listen to KPFA any more and find another place to donate. I do also listen to Dennis Bernstein, but my favorite is the morning show.
Please, please, please don’t take it off the air, or its hosts!
Thank you, Linda Jones
From: Mike Rotkin
Please do not take away some of my major sources of high quality news!
Mike Rotkin
Mayor of Santa Cruz
From: Marianne Mueller
Subject: It’s 100% political
Cutting the news programs? When newspapers are dying and we are left with the Huffington Post, amusing though it is?
The news programs are the main thing I listen to although I am lover of the music shows, the health shows (excellent) and cultural shows such as recent broadcasts on the history of the civil rights movement.
Since the Board obviously can’t see the value in KPFA’s “content,” they are either illiterate (a possibility) or completely driven by politics and a perceived need to cut down on KPFA’s viewpoint which happens to reflect the viewpoint of a large number of paying members, many of whom have been members for decades.
I was ruminating on what the elimination of the news shows meant to me as a member of KPFA. This deprives me of my first amendment rights to be part of a community involved in dialogue. The news is not one-way; listeners respond and get involved in positive ways to help our culture in crisis. As a member of KPFA, cutting off the source of this dialogue affects my first amendment rights to peacefully assemble. It is still legal, I believe, for a radio station to broadcast news judged fair, and opinion as well, labeled as opinion. This is no subverting of the airways or misuse of funds.
I am deeply concerned by the Board’s actions. I do not understand to what extent, and how, Pacifica management is involved in firing workers. I wondered if it is legal for the Board to be involved in these management issues.
In the end, I feel that KPFA is also managed by its members and responsive to its members. KPFA is founded on the best traditions in American politics and news reporting, as is evidenced every day in its news shows and its affiliation and support of Amy Goodman’s “War and Peace Report.” Does KPFA represent a political viewopint? Yes. Does its membership value the fact that KPFA has an unfettered voice, whether or not they agree with every word uttered on air? Yes. Is this shutting down of news without a fair debate on the real issue – censorship – a deprivation of members’ first amendment rights?
This might seem a stretch but it accurately reflects how I feel.
Marianne Mueller, Palo Alto, member since late 1980s
From: Matt Huber
Subject: Against the Grain
I am not in California, but am an avid listener to the “Against the Grain” podcast. This is not only an invaluable program for me individually, it comes up constantly in classes I teach and conversations with colleagues because of its important mixture of politics and intellectual debates. There is simply no other program like it! Please save this and other programs from politicized budget cuts to KPFA.
Matt Huber
Department of Geography
Syracuse University
From: Wendy Bloom
Subject: Support current programming
I really disagree with the National Board’s decisions re programming cuts and staff layoffs. I voted for the Save KPFA slate on the board and support their ideas about how to run the station. I am a long time listener and member.
From: GK
Subject: KPFA funding
The only reason I listen to KPFA is for Democracy Now (which obviously is popular enough now for you to leave alone) and Against the Grain. I am much saddened and angry that your bloated management can’t figure out a way to keep the shows your listeners tune in for and cut down on everything else.
This is not acceptable.
From: SS
Subject: In support of SaveKPFA
The proposed cuts to Against the Grain, Morning Show and Evening News cut at the heart of what makes KPFA an extremely valuable community resource and different from NPR. I am stunned and angry that this is considered the correct course of action with no consideration to the proposed budget put forward by the station staff.
From: JF
Subject: save KPFA
The public has a daily struggle to get news that is not filtered by corporate media.
KPFA is essential as an element of our democratic free speech. It is the only news channel I trust. Please, save all current KPFA jobs and services. Thank you.
From: Brenda Revsen
Subject: Stop the cuts at KPFA
Dear Arlene Englehadt,
Your proposal to first not accept the budget proposed by the union that will enable KPFA to continue its most vital programs, The Morning Show, Against the Grain and The Evening News is outrageous. These programs provide us with information and discussion that are not provided elsewhere. The budget also provides ways to save money which are not being taken into consideration equally important is that freedom of speech is being negated, what a contradiction………The station promotes the very thing you are taking away. What is wrong with this picture????????? As a long time member I strongly urge you to take a closer look and check out your priorities.
Brenda Revsen
From: JL
Subject: Save KPFA endorsement
Please register my support of KPFA, its important programming, and democratic governance.
From: Leslie Tenney
Subject: KPFA budget
I am a longtime subscriber, and I urge you not to slash union workers from the KPFA budget, and instead consider the sustainable budget supported by the local board and station management. This is crucial to maintaining quality broadcasts and retaining listener support.
From: SS
Subject: save KPFA
Dear Ms. Englehardt,
I am writing because once again the valuable programming of KPFA is on the line. I urge you to work to ensure that these voices are not silenced. We need these alternative voices more than ever as mainstream media becomes more and more corporatized.
Thanks for your attention.
From: Nancy M. Friedman
Subject: I support the Sustainable KPFA budget
Dear Ms. Englehardt:
I have studied the document written by SaveKPFA members, outlining ways to make budget cuts that will not kill the station itself, and am in full support of it. I urge your to expedite the adoption of this budget, which will minimize layoffs, and to fully consult with listeners and staff before making drastic changes.
Sincerely, Nancy M. Friedman
From: June Brumer
Subject: KPFA cuts
I have been a member and supporter of KPFA since 1953, and want to register my anger and dismay at the destructive Board proposals to cut staff and important news and information programming. I do not see the need to spend almost $1 million for Pacifica, when KPFA raises enough money to pay for our local programming. Have you considered the revolutionary concept of first cutting the Pacifica budget? When I have visited NY and DC I have tuned in to their Pacifica stations, and find them almost impossible to listen to. We don’t need KPFA to go the same way, and maybe we don’t need the bloated bureaucracy of the Pacifica Board.
From: ER
Subject: Save KPFA!
Dear Arlene,
Please stop the destruction of KPFA, minimize layoffs, and consult with the listeners and staff before making any drastic changes.
We need public radio to continue and KPFA is one of the best!
From: TW
Subject: KPFA budget solutions and layoffs
Dear Arlene,
It is incumbent upon the leadership to consider the best solutions that has the greatest net gain. Layoffs of key personnel with the best listening audience is imprudent and reflects a self-sabotage stance. KPFA must support its staff, its audience and keep a healthy respect for the community it serves. It should not serve the bureaucracy of national staff. That is not sustainable and will expedite the death of public radio.Accept the proposed budget of the KPFA staff and save a necessary media voice in the cacophony of entertainment news.
From: EP
Subject: SAVE KPFA
Please do not do anything drastic about KPFA without thorough consultation with staff and listeners. These changes affect many people who need KPFA as a lifeline of information. Consider the alternatives that have been proposed.
Thank you
From: Karl Beitel
Subject: Save KPFA
This is to indicate my support for the efforts of SaveKPFA to preserve KPFA’s status as a community radio institution, and to urge Pacifica to discuss the proposals of SaveKPFA to preserve existing programing, including the Morning Show, Against the Grain, and the Evening News.
From: KF
Subject: Save KPFA
Dear Ms. Englehardt,
Anyone involved in the nonprofit world knows the challenges of fundraising in this economy. It is also at times such as these, when alternative radio voices are in peril due to this funding crisis, that support for these voices is most critical.
KPFA has played a major role in the Bay Area community through airing voices that do not follow the mainstream line, that offer perspectives and solutions that come from a social analysis of the situation rather than a desire to dominate it. Before the Iraq war, KPFA was the only station airing commentary pointing to the lack of proof for invasion and the inevitability of a protracted war rather than the brief engagement Bush promised. Experts from the region as well as those who studied it for years talked about the historical impossibility of resolving centuries old tribal conflict through this war. These were opinions based on knowledge of the cultural beliefs, history and actions of the Iraqis rather than a military strategy based solely on a knowledge of weaponry rather than people. A couple of years into the war, these same opinions started showing up on NPR, then finally, national news.
KPFA is at the forefront of change. The voices expressed on KPFA are not always heeded in the beginning, and their expression is essential to maintaining our democracy. I urge you to work with the KPFA local board, to reconsider their budgetary proposals, to find a way to support rather than destroy this vital national resource.
From: RP (artist) & Family
Subject: Save KPFA YES! Suicide NO!
We support the fiscal measures proposed by the Save KPFA slate. Obviously by the recent Save KPFA electoral majority, a majority of others in our KPFA voting community concur. It is beyond stupidity to cut the most popular shows unless this wrongheaded wigbubble is a form of willful suicide. Suicide is a thing best done alone. We and a majority of the voters in the most recent KPFA election will not be joining you. We pass on your (un) Cool Aid!
RP (artist) & Family
From: LD
Subject: the proposed cuts
I do not favor the proposed cuts. They seem ill-advised.
From: Lewis Ellingham
Subject: internal staff reductions
Stop the destruction of KPFA, minimize layoffs, and fully consult with listeners and staff before making drastic changes to staffing. I go back to the beginnings of this station after the War and community centeredness has always marked this station’s life, not otherwise. Money is never easy with such groups, but a rooted, local way to resolve them is the only way ever making sense.
From: EL
Subject: saving KPFA
As a long time listener, supporter and volunteer, I sincerely ask you to use your authority to stop the destruction of KPFA, to minimize layoffs, and to fully consult with listeners and staff before making drastic changes.
Thank you for your time and attention to this important matter.
From: DW
Subject: KPFA Budget
Please accept the Sustainable KPFA Budget, minimize layoffs, and fully consult with listeners and staff before making drastic changes.
From: Francesca Rosa
Subject: Keeping KPFA viable
Dear Ms. Englehardt,
As a long time pledging listener and an active union member I am very concerned about possible impending cuts to KPFA, and to programming. KPFA staff have proposed a number of alternatives to staff cuts, that if implemented, could help prevent this from happening, or at least soften the blow.
Many of us in the Bay Area want KPFA managers, union members and other programmers to be calling the shots, not the Pacifica Board. I recently pledged, but have been holding off sending in payment until I’ve heard what Pacifica is planning to do.
As an active union member and San Francisco Labor Council Delegate, I am proud to say that the San Francisco Labor Council UNANIMOUSLY endorsed a resolution in support of the KPFA union staff tonight. I understand that times are very tough, pledges are down and we are in a miserable economy, but I do not understand union busting.
Francesca Rosa
SEIU 1021 member delegate to the San Francisco Labor Council (for ID purposes only)
From: KT
Subject: Protest proposed cuts
Dear Ms. Englehardt, I’m a long time KPFA listener, and I pay $20 every month. The programs I listen to every day are the Morning Show, Against the Grain and the Evening News. I love the paid staff – especially Brian Edwards Tiekert, Sasha Lilley and Aimee Alison. If they are laid off, I will cancel my subscription and no longer listen to KPFA. I know many people who feel as I do. Thank you for listening.
From: SR
Subject: stop destructive cuts to KPFA
Arlene Englehardt,
I urge you to stop these destructive cuts to KPFA; minimize layoffs and to fully consult with staff and listeners before making drastic changes. As listener, and member I would hate to see the demise of free speech radio hour news.
From: LE
Subject: No to KPFA Cuts!
I will double my contribution if this makes a tiny difference. KPFA is the most unique independent progressive voice we have on the airwaves. It has been my “most loyal companion” and one of my “most enlightened teachers” since 1970! I am sure this is true for THOUSANDS of dedicated community members. PLEASE find a more creative solution! We need KPFA now more than ever with the current political climate.
From: Sharon Maldonado
Subject: KPFA budget and free speech
Cut Pacifica salaries to be more in line with those at the stations. Adopt the sustainable budget. Do not cut the very shows which are fundraising heroes.
I’m sorry to say it, but your current actions are infuriating.
From: Phoebe Ackley
Subject: SAVE KPFA!
Dear Ms. Englehardt,
Your job must be difficult right now, making cuts cannot be too many people’s favorite tasks. Instead please consider the ideas proposed by those who have the most to lose and by the loss the entire community would suffer to those cuts as now proposed. The staff and union have worked hard to come up with a plan that will save the jobs of those important programmers, and allow the station to weather this storm. KPFA is an institution of national standing not just the Berkeley station. It is an ideal that has persisted for over 6 decades; and we will not stop now. Thank you for making the historically correct decision.
From: JB
Subject: Cuts
I have not been a loyal listener and subscriber to KPFA for the past 30 years to have you ruin the station with unnecessary, shameful budget cuts. There are other–less harmful, sustainable ways to balance the budget. You obviously don’t care about the station. Shame on you!!!
Proposed Cuts to KPFA Paid Staff
by ASK
I have been a listener-sponsor of KPFA for roughly six years now. Recently, I learned of the drastic cuts looming at KPFA for some of the most thoughtful, intelligent and in-depth programming on ANY radio dial. More specifically, I am referring to Against the Grain, The Morning Show and the Evening News. Coupled with the fact that the programmers of these shows also happen raise some of the highest amounts of money during fund drives in turn begs the question: Why are these individual programmers slated for dismissal? By logical extension, dismissing these same programmers would result in further revenue decreases for KPFA, driving the station into the ground – in essence a vicious circle.
I was present at the last KPFA Local Station Board (LSB) meeting in Berkeley, CA on Saturday, October 16 of this year. Aside from being thoroughly appalled by the rancor and discord within the LSB, I was stunned to learn that three LSB members -Tracy Rosenberg, Joe Wanzala and Shahram Aghamir- are part of a larger national-level effort to remove the above-mentioned programmers (and hence their programs) at KPFA as part of a political purge, using the downturn in income as an excuse –the same programmers that bring in some of the highest revenue during the fund drives. How much has Rosenberg, Wanzala and Aghamir raised as members of the LSB, a responsibility inherent in the position? Their answer to the current crisis is a plan of austerity with positive feedback that will lead to further cuts in the near future.
But there’s more. As recent as Friday (10/22/2010), I learned that the PNB-proposed cuts have increased from 4.6 full-time PAID equivalencies to 8, which amounts to the loss of up to 16 jobs. The outcome of such cuts is a KPFA that had a core of paid, professional programmers and staff to one mostly consisting of volunteers. As a listener-sponsor, I fully appreciate the important and lasting contributions volunteers make to KPFA (some of my favorite programmers are volunteers), but there are several issues at stake here. First: volunteers cannot (and are not expected to) create the kind of in-depth and professional work that paid programmers do since they are not given necessary resources in the form of a paycheck. Second: volunteer programmers are not accountable to listeners-sponsors since their paycheck is not at stake; the epitome of this last point is the PNB itself, who feel it is their right to use Pacifica’s precious and limited resources in ways that benefit them for their unpaid time (the current political hit list is a perfect example). Third: there is a high correlation between elitism/silo-ism and volunteers; KPFA could become a station that caters to the whims of those who can afford the time to volunteer with, again, none of the accountability that comes with a paycheck –especially now, when the Programming Board is so dysfunctional.
So the current state of things is a 1999 redux, but with a twist: by politically purging some of the most successful programmers at KPFA, the PNB could very well use the resulting fall in revenue as an excuse to sell the station, just as it tried to do in 1999. I predict that within one year, KPFA will be for sale. And once KPFA, the Pacifica flagship is sold off, which station falls next? Therefore, we have to ask ourselves: who are the three LSB members who are working with those at the PNB to push through this austerity plan? Do they have the best intentions for the KPFA in particular and Pacifica in general?
Perhaps it’s best to give them the benefit of the doubt and focus on the more pressing issue of how to sustain this network till economic conditions improve. The answer is called the Sustainable Budget: a series of compromises between union members of KPFA and management, and revisions to the relationship between KPFA and Pacifica that would not only preserve jobs at KPFA (and hence ensure its survival); it is a clean, elegant and fair solution to the current crisis and is available online for review. Were there no other solution to the current crisis the proposed cuts are understandable, but to ignore the available solution is nothing short of reckless.
From: Carol Cross
Subject: Proposed Budget cuts
KPFA is a life-line to those of us who know better than to trust the mainstream news programs. Please do not cut The Morning Show, Against the Grain, or the KPFA Evening News. They play a vital role in keeping the SF Bay Area the progressive place that it is.
Carol Cross, member listener
From: Martin Gross
Subject: Please do not destroy KPFA
Please re-think the draconian cuts you’re planning for KPFA.
We need our programming to stay intact.
We need KPFA not to be eviscerated.
Martin Gross
From: Nancy Endicott
Subject: layoffs
Dear Ms. Englehardt,
I am a long time listener and financial supporter of KPFA. I am shocked and dismayed to learn of possible layoffs of important staff, and cancellation of key programming like The Morning Show.
The Morning Show, the News, Flashpoints, and Democracy Now, to name a few, are the heart and soul of KPFA. If any of these programs are cut, I will have to withdraw my financial support. Why would you even consider pulling main programs like this?
Please make cuts as far away from programming as possible.
Nancy Endicott
From: CS
Subject: Do Not cut Local programming or staff
Dear Ms. Englehardt:
As a long time listener and supporter of KPFA, I strongly urge you to accept the budget proposal submitted by KPFA staff and current as well as incoming board members.
I am a regular listener of The Morning Show, Letters to Washington, and Flashpoints – locally produced shows which turn a light on local, national and international news and currents. Without this programming, I would be at a loss. I understand it is Pacifica’s intent to cut back on these programs. I can not imagine a bigger mistake.
From: Bob Bryzman
Subject: KPFA cutback
As a KPFA listener member, I have contributed to KPFA to support continued funding of news and public affairs programming. I add my voice to those opposing proposed cutbacks and layoffs that will undermine KPFA’s ability to continue to provide a unique progressive voice.
From: KAK
Subject: Save KPFA
I am a listener and financial supporter of KPFA. The budgetary plan that the union and staff put forth is a good one.
We cannot afford to have this station’s programming cut in three of the most important programs on the air. Nor can we afford to lose the staff of those programs whose fund raising for the station brings in essential dollars.
Preserve this precious and needed media resource.
Berkeley, California
From: Jeanne Furstoss
Subject: Save KPFA
The public have a daily struggle to get news that is not filtered by corporate media.
KPFA is essential as an element of our democratic free speech. It is the only news channel I trust.
Please, save all current KPFA jobs and services. Thank you.
From: JA
Subject: budget cuts
I urge Pacifica not to make the drastic cuts to KPFA programming and instead to cut where recommended by KPFA local station board. I am a long time listener who is not allied with any faction and is not familiar with what appears to be unproductive internal fighting. But generally speaking, cuts should be made at administrative levels before cutting program staff.
From: SN
Subject: Proposed Cuts
KPFA is my major source of news and information. I don’t bother with the mainstream press, and I don’t have a working TV. Hearing truthful news, and hearing interviews and discussions on the morning show are enormously important to me. Equally important are other programs I listen to throughout the week. It is CRUCIAL that KPFA continue these programs.
By the way, who hired Arlene Englehardt, and what is she paid, and how does she plan to fill those time slots, and what is her relationship with Rupert Murdoch? Why is the National Pacifica staff trying to suck the lifeblood out of a vital institution, while fattening their own salaries?
From: JB
Subject: KPFA
Keep this station on the air!
From: LP
Subject: Stop the destruction of KPFA!
The staff and board of KPFA have put forth a sustainable budget proposal that would insure the continuation of the station with the high level of programming it has maintained for years, the reason it is treasured by listeners and its donor/supporter base. PLEASE DO NOT gut this station with your budget cuts! The station has raised enough money for its own expenses. It’s high time Pacifica looks at its own expenses as a place to cut back, all the more so in these hard economic times. I want my contributions to KPFA going to quality programming and staff, and not for a bloated parent organization.
From: Phyllis Willett
Subject: KPFA’s continued existence
As someone who has been listening to KPFA since my arrival in California in 1963 and to WBAI before that, I want to urge in the strongest possible terms that decisions about what happens at the station be made in an open and inclusive manner; that the staff’s opinions be heard and given utmost consideration. This is not sandbox play. The implications are of extraordinary importance. I add my voice to those who have already spoken so eloquently in favor of preserving jobs; broadening the listening audience; building from the strengths that the station has.
From: RKC
Subject: Save KPFA
Please do not cut the programs we value. KPFA is a national treasure, one of the only media opportunities for getting local, national & global news & analysis that doesn’t get covered anywhere else on the radio or TV dials. I am a very long time Pacifica/KPFA listener/supporter. I contribute regularly during fund drives, even though I am a relatively low income senior. The Morning Show, Democracy Now, Letters from Washington, Daily News are vital to the Progressive Community in the Bay Area & around the world.
From: Judy Reynolds
Subject: Save KPFA
I am a supporter of alternative media such as KPFA which often provides information and viewpoints not available elsewhere. I hope the proposed damaging cuts to KPFA funding are rescinded.
From: Dr. G. William Walster, Ph. D.
Subject: Save KPFA
KPFA is a treasure. Don’t do anything to hurt it.
From: Albert Sargis
Subject: Program cuts
Don’t mess with my Morning Show, Against the Grain and Evening News. They are the 3 weekday anchors that keep me listening to KPFA. Lose them and you will lose a lot of funding from otherwise devoted listeners.
From: Priya Hemenway
Subject: KPFA programming
Dear Arlene Englehardt,
I am a KPFA listener and supporter. I am writing to let you know that KPFA is very important to me, and that I would feel tremendously disheartened if you insist on cutting those parts of programming that deal with news. News and interesting discussions are what I turn to KPFA for. I learn so much from listening to KPFA that is not easily available from other sources. Please do not cut programming. Thank you, Priya Hemenway
From: Judy Nakadegawa
Subject: KPFA- better than ever.
Please preserve KPFA. Our family has supported KPFA from the start. We had the “subscriber” radio; our name is inscribed on the building’s donor wall; our membership has been continuous. Please don’t destroy the most informative station in the country.
Judy Nakadegawa
From: Susan Moon
Subject: KPFA programming
Please pay attention to what KPFA listeners and staff want for the station. Please be in dialogue with the union.
I’m a Berkeley writer, Buddhist teacher, long-time KPFA listener and supporter. I’m shocked by Pacifica’s proposed budget and staff cuts. The morning show, Against the Grain, and the Evening News are important to us. I have been listening to KPFA for 41 years, and supporting it all that time with regular donations, but if local staff and local programming are destroyed, I will not longer feel like it’s my community radio station.
From: Emily Hoyer
Subject: Preserve the quality of Pacifica’s flagship station
As a supporter of KPFA and Pacifica for almost twenty years, I am dismayed to hear that some of KPFA’s best staff and most popular programs are targeted for budget cuts.
Quality programming should be the top priority of any radio station or network, and cutting the most popular programs should be a last resort.
Having reviewed the Sustainable KPFA Budget proposed by Save KPFA, I see that other options are available. Please honor your responsibility and act in the best interests of KPFA and the network.
Emily Hoyer
San Francisco CA
From: Kate Coleman
Subject: Save KPFA
I am a member, a writer/journalist and long-time Berkeley resident. I oppose the proposed draconian cuts and want to see KPFA grow, expand and cover the important events, issues and cultural happenings of this thriving community
Kate Coleman
From: SFF
Subject: bad juju for you!
I’m a listener to KPLU in the great Pacific NW. Issaquah,WA. to be exact. I’m pretty sure Cap’n Tripps is frowning as we speak. I’ll spread the word to my brothers and sisters up here in the land of rain. We will offer our support in any way we can…LET THE LISTENERS DECIDE. Don’t you do it…don’t you break my heart.
From: Craig Reinarman
Subject: cuts at KPFA
As a long time listener, I oppose your plan to make drastic cuts, including layoffs of key broadcasters, in the KPFA budget.
Please listen to the workers who know both the job and the audience best.
Craig Reinarman
Professor and Chair of Sociology, UC Santa Cruz
From: Jack Radey
Subject: Cuts at KPFA
Dear Arlene,
Look, we finance KPFA, with our hard earned dollars. We elect a Local Station Board to hire a management to run the station. Management, the LSB, and the union are all in agreement, they have worked out a budget that the station can live with. We have had experience with the Pacifica Board stepping in to try to fuck up KPFA. Not that long ago. Remember what happened that time? It could happen again. Leave KPFA alone, its doing fine without your interference.
I have been a KPFA listener since 1964. I understand what is going on, and I understand you would rather someone else won the elections. Too bad for you. Back off.
From: AC
Subject: Don’t cut the shows I listen to
I hope these are all rumors. I have contributed at least $100 or more for the past few years and I hate to see the shows that I listen to the most cut. (Morning Show, Against the Grain and Evening News). I have donated to all these shows before.
Please with the Union and employees and adopt a more reasonable budget. Otherwise, I don’t see too many reason to continue to support you.
PS: I already directly support DemocracyNow! and FAIR. I listen to them online and could find other POD casts.
From: Mahin H. Charles
Subject: Save KPFA
You cannot let the only valuable free speech radio be taken over by the hidden hands of right-wing group. I know and you know there is always a way to save what we like if we really want to do it.
From: Lari Mussatti
The solution worked out by KPFA workers deserve your support . Please make their plan yours! I’m a 40-year subscriber and support the union ‘s solution to the present financial crises.
Sincerely, Lari Mussatti, 40-year listener/subscriber
From: KAM M-G
Subject: KPFA Berkeley
I am a long time listener and support KPFA with sizable donations. I do not support using layoffs of our local personnel to make up the deficits. Please issue a detailed plan for making up the shortfall, before doing anything, and respond to the plan proposed by the SaveKPFA group of dedicated board members. We are not corporate radio; that’s why I subscribe.
From: Ruth Minka
Subject: proposed budget cuts at KPFA
Your plan for saving money at KPFA threatens the viability and integrity of our station. Please reconsider your plan and work with SAVE KPFA to achieve a more equitable plan and serve as an example of leadership and strength and commitment to the mission of KPFA. thank you.
From: RG
Subject: KPFA
I don’t understand the relationship between KPFA and the Eastern bureaucracy. Why can’t KPFA handle its own affairs and finances without having to support the administration and the other stations? Didn’t we start all this and support ourselves for a long time before this other stuff happened?
From: Bonnie Hughes
Subject: Save KPFA
As a subscriber to KPFA for 25 years, in order to maintain the independence and quality of the only progressive radio station in the Bay Area, I support the efforts of the workers to abide by their contract.
From: CB
Subject: Stop the draconian budget cuts to KPFA
Dear National Board,
KPFA is the flagship of the National Pacifica radio network. Please don’t cut the favorite programs like the evening news. No one else does this kind of programming! Also, why isn’t Pacifica paying rent to KPFA? Taking it for granted while trying to cripple it with killing these favorite programs. I subscribe when I can. I have listened to KPFA for many years and hope to be able to keep listening to programs I enjoy. KPFA saved itself before because of community support. Remember it has a large base – Pacifica did not come out of nowhere – remember the value of KPFA!
From: Dr. Laura Fantone
Subject: KPFA budget
The proposed cuts to KPFA budget threaten the radio to a point that I fear for the future. I urge you to try to keep the best programs and their staff members in their current status.
Morning Show and Against the Grain are fundamental for KPFA, as respected source of reliable information and valuable connection with the UC community.
From: Clymela Box
Subject: Keep KPFA alive
I have been listening and supporting (when possible as single parent) KPFA for over forty years. KPFA is my lifeline and this is even truer now that the commercial media have to a source been bought out by right wing interests.
I refer people from all over via the internet to KPFA for clarity and understanding of national issues.
KPFA must go on!! Without this Light we may very well be endangered beyond all hope-there is nowhere else to turn. NPR is considered the best news source OMG!!(as the kids say). We must have KPFA for life to continue as we have known it. I do not fear poverty nor even these days old age but I FEAR daily life without KPFA.
From: Craig O’Hara
Subject: Save KPFA
Ms. Englehardt,
KPFA’s listeners pledge their money to support programming and staff, not a bloated Pacifica bureaucracy. KPFA listeners won’t allow the destruction of the station’s programming! Please do not consider cutting the programs that matter to listeners.
Thanks you,
Craig O’Hara
From: PK
Subject: Keep KPFA going!
Dear Arlene
I was disheartened to hear about the proposed layoffs of the esteemed station and I must voice my concern regarding cuts that would essentially gut the unique and innovative voice of KPFA.
KPFA must continue to speak for and from concerned citizens who wish to be informed with quality programming.
Kind regards,
From: CB
Subject: KPFA
Please!! Listen to us! We depend on KPFA. We know that some of your Pacifica stations are an embarrassment such as WBAI but KPFA has retained all the light and power of the progressive movement. Daily the wonderful people of KPFA bring into my consciousness new knowledge and understanding.
I am wondering if times are so hard why you would start pruning at the top and why you are resisting the ideas of the KPFA staff and union. to better utilize scarce resources. I can’t help but wonder if you are not part of the movement to silence all progressive communication in this society.
From: Teresa Baum
Subject: Survival of KPFA
I am a listener/sponsor/artist for whom the survival of KPFA is crucial. In the build-up to the invasion of Iraq, it was the ONLY medium that presented a rational critique.
KPFA is essential to the progressive community of the Bay Area.
From: Melanie Cole
Please do whatever you can to preserve that programming and staff of the station. It is a valuable community resource and I would hate to see it lose that quality.
Thank you,
Melanie Cole
From: ES
Subject: KPFA
Please stop the destruction of KPFA, to minimize layoffs, and to fully consult with listeners and staff before making drastic changes.
From: KP
Subject: maintaining the high quality of KPFA
Dear Ms. Englehardt,
As a listener who appreciates KPFA and knows its unique, informative and important programming should not be changed or diminished, I ask that it not be destroyed, that layoffs are minimized, and that you fully consult with listeners and staff before making
drastic changes.
From: Gael Kanievsky
Subject: KPFA funding
The only reason I listen to KPFA is for Democracy Now (which obviously is popular enough now for you to leave alone) and Against the Grain. I am much saddened and angry that your bloated management can’t figure out a way to keep the shows your listeners tune in for and cut down on everything else. This is not acceptable.
From: Ersyla Nellajoy
Subject: Save KPFA again
Thank you for working to save KPFA’s current programing and staff.
Ersyla Nellajoy, First Voice alumni
From: Jay and Mayme Hubert
Subject: We endorse KPFA
We endorse KPFA.
listener activists — CDP Progressive Caucus
From: MHC
Subject: Save KPFA
I know and you know there is always a way to save what we like if we really want to do it.
From: SW
Subject: Save KPFA workers’ jobs
Please do not cut jobs at KPFA. We like our programmers. There must be another way to raise money. Maybe see if any workers wish to cut hours a bit. Fund raising parties. (Used to attend those in the early 60’s.)
From: Suzanne Ristagno, activist-KPFA member
Subject: layoffs-show destructions
Please do not go forward with these damaging budget cuts, layoffs, and destruction of some of our finest shows on KPFA. Keep in mind the air waves of KPFA Free Speech Radio is there by member support. We can’t afford these changes to our station!!!
From: Dolores S. Taller
Subject: Urge you preserve KPFA
As long time KPFA supporter/listener I urge you to minimize layoffs, and keep key KPFA programming such as the Morning Show etc. We want a strong KPFA. If cuts are needed, work with the KPFA Board/staff to identify reductions; and include cuts in Pacifica’s budget which impact on KPFA’s budget.
Very truly yours,
Dolores Taller
From: GED
Subject: Save KPFA
We must keep KPFA vital and alive. There is simply no alternative.
From: Robin Goodfellow
Subject: KPFA
I don’t understand the relationship between KPFA and the Eastern
bureaucracy. Why can’t KPFA handle it’s own affairs and finances
without having to support the administration and the other
stations? Didn’t we start all this and support ourselves for a
long time before this other stuff happened?
From: Dawn Delmonte
Subject: I endorse Save KPFA
I endorse Save KPFA’s current recommendations to the Pacifica Board.
From: Mark Gorney
Subject: KPFA
Dear Arlene:
I’m sure you’re getting a lot of emails about KPFA – here is another.
I have heard there is a plan from Pacifica to lay off many of the station’s core staff, while ignoring more progressive solutions to a budget shortfall, which could decimate programming.
Please know, Arlene, that KPFA’s listeners pledge their money to support programming and staff and not Pacifica’s bureaucracy. KPFA listeners won’t allow the destruction of the station’s programming.
From: MJ
Subject: Protect KPFA’s valuable programs
The cuts in major programs and staff at KPFA are not acceptable. Please be sensible, and accept the proposed budget from KPFA staff that will not gut the important shows – such as KPFA News, Against the Grain that are so important to listeners.
From: JS
No cuts, please. Let us do our job.
From: Terry Sendgraff
I am a listener and donor to KPFA and endorse it WHOLEHEARTEDLY. I’m speaking out against proposed damaging cuts to KPFA.
From: ER
Subject: staff layoffs
I strongly urge you to reconsider the dismissal of staff members. Yes, times are tough right now and that is all the more reason why KPFA needs its staff so they can continue to give us the coverage we need.
Before there are any cutbacks please consult with staff and members so the most equitable solution can be found to resolve our financial problems.
From: Marianne Robinson
Subject: KPFA is a unique station that cannot survive on staff and programming cuts
In these tough times when so much is omitted and/or serving the interests of the corporations and right-wing pundits, we need KPFA’s dedicated coverage of the issues we all need to make informed decisions in our daily lives. As a 30-year listener/sponsor (both WBAI and KPFA) I oppose any cuts of programs and staff I listen to daily.
From: Hali D. Hammer
Subject: Save KPFA endorsement
I am a long-time member of KPFA. Please send the message to the Pacifica Board that we do not want the heart cut out of our programming. I am a Berkeley teacher, musician, and activist.
From: DB
Subject: Support for KFPA Staff
I’ve had the distinct pleasure of listening to KFPA radio when visiting the Bay area and it’s always so comfortable visiting a city that follows the outstanding programming guidelines established by other Pacifica/NPR stations.
I know budgets are stretched nearly to their breaking point at the station, as well as across the country, but the truth of the matter is that listeners probably depend greatly on the current programming and I encourage you to do what needs to be done to continue this excellent standard.
Washington, DC
From: WO
Subject: KPFA’s future
I pledge my money to support programming and staff, not a bloated Pacifica bureaucracy.
From: JG
Subject: KPFA budget
I am a long-time listener/supporter of KPFA. The station has faced many crises in its past–but the one you are now making is the second worst.
Hard decisions must be made in this time of severe economic constraints. I urge you to follow the budgetary suggestions of the local KPFA staff and board to keep the station in the best possible shape through these hard times.
I can tell you clearly that if you go through with your plan, I will no longer donate to the station. I see no point in sending money which I don’t have much of to support a bloated national board which has done its best to destroy the station I care about.
From: Elaine Miller
Subject: Save KPFA
Dear Arlene Englehardt – Please stop the destruction of KPFA, minimize layoffs, and fully consult with listeners and staff before making drastic changes. A concerned listener.
From: Kathy Lipscomb
Subject: proposed budget cuts, KPFA
Dear Ms. Englehardt,
I implore you not to make the drastic budget cuts to the Bay Area’s beloved KPFA. It would be unconscionable to destroy the Morning Show, Against the Grain and the exceptional Evening News. The SaveKPFA slate has in good faith submitted a budget plan to you that would not decimate these popular programs. Please let’s go forward in peace, not make these terrible cuts which will deeply anger people, and continue the important work of Pacifica. Thanks for listening. Solidarity, KL, SF, CA
From: MR
Subject: Cuts to KPFA staff and programs
The programs and staff you and the National Board are proposing to eliminate are the very ones I listen to daily for information unavailable on other stations or media.
In the name of listener-sponsored radio, I urge you not to cut these programs and staff who are doing an invaluable job.
From: CB
Subject: Cuts in Programming
I work as an attorney in San Francisco and am a long-time supporter of KPFA (from the late ‘70s). I believe that cutting the morning show and the evening news is a huge mistake although I would welcome hearing Amy Goodman at 8:AM instead of 9:00 AM when I am already at the office. Without KPFA news I am resigned to listen to NPR only which many of us have noticed is swinging hard to the right and now has what I consider to be advertisements. The staff at KPFA – particularly Aileen Alfandary do a great job.
From: PPM
Subject: Save KPFA!
Accept the sustainable KPFA budget. Their proposals are common sense.
From: Cal Winslow
Subject: Save KPFA
I oppose cutting unionized staff at KPFA.
From: Richard Walker
Subject: Has Pacifica gone mad?
Are you really threatening to cut the best shows on KPFA? (Against the Grain, the Morning Show, the Evening News). This is madness. Who do you think listens to KPFA and donates (as I have for the last 30 odd years)? If you were doing a better job of managing Pacifica’s OTHER stations, you wouldn’t be worrying about KPFA. Unbelievable nonsense.
From: EN
Subject: SAVE KPFA
To Arlene Englehardt, I’m writing to strongly recommend that you stop the destruction of KPFA, to minimize layoffs, and to fully consult with listeners and staff before making drastic changes.
The Morning Show, Against the Grain and the Evening News are vital pillars of the KPFA schedule. KPFA’s local board has come up with effective alternatives to the Pacifica proposed cuts.
From: Ruth Maguire
Subject: Saving KPFA
KPFA cannot afford further staff cuts and retain the programming important to its listeners. Please do nothing at the national office without discussion with our local Board. Cuts to staff and salaries are likely more feasible at Pacifica.
From: Cass Duggan
Subject: Wrongfully Motivated Layoffs of Staff
I hope that the following is not true:
“Among the programs that may be cut are the Morning Show, Against the Grain, and the KPFA Evening News. Most of the staff on these popular programs have signed statements critical of the national board’s policies. In the wake of a misdirected email that named these employees specifically for layoff, many believe they are now being targeted for speaking out.”
Employing those who disagree with your party line will enrich the station and keep you honest. Please do not fire all your critics, it will effectively kill what hope of free speech you have, and the media should be ABOUT free speech.
Thanks –
Cass Duggan
From: Carol Chandler
Subject: Why?
Why not agree to cut the Pacifica bureaucracy?
Is it the bottom line–like it always is? Why does the ONLY outlet to the truth now have to be on the chopping block? What is really going on here–GREED and STUPIDITY. I am asking you to go along with the progressive ideas to sustain these programs. We need the news and the very least the Morning Show. Nora Barrows Friedman’s firing was the last straw. And now? We deserve more than a few higher-ups getting theirs at the expense of Lew Hill’s vision.
From: Ernest Goitein
Subject: Another take over?
The cost sharing proposals that have been made seem perfectly reasonable.
• What is the objection to have payments stretched out over three years? Why demand that payment be made in one year?
• Why shouldn’t Pacifica National Board pay a reasonable rent for the facilities they use? The building and facilities were paid for by KPFA listeners.
• Why couldn’t the Board meetings be done by video telephone conferencing until the financial crisis is resolved?
* The Pacifica Board appears to act as though it is bent on the destruction of KPFA. We have been there before and we won’t allow this to happen. You must respect KPFA listeners/supporters and not act arbitrarily.
I sincerely hope that there can be transparent explanations why the fiscal questions raised above have not been adopted as yet.
There is an appearance of arrogance and the possibility of great harm to this venerable institution. It must not be allowed to happen.
Thank you for considering the points raised. I am looking forward to a public explanation that can be shared and further discussed.
From: Margy Wilkinson
Subject: layoffs at KPFA
Please show your respect for KPFA/Pacifica’s democratic procedures and have a discussion with staff (paid and unpaid) and listeners about finances BEFORE you make any decisions about layoffs and program changes. Anything less is reckless and shameful.
From: Beti
Subject: Save KPFA ! !
Dear KPFA Exec. Director, Arlene Englehardt:
Please stop the destruction of KPFA, please minimize layoffs, and please please please fully consult with listeners and staff before making drastic changes.
I personally endorse KPFA as a strong supporter here in Fresno, CA. I would like to add my name to your growing list of supporters who believe that KPFA is a community institution worth saving. I am an educator and researcher-writer and I use KPFA everyday not only for my own work but also to educate all ages of students (K-12 and adult) and I can tell you that KPFA is an essential tool in civic education, with few or no comparable institutions in the U.S. I also use KPFA as a required source when teaching research writing, multicultural education, and other classes. I plan to notify all of my friends and colleagues of the need to stop dismantling KPFA and to support it with their voices and their pocketbooks.
Thank you for your time and for doing the right thing!
A friend of KPFA
From: Stanley Poss
Subject: Financing plan for KPFA
I support the staff proposal to save money for the station as opposed to the national proposal to lay off staff.
From: BSW
Subject: budget solutions
My husband and I donate thousands of dollars yearly to KPFA. We have been listeners/supporters for over 20 years. We support the plan for a sustainable budget put forth by the KPFA union members. It makes sense to support, not cut, the most popular and revenue producing programs such as the Morning Show, Against the Grain, and the Evening News. We suggest that layoffs be avoided and cuts be as far from the programmers as possible; e.g. administrative cuts. Thank you for taking another look at the above proposals.
We would like to continue to support KPFA, and we would like the above KPFA programs be kept in place.
From: Eliot Kenin
Subject: KPFA budget
Use the budget proposed by the KPFA staff and endorsed by the local board. Keep KPFA alive and active as it’s been.
From: PK
Subject: KPFA Budget
Dear Ms. Englehardt,
I listened to you this a.m. on KPFA. I have deep concerns that you are taking an adversarial, rather than a cooperative approach to the station’s financial troubles. By refusing to pay rent on KPFA-owned space occupied by Pacifica staff, it is hard for a listener/supporter like myself to perceive any genuine goodwill or desire to resolve the very real financial issues in ways that minimize the impact on staff. As a long-time donor to KPFA, I can tell you that if you decide to cut such staff as Amy Allison and Brian Edwards-Tiekert, you will also cut much of your donor base, and that is hardly a successful strategy. I would much prefer that you and the CFO work with the staff to resolve this crisis, rather than dictate to them how you will deal with it. Top-down solutions are rarely successful, and never well-received.
Thank you,
From: John Hess
Subject: KPFA
Dear Arlene Englehardt, I have been a listener and contributor to KPFA since I arrived in California in the early 1970s. Please come to your senses and stop the destruction of KPFA, minimize layoffs, and fully consult with listeners and staff before making drastic changes. Best, John
From: ME
Subject: endorsement
I support worker and community efforts to save KPFA from budget cuts that will make staff bear the burden of keeping the station afloat when there are viable alternative, such as the Sustainable Budget proposed by staff members and supported by the Save KPFA slate.
ME, listener-supporter & labor antiwar activist
From: AS
Subject: Program cuts
Don’t mess with my Morning Show, Against the Grain and Evening News. They are the 3 weekday anchors that keep me listening to KPFA. Lose them and you will lose a lot of funding from otherwise devoted listeners.
From: Laura Aron
Subject: save KPFA
I think it’s terrific that the local staff drafted a sustainable budget so that KPFA can continue to provide high quality programming. You should reconsider their budget proposal.
I love listening to KPFA’s music programs and love the political bent of the station.
Save KPFA!
Sincerely, a listener
FOR MORE RECENT LETTERS, SEE LISTENER MAIL. If you’d like to add your voice with a letter to Pacifica/KPFA, please click here. We also welcome endorsements from all members of the KPFA community – listeners, staff, writers, artists, community and labor activists, etc. Please join us!