You can support SaveKPFA‘s work financially by mailing us a check (made out to SaveKPFA) to PO Box 3263, Berkeley CA 94703.

SaveKPFA is an independent organization that campaigns to strengthen KPFA through local control of the station’s resources, management and decision making, and to create accountability at Pacifica, the corporation that owns it. Donations made here support these activities — they do not directly benefit KPFA, and they are not tax deductible (we’re too small to file for 501(c)(3) nonprofit status). We use donations for things like printing campaign materials, paying for court filings, and maintaining this website.

We encourage everyone who cares about KPFA to give to the station AS WELL at — any donation in excess of $25 per year will earn you the right to vote in KPFA elections.

If you have any questions, please contact us.